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Traditional and Alternative Treatments for High Cholesterol, Research Paper Example

Pages: 6

Words: 1711

Research Paper

High cholesterol is reported to be rather widespread diagnosis, but what we know about it is patchy knowledge that is not enough to make a critical decision. So in order to clarify this issue and make correct decision one need profound understanding of the problem. The treatment chosen to be used is the question of literacy and responsibility.

Cholesterol and High Level of Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance that is present in every cell of the human body, in particular in cell walls or membranes. This substance is used to produce many hormones, some vitamins, and bile acid. But all these needs require small amount of cholesterol. When cholesterol is high, its excess deposits in arteries and makes it difficult for blood to flow through. Narrowing of the important arteries (such as coronary arteries) can lead to heart diseases. Decreased blood flow limits the access of oxygen-rich blood to body organs, and can result in stroke, heart attack, etc. (Mayo Clinic, Isley et. al.)

For vast majority of people the main reason of high cholesterol is high-fat diet and inherited susceptibility. Though, there are several drugs that can bring about high cholesterol, as well as some diseases. One should consult a physician in order to learn what reasons may have caused high cholesterol levels. Hereditary high cholesterol is caused by genetic influence on LDL (bad) cholesterol speed of producing and removing from the blood (Isley, et. al.). Overweight is also reported to cause slight increase of LDL (bad) cholesterol level. Diet high in saturated fat raises LDL levels more than anything else; trans-fatty acids (found in processed foods and many “fast foods”) can also increase LDL levels. Weight loss and physical activity is claimed to be helpful in ‘lowering triglycerides and raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels’ (Isley, et. al.) Alcohol use in reasonable quantities increases god cholesterol level but fails to lower bad cholesterol level. Though it is a fact, alcohol use cannot be advised as a way to promote wellness. Sex and age factors also can influence cholesterol level: ‘before menopause, women usually have lower total cholesterol levels than men of the same age. As women and men age, their blood cholesterol levels rise until about 60-65 years of age. After about age 50 years, women often have higher total cholesterol levels than men of the same age’ (Isley, et. al.)

Medical Treatment for High Cholesterol Level

If following measures such as active lifestyle, low-saturated fat diet or losing weight did not help, doctor can prescribe a medical treatment, which may include statins (significantly lower LDL level), bile acid sequestrants (lower LDL levels by 10-20%), cholesterol absorption inhibitors (same to statins, but without side effects), nicotinic acid (lowers LDL while raising HDL) or fibrates (lower triglyceride acid) (Isley, The most common treatments for high cholesterol levels are statins, especially Lipitor (atorvastatin) and Zocor (simvastatin), and their use must be overlooked by physician.

Lipitor (atorvastatin calcium) is a prescription drug; it is a highly effective in lowering LDL cholesterol when used in large doses. It is used in patients with multiple risk factors for heart disease such as hereditary risk factors, high blood pressure, age, low HDL cholesterol or smoking to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke (Lipitor). Lipitor treatment is used along with low-fat diet and physical exercises. Its use allows patients with type 2 diabetes and such risk factors as high blood pressure or smoking. Lipitor can be used to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Though Lipitor is a powerful drug, it has side effects. It is not recommended for those with liver problems, neither it is suitable for pregnant women, those who may become pregnant and nursing mothers. ‘The most common side effects are gas, constipation, stomach pain and heartburn’, though they are usually mild and often fade away (Lipitor). Lipitor intake may cause muscle pain or weakness, but it is a rare side effect.

Zocor (simvastatin) also belongs to statin drugs. It is also a prescription drug and its main difference from Lipitor is that it is proven to reduce risk of coronary diseases and heart diseases. It is used to reduce LDL and increase HDL cholesterol levels in patients with hyperlipidemia (heterozygous familial and nonfamilial), dyslipidemia, primary dysbetalipoproteinemia, and some other diseases (Zocor). Now, this drug is tried and tested and its action is fully researched. Like Lipitor, Zocor may interact with other medications, so the doctor must be aware of all medications that are taken.

There several contraindications: like Lipitor, Zocor should not be used in patients with liver disease, pregnant women, those who may become pregnant, and nursing mothers. Zocor intake limits grapefruit juice drinking to 1 quart per day. Side effects include muscle pain, weakness and tenderness, though they are also reported to be rare. (Zocor)

Statins are the most popular drugs used to lower the cholesterol level. They usually require continuation of active lifestyle promotion and low-cholesterol diet, and must be prescribed by healthcare professional. They also may interact with other drugs, thus use of drug treatment might be limited.

