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The Manifesto of the Communist Party, Research Paper Example

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Research Paper

Many people have been wondering how your concept and philosophy behind The Manifesto of the Communist Party apply or not apply to the life in the current U.S. I have noted with great concern that, the Manifesto that you wrote with Friedrich Engels in 1848 does not apply to life in the United States in 2014. To illustrate my point, it will be prudent to analyze the role of educational background in deciding the future and people who have a high education thus tend to be wealthy or get a high career. On the other hand, people who do not have educational background will struggle to get a job or promote job position. It is my observation that, the Manifesto gives a summarized account of theories postulated by you and Engel pertaining to the societal and political nature in the U S. Based on your propositions, the history of the contemporary society of that time translated to the history that was allied to class struggle. Your concept concerning the society was a transformation of the capitalist society that existed at that time to socialism and consequently to capitalism. How far has this objective been achieved in the contemporary society? It is also important to note that, the “Manifesto is currently associated with a significant degree of prose” due to its insightful presentation of the nature of contemporary society, its origin and the future. By bourgeoisie is meant the class of modern Capitalists, owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labor. Marx says that “By proletariat, the class of modern wage-laborers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labor power in order to live” (Marx, 2004, p.78).  The mainstream sociologists and economists continue to take advantage of the Manifesto in explanation of recurrent economic crisis, wars, and hunger that afflict a huge number of people on one hand, while on the other; some few people continue to flourish in overproduction. Was this the ultimate objective behind the manifesto? Therefore, it can be prudent to argue that, the Manifesto does not apply to life in the United States in 2014.

The proletariat and the bourgeoisie

The 21st century has been associated with changing dynamics in the value of power in the United States. The people with high education formed the wealthy class who continued to accumulate more wealth in terms of acquired properties and capital, while the less fortunate and lower class in the society have continued to experience the vagaries of stagnating earnings in terms of their wages. At the same time, the cost of living was on the rise as a result of escalating cost of goods and services. The have’s consequently continue to accumulate more wealth while the poor continue to be deprived  the resources hence becoming poorer because Locke  suggests that “that capitalism recognizes and protects”and this leads to a situation that “We have been ruled by men who live by illusions” (Locke, 2017, p. 40).  This leads to a dilemma whether you prophesized the effects of great depression in contemporary United States. What achievements have been made in bridging the socioeconomic gap between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat? The proletariat class represented the people in the working class while the bourgeoisie represented the capitalist class as a result of their high education. These were the most important classes in the society because they had the full control of the means of wealth creation as well as the forces of production.

The communist manifesto gives a clear account of the reason that the mode of production of the capitalist had to eradicate feudalism and gives a detailed outline of the process leading to globalization. The manifesto gives a detailed explanation of the worker who is seen to sink even deeper below any conditions that allow for his existence in his class. Employees persisted in the state of paupers with an overwhelming development of pauperism at a faster rate more than wealth and population. At this point, it is evident that bourgeoisie were declared unfit as the ruling class of the society. This is attributed to the habits of the bourgeoisie to make ordinary people live in poverty and slavery and wait to be fed by bourgeoisie. The society experienced a difficult time while living under the bourgeoisie thus making their existence to be incompatible with the society strategies we use when we interact with other people are made complex. The bourgeoisie manipulate situations to our own advantage. as Fisher says, “Different kinds of influence may be suited for different aims. In a high-tech R&D organization, for example, top leaders may have a great deal of hierarchical influence, but some of their employees may be stronger than them in scientific or technical authority and influence” (Fisher, 2008, p. 135). Although the world is seen to have opulent wealth, the contribution of the bourgeoisie is to make masses impoverished and this is a sufficient basis of condemning the capitalist system. The bourgeoisie contributes significantly to the anarchic system of market characterized by capitalism. You advocated for a socialist economy that is democratically planned and no fetters allied to the capitalist market are evident since this is the only way of matching production along with resources to the needs of the people in the society. Based on the manifesto, internal contradictions are evident in capitalism that makes a series of crisis to be experienced while the bourgeoisie are very smart to get over the crises. The bourgeoisie achieve this goal through conquering novel markets which are further consequential to highly destructive as well as extensive crises


It is therefore must submission that, the Manifesto was anticipated to be a global mass party with the objectives of overthrowing the capitalism for the benefit of the working class. However, it failed in prediction of future collapse in the workers parties’ leadership which culminated in to a betrayal of the struggles of the workers. This was then the pace setter to a situation of ideological confusion, division as well as decline in the spirit of the manifesto. The only industries that were nationalized included the non profitable ones to the capitalists. A mixed economy was however achieved that entailed some industries being run on profit basis with the capitalists dominating and some nationalized industries being privatized to benefit the capitalist.

Works cited

Fisher, Len. Rock, Paper, Scissors: Game Theory in Everyday Life. New York: Basic, 2008.

Locke, Edwin A. “What Is Capitalism? Some Comments on Kasser, Cohn, Kanner, and Ryan.” Psychological Inquiry 18.1 38-42, 2007.

Marx, Karl. Friedrich, Engels. “Manifesto of the Communist Party.” Manifesto of the Communist Party. Andy Blunden, 2004. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.<>.

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