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The Effect of Tattoos in the Workplace, Research Paper Example

Pages: 3

Words: 941

Research Paper

It is readily accepted that body art and tattoos are an accepted part of modern day culture.  Nevertheless,  you are also dealing with the perception of others.  Discrimination may not necessarily be open but it is a reality of life.  If you are applying for a job that requires a professional image e.g. A Bank, Professional Services firm etc, then, extreme body art may be disadvantageous to your success in the job interview.  This would be more compounded where it is highly visible i.e. face and arms.

” Tattoos which appear on the neck, hands, or face (regardless of their content) may be easier for employers to single out and disallow due to the historic and deep rooted meanings associated with these tattoo placements. It is generally believed that tattoos in these locations are indicative of such things as gang affiliation, a history of violent crime, or imprisonment. Even if the tattooed individual does not fall into one of these groups, the employer can reasonably argue that members of the community will infer that they are and that the company’s reputation will be damaged by being represented by these employees. ” (Darsow, 2008)

A recent article from a business graduate on his body art was most revealing ” I am a 25 year old with a business degree from a good school and am pretty sure I am being discriminated against when I apply for jobs. I know that I am good at interviews, but I never make it past the first one, and never get job offers.

I have even asked them why they weren’t interested in hiring me, and a couple companies had the gall to tell me it’s because of my body art. Lots of people my age are into tattoos and body piercings, and I think it’s unfair to judge me on that basis. It’s just a style thing. Maybe I don’t like their style!” (Putzier, 2009)

Companies can get around the legal concepts of discrimination by having clear policy statements built into their hiring conditions. Once such terms and conditions are entered into the Company policy manuals they can stand as legal grounds for prohibiting body piercing and tattoos. This can be for the purpose of protecting the Company image in the eyes of the public.  A number of legal cases have already been passed through the courts. ” An example that outlines the need for company policies is the Cloutier V. Costco.  In this case, a cashier for Costco got her eyebrow pierced and then Costco changed the policy about body piercings, according to Yoji Cole (2008).  She was told to cover the piercing with a band-aid, and refused, explaining that she was a member of the Church of Body Modification. Therefore, she accused Costco of religious discrimination.  The court sided with Costco, stating that their enforcement of their dress code was an acceptable practice.”  (njscbullock, 2008)

In July 2004 the San Diego police force in California stated that its’ police officers must cover up any body tattoes whilst in the work place.  The Police made this a legal condition and policy statement for the work place.  Another example was a junior account executive at a Public Relations firm ” Ms. Gamsby, a junior account executive at a public-relations firm in Upper Montclair, N.J., has seven tattoos, rings in her navel and eyebrow, and a metal bar in her tongue. They help identify her as quirky and don’t bother her current employer, although she’d expected they might be a problem.”It made me really sad to think that to get into corporate America I’d have to conform,” she says. “I was surprised and happy when I got this job and was accepted for who I am.” (Dotinger, 2004)

Another good example is to read a direct quote from a Recruitment Manager for a Corporate firm in the USA ” Darn right it does. If somebody comes in here looking for a job and they have tattoos that seem “anti-social” or “angry” they might as well not bother. Those tattoos were chosen for a reason and that reason indicates a less-than-ideal employee. If the tattoo screams “down with the man”, well, I AM the man. I am not talking about someone with a decorative tattoo or a small tattoo. I am talking about the morons who walk in here with crazy skulls and flames and such and expect me to let them represent my company. You can boast about how you don’t “play by the rules” all you want. Around here we are looking for people who can play by the rules and get along. So sorry.”  (Anon, 2007)

In summary it would seem that this is really a question of “common sense” on the part of the individual concerned.  If you are applying for a job on a construction site, then you are less likely to be impacted than if you were going for a Bank interview.  Companies can protect themselves by having clear policy directives and individuals have their freedom of choice.  At the end of the day the individual has to decide how to behave according to the circumstances.  If the job is of a conservative nature then the tattoo is best covered up.


Anon. (2007, July 31). Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 10 10, 2009, from Topix:

Darsow, D. A. (2008). Montana Body Art. Retrieved October 10, 2009, from Body Art and Employment:

Dotinger, R. (2004, September 13). Branded in the workplace. Retrieved 10 10, 2009, from Christian Science Monitor:

njscbullock. (2008, August). Tattoos and Body Piercings in the Work Place80. Retrieved 10 10, 2009, from Hub pages:

Putzier, J. (2009). Job Dig. Retrieved October 10, 2009, from Cover up the body art:!.html

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