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The French Revolution, Essay Example

Pages: 3

Words: 826


French Revolution refers to a strenuous period of drastic social and political changes, which occurred in France. It was a period where France as a country underwent social, political, and economic cataclysms. These changes resulted in an aggravated leadership of a long existent monarch. It all began in 1789 with a meeting of the generals of state in May took place. During the same year, there was a planned attack on Bastille. The royal family together with Louis suffered ejections from Versailles to Paris. A legislative council held several meetings grounded on curbing the storming unrest in the country. However, this was an unsuccessful venture. This legislative council was later replaced by the national convention through an allied army of Holland, Prussia, Australia, and Sardinia. The national convention took hold of and reclaimed the republic. What followed was the capture and execution of the king in 1793. Because of this, the revolutionary government went on war with Britain. This war is presumed to have started, reignited and was presumed to continue for several years.

After the execution of the president, there were several committees established as the committee of the revolutionary tribunal and safety to the public. In 1793, the reign of terror came into action. This followed a period of ruthless operations by the ruling splinter group. All these actions were objected to exterminate every probable enemy to the nation. It was a merciless action as enemies were exterminated irrespective of their age, sex and any other condition whether meritorious or awful. This lasted up to 1794. During this period of the red terror, several people were guillotined. For instance, about fourteen hundred people underwent this action in Paris alone. The national convention was later subsequently replaced by other parties as the directory and the consulate. What followed was the ushering in of Napoleon Bonaparte who took over in 1804.

The French revolution had a variance of significance in many nations of the world. It represented a crucial event that made history in the western world. It hammered the British governments in various perspectives as in the field of intellect, political life, and philosophical establishments. All these activities took place and formed the history of the nineteenth century being studied today. It had other notable significance that extended to the outside leaders as the English radicals. They perceived the French revolution as a fight for power between the superstitious and leaders of reason. It was a triumph for leaders of reason. What English leaders perceived was the return of humanity to a state that had been swayed away by a belief in perfection. Forces of liberals were also felt because they condemned the act based on actions against equity, fraternity, and liberty.

The French revolution also had its significance being responded to by other nations. Existing regimes in England had previously allied themselves to the leaders of reason as Locke and Newton. Publications were made and spread across Europe for people to read every reason for and against this revolution. It received enthusiastic reflections from other leaders of the world as George the third. According to Burke, the leaders who had participated in the genesis of this war had several hidden agendas. They wanted to start a conquest among themselves, which would later extent to the borders and cross to Europe. Moreover, this conquest had been planned to conquer the entire world, hence benefiting them. Responses to these connotations kept arising, hence raging the subconscious of the entire world to date. Parties in confute were the conservatives and the radicals (Carlyle 1857).

Sociological perceptions

The French revolution left a variance of legacies to many societies in the world. It left enormous amounts of attentions on history and development of human societies. The public together with scholars and academics benefit a lot from the study and exploration of the French revolution. Several human groups elicit varied perceptions and reflections on the French revolution. For instance, historians lean towards ideological perceptions of the revolution. However, this is contrary to the real development of revolution in the old France. According to Alexis de Tocqueville, social importance was a serious issue concerning the French revolution. The prosperous middle class had realized its importance and contributions to the present human society. According to Edmund Burke, the revolution emerged because of selfish intentions by the few individuals. They took advantage of the weaknesses portrayed by the masses and decided to benefit themselves by starting the conquest. Moreover, other thinkers had their thoughts narrowed to social exemplifications that could only benefit the society.

In conclusion, French revolution is one of the world’s memorable conquests that touch on socialism. Historically speaking, French revolution is perceived as a stepping-stone that marked an end to the old human era and ushered in the modern one. Democratic ideals emerged and spread throughout Europe. The Russian resolution benefited from the ordeals that oscillated around French revolution. Moreover, genesis of a modern society can be perceived as a replication of the French revolution.

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