Alternative Treatment for High Cholesterol

Sometimes people do not want to resort to healthcare professional’s help and choose alternative treatments. It may happen because of low income, unwillingness to undergo medical testing or any other reasons. This approach usually implies asking the friends and searching the Internet in order to find some suitable solution. According to Web M.D. and Revolution Health, there are several alternative treatments that are most applicable when it comes to special low-cholesterol diet.

Though such sites claim that these treatments can lower cholesterol naturally, they advice on consulting a doctor before practicing them. Main part of alternative treatments is dietary supplements. The following products are claimed to help with cholesterol levels: red yeast rice, garlic, soybeans, niacin (nicotinic acid), etc.

First product that may be helpful for alternative treatment of high cholesterol is garlic. Web M. D. claims that garlic may decrease blood levels of total cholesterol by several percent, though this information is arguable. It can also interact with medications and have side effects: it may prolong bleeding and blood clotting time. So garlic is not a solution for consumption before surgery and for use with blood-thinning medications (Web M. D.).

Red yeast rice is also claimed to lower cholesterol level; several years ago it could be found in the Cholestin. The natural equivalent of lovastatin in red yeast (called monacolin K) decreases cholesterol levels by inhibiting cholesterol production in the liver (Web M. D.). Though eating red yeast rice has great potential, it is strongly recommended to use it with caution. Even though it has therapeutic effects, there is no safe dose estimated. Exceeding certain dose may lead to dangerously low level of cholesterol. As red yeast rice influences processes in the liver, it is not completely safe to eat red yeast rice uncontrollably. More importantly, use of statins is prohibited while eating red yeast rice. Combination of these treatments may lead to unpredictable side effects (Poore).

Another way to lower the LDL cholesterol level significantly is dietary fiber, soybeans, and plant compounds similar to cholesterol (plant stanols and sterols). Dietary soluble fiber is claimed to have been found in “oat bran, barley, psyllium seeds, flax seed meal, apples, citrus fruits, lentils and beans” (Web M. D.). Soy products are claimed to prevent coronary diseases and lower LDL cholesterol level.

Nicotinic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin; it can improve all lipoproteins when given in the pretty high doses. ‘Nicotinic acid lowers total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, while raising HDL cholesterol levels’ (Isley et. al.). Though this is not the most popular way of treating high cholesterol levels, it cannot be called an alternative way. Though nicotinic acid is accessible (sold without prescription) and rather cheap, it should not be used without doctor examination.

The most appropriate alternative treatment is proper exercise. Active lifestyle is a necessary part of high cholesterol level treatment, and it is the safest thing to look for in the net. Many sites recommend that one’s physical activity should be 30 minutes long every day. It helps to lower the LDL and increase HDL levels. It can help to lose weight, too, so physical exercise is the safe and necessary part of any treatment – either traditional, or alternative.

Websites Validity Analysis

Websites provide extensive information about high cholesterol levels treatment. Despite obvious necessity to provide facts in order to support the infornmation, some sites failed to provide it. While official websites of Zocor and Lipitor are above suspicion, others have noticeable drawbacks.

The most reliable source of information is Article ‘High Cholesterol’ that is published there is referenced and authors list is available. Information is clear and understandable, though this site “does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment”. Many studies that were mentioned are named and described. Information about medical treatment is full and reliable. gives free but understandable definition of cholesterol and its functions. Articles on this website are trustworthy, but it fails to provide authors of the articles, and it deprives the information given of the necessary support. also does not mention the author of the article. Data that corresponds to researches and findings is not supported by links and clarifications. does provide either authors or reference and research authors. In general, all websites devoted to alternative treatments that were used for the research provide valid information and do not advice on using these methods. Consulting a health care professional remains the main part of the treatment. Only resorted to advertisement and promotion of the Lipitor, but it is easily justifiable.

The best thing to look for in the Internet is probable exercise for physical activity. Other alternative ways of treatment have side effects or interactions that cannot be overcome by means of other alternative treatments.

Works Cited

Poore, R. “Alternative treatments for high cholesterol”. Revolution Health: Your Home for Health and Balance. 20 July, 2006. 8 May 2009. <>

“High Blood Cholesterol” Mayo Clinic. 6 Aug. 2008. 8 May 2009. <>

“High Cholesterol: Alternative Therapies” Web M. D.: Better information. Better health. 2006. 9 May 2009. <>

“High Cholesterol Information, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment”. eMedicineHealth: Practical Guide to health.  8 May 2009 <>

Lipitor (Atorvastatin Calcium): Cholesterol-Lowering Medication 8 May 2009. <>

“Prescribing Information for Merck Products” Merck. 8 May 2009. <> (<>)

“Treatments for High Cholesterol” Wrong Diagnosis 8 May 2009 <>

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