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The Effects of Slavery on Human Perceptions and Thinking, Research Paper Example

Pages: 3

Words: 787

Research Paper


The paper describes the effects of slavery on human perceptions and thinking. The paper positions slavery as the major cause of changes in human attitudes to the world and reality. Based on the book The Song Yet Sung, slavery stands out as the major cause of indifference and violence, to which slaves must adjust in order to become free.


In the history of the American state, the topic of slavery occupies a special place. Slavery stands out as the example of the utmost cruelty and the violation of the basic rights, but still many people support slavery as an effective means of managing humans. A wealth of literature was written about slavery, its antecedents and consequences. Fiction often provides a unique insight into how slaves lived their lives and what they were eager to do to release themselves from the bonds of slavery. In McBride’s The Song Yet Sung, the character of Liz exemplifies a painful way to freedom, which all American slaves wanted to pass. Because every slave wants to be free, slavery results in human indifference and violence, to which runaway slaves must adjust and which they must tolerate, in order to reach the fifth point of destination – freedom.

Slavery is a combination of imprisonment, violence, individual striving for freedom, and constant dreams about the future. Slavery is about the violation of the basic individual rights. Slavery is always about the fear of abuse. Slavery represents a complex web of relationships, which supports runaway slaves on their way to freedom. It teaches people to convert their talents and skills into the means of exchange. Even dreams can be sold, and they become even more valuable when filled with premonitions and complex meanings about the future: “Don’t tell me ‘bout the cross every colored got to bear, she said. I want to know how you come to dreaming. […] I’d say you need the code more’s anybody here. – What is it, then? – It can’t be told. It got to be lived” (McBride, 2008, p. 8). That is why slavery leads to the development of the codes and communication signs, which only slaves can understand. The creation of the new social atmosphere, where slaves can share their ideals and fears without even saying a word, is another effect of slavery. Slavery makes slaves dream about their future. They interpret their dreams in ways, which will help them escape their imprisonment. Unfortunately, slavery often serves the direct cause of indifference, violence, and hatred.

That slavery is the direct source of violence, hatred, and indifference is obvious. In the hierarchical relationships between slaves and their masters, the latter often use this social advantage to pursue their narrow self-interests: “Be quiet, he grunted, and that was all, for quick as he had said it, she sat up in one motion placed her chained arms around his neck” (McBride, 2008, p. 14). Slaves cannot protect themselves from the pressure of their masters. They have to comply with the free people’s will. When trapped in the array of meanings and complexities, violence becomes the most effective response to the pain and sufferings that are inseparable from any slave’s daily routine. The hatred and indifference among slaves is another direct effect of slavery: those, who are lucky to escape, readily forget those who supported them on their way to the fifth point of destination – freedom. Those who escape are not willing to support those, who cannot do it for a reason. An almost abnormal desire to be free fuels intolerance toward those, who stand on the slaves’ way to freedom: “the giant Negro laid the old woman on the bank of the creek, turned around, gave Liz a long, angry look, then took off after others, his huge frame slowly sloshing across the creek” (McBride, 2008, p. 17). This hatred is particularly difficult to overcome when slaves do not plan an escape but have to follow the crowd. As a result, slavery is the direct cause of violence, hatred, and indifference between people. The striving to freedom turns everyone who stands on the slaves’ way into enemies. Slavery results in the development of complex relationships and meanings and distorts the reality, turning discrimination and self-interest into an acceptable form of living.


Slavery is the direct cause of violence, hatred, and indifference between people. Slavery results in the development of a complex web of relationships, which supports runaway slaves on their way to freedom. Simultaneously, those who were lucky to escape often forget those who helped them to find their way to the fifth point of destination – being free. Slavery distorts the reality to the extent, where discrimination and hatred become an acceptable form of living


McBride, J. (2008). Song yet sung. Riverhead Books.

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