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To Lower Drinking Age in United States is Possible, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 1061


If you want to get an impression of the alcohol consumption legal age situation, you should just look at its distribution among all countries all over the world. And you probably will be surprised to see that United States has the highest age limit.

There are a lot of arguable points in the discussion, but more and more people now think about lowering the age of 21 for public possession and purchase of alcohol. In the states there are different laws on the base of federal one. The term public possession means excludes next points from public possession: established religious purposes, when the minor is accompanied by a parent, spouse or legal guardian age 21 or older; medical purposes when prescribed or administered by a licensed physician; in private clubs or establishments; in the course of lawful employment by a duly licensed manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer. (Hanson)

First thing to argue is the effectiveness of the law that prohibits drinking until achieving the age of 21. Though it may sound strange, age restrictions do not have the force they are expected to. Hanson in his article ‘The Legal Drinking Age: Science vs. Ideology’ reports that a study of a large sample of young people between the ages of 16 and 19 was conducted in Massachusetts and New York after Massachusetts raised its drinking age in order to clarify such issues. It revealed that the average, self-reported daily alcohol consumption in Massachusetts failed to decline in comparison to New York. College students have few differences in drinking problems in states with 21-year age limit and those with lower age limit. Increase of the legal drinking age in New York from 18 to 19 did not change the situation with alcohol consumptions. Age restrictions also lead to increase of underground consumption. In the whole, various researches showed that increase of the age restriction in some states were not perceived as the bars to alcohol consumption.

Drinking by many young people is seen as an appealing “forbidden fruit,” a “badge of rebellion against authority” and a symbol of “adulthood” (Engs). Laws that limit such student’s behavior are perceived as challenges. Professor Engs claims that young people under the age of 21 are more likely to be heavy drinkers (boys who consume over 5 drinks at least once a week, girls who consume over 4 drinks at least once a week). She exemplifies this with the next numbers: 22% of all students under 21 compared to 18% over 21 years of age are heavy drinkers; among drinkers only, 32% of under age compared to 24% of legal age are heavy drinkers. It means that as time goes by, young people change their attitude to drinking, becoming more aware of social and behavioral consequences of overconsumption.

After introduction of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 there has been a decrease in per capita alcohol consumption and even vehicle crashes connected with drunken conditions rates. But, simultaneously, during this very time period there has been an ‘increase in other problems related to heavy and irresponsible drinking among college age youth’ (Engs). Vast majority of such behaviors did not change until the Act that raised the legal drinking up to 21 years. ‘Cutting class after drinking’ changed from 9% to nearly 12%; ‘missing class because of hangover’ grew from 26% to 28%; ‘getting lower grade because of drinking’ rose from 5% to 7%; and ‘being involved in a drunken fight’ jumped from 12% to 17%. Such irresponsive drinking comes as a result of underground drinking, illegal congregations, 21-years buying drinks for minors, change of alcohol consumption to another drugs. But what accounted for the decrease in drinking and driving problems? The aforementioned decrease is the result of drunk driving education, sober drivers oriented programs, lower speed limits, free taxi services from drinking establishments, and some other. (Engs) This is the statistical point of view.

But it is not the federal prohibition itself that matters most. Just think about different states which have pretty different and numerous excerptions from the 21 years legal drinking limit. For example, some states do not object to alcohol consumption provided that family member over 21 year old has no objection or is present. The exact rules vary from state to state, defining relatives who can influence alcohol consumption and circumstances when these rules are applicable. Some states permit the consumption of alcohol on private property. Such private property varies dependently on the state: from all private locations to private residences only. Drinking in the home of a parent or guardian is also commonly permitted. The locations that are allowed for consuming alcohol sometimes depend on conditions such as consent of the parent, legal guardian, or legal-age spouse. Sometimes terms ‘family member’ or even ‘family’ come without further explaining. It leads to much controversy and obviously widens the possibilities of those who want to get dunk. Does the 21 year restriction make sense in such cases? It is ridiculous to allow so many possibilities for underage drinking and maintain the official 21 year limit!

But there are other, more common and more obvious reasons to lower the age limit. Think about the age when citizens of United States are allowed to vote. This is the age of 18! 18 year old boys can undergo Selective Service, and it means that the state considers 18-age boys capable of serving. It also allows them to go to the war. Since 18 years old citizens become judicially responsible and can bear the jury duty, which means that the state considers them mature enough to justify serious matters. And all these facts form a ridiculous situation: a person who is trusted to elect those who will govern the country, to bear judicial responsibility, even to defend the country is not trusted to drink responsively! A lot of people take trouble to think about it, and all of them come to the conclusion: there are all possibilities for United States to lower the drinking age!

Works Cited

Engs, Ruth “Why the drinking age should be lowered: An opinion based upon research” Indiana University. April 6, 2009 < >

Hanson, David J. “The Legal Drinking Age” Alcohol: problems and solutions. April 6, 2009 <>

Hanson, David J. “The Legal Drinking Age: Science vs. Ideology” Alcohol: problems and solutions. April 6, 2009 <>

‘Lower the U.S. Legal Drinking Age to 18’ Petition online 1999. April 6, 2009 < >

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