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The West in Its Climb to Global Power Between 1750 and 1900, Essay Example

Pages: 3

Words: 739


Identify and discuss ANY THREE changes that advantaged the West in its climb to global power between 1750 and 1900.

The 18th and 19th centuries were a period of dramatic change for the Western world, as it experienced unprecedented growth in its economic and military power (Drucker, 2017). This “climb to global power” was enabled by several key changes that advantaged the West over other nations. The three main changes that contributed to this ascendance were advances in science and technology, improved economic systems, and the expansion of European colonialism. These factors enabled the West to gain greater political power and influence over other nations and regions. Also, the combination of these changes was essential in helping the West reach its current level of global dominance.

Advancements in Science and Technology

The first change that advantaged the West was advancing in science and technology. During this period, the Western world made significant progress in understanding nature through scientific investigation and experimentation. This new understanding enabled the West to create new and better technologies, such as steam engines and railroads, allowing them to conquer distances more quickly and efficiently than before (Holdren, 2008). Additionally, medical advances led to greater life expectancies, allowing for a larger population and greater economic potential. Finally, developments in weaponry gave the West an edge in its military campaigns. These technological advances allowed the West to gain greater political and economic power over other nations and regions. For example, Europe’s technological advances allowed it to dominate the seas and become a major player in international trade (Holdren, 2008). This, in turn, led to more wealth and resources for Europe, which helped fuel its rise as a global superpower. Additionally, advancements in weaponry gave European nations an advantage on the battlefield, allowing them to expand their empires at the expense of other peoples.

Improved Economic Systems

The second change that advantaged the West was improvements to economic systems. During the 18th and 19th centuries, Europe adopted a more laissez-faire economic policy approach, leading to greater innovation and growth (Holdren, 2008). This period also saw the emergence of large-scale industrialization, which allowed for the mass production of goods and services. This increased economic output helped fuel Europe’s rise to global power, enabling them to have a greater presence in international markets. Additionally, this period saw an increase in the use of credit and banking systems, which allowed Europe to finance its expansion and military campaigns. Finally, Europe benefited from its geographic position, as it could easily access new markets and resources. For instance, European nations could use their financial systems to invest in colonies, allowing them to gain control of new lands and resources (Holdren, 2008). Additionally, industrialization enabled Europe to produce more goods and services that it could sell in international markets. Finally, Europe’s geographic location allowed it access to ports worldwide, which made trade easier and thus helped fuel its growth.

Expansion of European Colonialism

The third change that advantaged the West was the expansion of European colonialism. During this period, Europe expanded its control over other parts of the globe through military campaigns and economic investments (Pyenson, 1982). This allowed them to access new resources and markets, which enabled them to acquire more wealth and power. Additionally, this expansion of European control led to the suppression of indigenous peoples, weakening their resistance and allowing for further colonization. This, in turn, helped Europe become a global superpower. For instance, the Spanish conquest of Latin America gave them access to gold and silver, which they then used to finance their economic and military growth (Pyenson, 1982). Similarly, the British East India Company gained control of vast portions of India, allowing them to dominate the area’s economy and politics. Finally, European nations also engaged in a “scramble for Africa” that allowed them to gain control over large parts of the continent. All of these actions helped the West gain greater control and power over other nations and regions.

Overall, between 1750 and 1900, the West was advantaged by several changes that allowed them to become a global superpower (Pyenson, 1982). These included improvements in technology, economic systems, and European colonialism. These changes enabled Europe to dominate international trade, finance its military campaigns, and gain control over new resources and markets. As a result, Europe became the dominant player in global affairs during this period.


Drucker, P. (2017). The age of discontinuity: Guidelines to our changing society. Routledge.

Holdren, J. P. (2008). Science and technology for sustainable well-being. Science319(5862), 424-434.

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