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Titanic, Research Paper Example

Pages: 3

Words: 800

Research Paper

Jack is the main character in this movie, which grossed hugely in the theatres. The success of the movie emanates from the romantic theme calibrated on the story of the famous and ‘unsinkable’ titanic. The characters of the movie combine the socio-economic difference between the voyagers and portray how barriers of class are rife among society. The most precious of possession is compassion and not material wealth or the distaste of cultural and social differences.

As a shipyard worker, Jack wins a ticked to board the titanic on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic. Hs excitement is portrayed from the onset owing to his fascination with sailing. Once on the board he comes face to face with the realities of the world duplicated on the ship. The economically disadvantaged voyagers are bundled into their own space in the ship with meager facilities while the top is amassing with the society bigwigs (Leong, 1998). As Jack traverses the expanse of the monstrous ship, he comes face to face with the vanity of the rich. Their conversation is full of gloat in spite of the fact that earthly fate converges to death.      

After bumping into Rose, Jack becomes consumed with a need to know her and befriend her. Rose is distraught since all is not well between her and her fiancé. After a couple of meetings, Jack gets an invitation to dine at the table with Rose and her parents, who are obviously prejudicial about his intentions with their daughter. As a down-to-earth young man, his charms win Rose over and soon, she is able to associate with him.

Jack is poor in the economic sense while Rose lacks the freedom to express her innermost feelings of adventure in the confines of the ship. However, Jack provides her with the type of adventure and carefree live she desires. His pictorial depiction enables her to understand how much he adores her. For the first time in her life, she is happy and elated to live another day. However, her happiness is cut short by the progression of events. The ship hits an iceberg and sustains heavy damage.

The damage leads to flooding inside the ship and it is clear for all to see that their fate is sealed. The facilities inside the ship were based on the postulation that the ship was unsinkable and thus the lifeboats are insufficiently few and cannot sufficiently be used by all the voyagers. As a result, people become irate and the struggle to stay alive by securing space in a lifeboat takes over. The pomp and show displayed by the rich prior to the flood is transformed to a fight for survival, duplicated by the paupers in the ship.

The inability to decide criteria for allocation of space into the lifeboats polarizes the people and contributes to the despicable outcome. However, Jack doesn’t relent in his quest to save himself and Rose and through his ample knowledge of the ship, he weaves through the compartments and floors and manages to reach the destination just before the ships starts the downwards journey to the bottom of the ocean.

Leong (1998) postulates that his decisions are laced with luck as he maneuvers his way through the menacing faces with Rose’s fiancé in hot pursuit. When the ship finally sinks, no one is beside Rose except for Jack who helps her onto a floating plank. Then the wait begins. The cold waters of the ocean sap the heat from Jack’s body but he keeps holding onto Rose who is hopeful that help will arrive and rescue them.  At the end of the movie, it is apparent the Jack gave his life for safety of his loved woman. His sacrifice is etched into her heart and mind and she remains steadfast to his love. The movie delves into the struggles facing the needy as well as the rich. The rich are endowed with a life full of providence but lack the basic characteristics of human life. Heir inability to appreciate the things that mater in life leads to distress as observed from the case of Rose. Her Mother was propelled to facilitating her marriage to evade a life of misery and suffering owing to her huge debts (Leong, 1998). However, Rose was driven to live a life without the restrictions of an imposing husband. As a result, her happiness was her mother’s misery. The movie also portrays the characteristics of human beings under unfavorable conditions. The distressful situation Rose’s mother finds herself as well as the life-threatening situation of being in a sinking ship brings out the desperation of human when pushed to the corner.

Work cited

Leong, Anthony. Titanic Movie Review. 1998. Movie Review,20 February 2010 <>

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