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United Nations Paper, Essay Example

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Human Rights is a serious issue that affects every person around the world. There are several organizations that work diligently around the world in order to enforce these rights that are naturally given to people. While there are many organizations that try to support the UN’s initiatives in exacting human rights, some still falter, as nations are apt on implying their own rules. Advocates and advocacy teams represent a wide range of categories and support several issues. International advocacy groups are dedicated to the establishment of social, economic, politic, and justice in influencing and altering the public policy in foreign states. The development of globalization attracts a particular attention to advocacy on the far side countries’ borders. The core presence of networks such as international or transnational advocacy networks is to demonstrate the demanding significance of international advocacy. International advocacy networks emerged around issues wherever external influence is indispensable to ease the communication between internal teams and their own government. Teams of advocates willing to further their mission conjointly, tend to push networks and to satisfy with their internal counterparts to exchange ideas. World politics at the tip of the 20th century involves, alongside states, many non-state actors UN agency act with each other, with states, and with international organizations. This text considers how these interactions are structured in networks, which are progressively visible in international politics.

International organizations are dedicated to influencing the social development, industrial infrastructure, and other developments that help international communities. Some involve economic actors and companies. They are some international networks that are made up of actors that specialize in science, and these skilled in influencing public policy (Haas, 1992). While there are other networks that are made of activists, unique largely by the significance of scrupulous ideas or values in motivating their formation. They are referred to as international advocacy networks.  Advocacy in all its forms pursues to guarantee that people, predominantly those who are most susceptible in society, are ready to: have their voice heard on issues that are vital to them. Defend and safeguard their rights. Have their views and needs genuinely considered when choices are being made regarding their lives? Advocacy is a method of supporting and enabling folks to: express their views and issues. Access info and services. Defend and promote their rights and responsibilities.

All people in general are born free and equal, and are capable to the same rights as all individuals. Human rights, as normally understood, are the rights that every creature is entitled to relish freely regardless of their race, caste, nationality, religion, and, etc.(Human Rights Watch). The Declaration of Independence recognized the elemental human rights. Rights means totally meaning to different folks. Human Rights are not stationary. New rights are acknowledged and imposed from time to time. Solely persons absolutely conversant with the newest development regarding the expanding horizons of Human Rights can promote their awareness better than others. Human rights are primarily social, economic and political rights. These includes, liberty, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, equality, right to life, fair trial, and others which guarantees against inhuman social control. Among all the rights, the most vital is true to vote. All the social, economic, political, civil, community and collective rights are divided in several generation rights. Human Rights is true that is entitled to each and each person nondiscrimination on the basis of caste, color, creed, sex, religion etc. It ensures national unity and Socio – economic political development. It is essential for following human rights, and each everybody should get evolved in it. Human rights should be promoted and enforced if everyone get like it. Folks should comprehend their rights, how to exercise and what is the importance of those rights. The pursuit of human rights by each individual brings universal sovereignty. The significance of human rights is defined by several individuals. D.D. Basu defined human rights as, the minimum rights which each individual, should have against the state or different public authority by virtue of them being a member of the human family, regardless of any consideration. Human Rights is especially thought of freedom, liberty, non – discrimination, peace and unity. It is primarily protection of human temperament and elementary right, UN agency is the ultimate purpose of all law, national and international. (Manjot Kaur, 2008)

Acknowledgement of the intrinsic self-possession and of inalienable rights and equal rights of all citizens of the world, is that the foundation of freedom, justice and peace within the world everyone has the right to life, liberty and also the security of person. (UN) With these few words, the UN has just about summed up the mission of Human Rights Watch, an international non-governmental organization whose sole aim is to ensure the wellbeing, and also the inherent rights to life that everyone people in general are entitled to. By exploitation means such as the media for example, Human Rights Watch sets bent not solely insure that everyone people in general live their lives with dignity however to conjointly wake justice those who, through unkind dictatorships, suppress the happiness and basic human rights of their folks. The mission of Human Rights Watch, is a serious undertaking, primarily its role within the War on Asian nation, past and present. They have found success in the undertaking, of the implications of the aforementioned undertaking in peacekeeping and international organizations.

Human Rights Watch was supported in 1978 and was known first as National Capital Watch. It was originally supposed to enforce the provisions on human rights that were set out by the national capital Accords. It then spread to Central America within the 1980s in response to the innumerable human rights cruelties that were made in many of the civil wars that took place throughout the country (Human Rights Watch). In time, it began spreading throughout the world, forming entirely different Watch committees throughout the world, such as the center East, Central America, South America, and Asia, etc. In 1988, all the various watch committees united to make one committee, thus forming Human Rights Watch. Their headquarters is set in several components of the world, primarily the New York, London, Brussels, Moscow, and over 70 countries. In regions wherever there are intensive investigations, they originated temporary offices to accommodate their investigations. The questions of how will Human Rights Watch build the world conscious of human rights abuses in a very country? The solution are often found on their website, wherever they post their strategy for making certain the human rights of all.

Human Rights Watch researchers conduct investigative investigations into human rights abuses all told regions of the world. Human Rights Watch then distributes those findings in several reports and books per annum, generating intensive coverage in native and international media. Subsequently after that, they met with the organization to urge changes in policy and observe at the UN, the European Union, in Washington, and in capitals round the world. In extreme situations, Human Rights Watch fights for the extraction of economic, and military support from governments that grossly encroach upon the rights of their citizens.

Human Rights Watch is an indispensable non-governmental organization (NGO) within the international circle. While working with governments and international organizations to guarantee the quality of life for all citizens, it at constant time does not hide from the governments their responsibilities to respect the rights of their citizens or face consequences. Human Rights Watch is indispensable in this world wherever many leaders scrutinize their positions as a way to realize world dominance even by the blood of their folks. Lastly, Human Rights Watch is a tremendously significant side in peacekeeping that helps to ensure “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and also the security of person.” (Human Rights Watch).  Human Rights Watch will use any viable resources so as to ensure that the world is knowing of Human Rights abuses that occur within the world, and embarked on to cue the world that, yes, it is their business to urge concerned and do one thing regarding it. One cannot just stick around and do nothing while somebody uses their God-given power to suppress a nation.

Through the problem of human rights, what is one in all the most intriguing features of international advocacy networks (and international organizations a lot of generally): their challenge to ancient ideas of national sovereignty. A conjunction of specific people, organizations, and also the post-WWII era light-emitting diode to the formation, at least in terms of policies, international agreements, and organizations. Which is the invariably actions of human rights as unchallengeable right to all individuals that override any state sovereignty rights. Several TNAs such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, as well as other different international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) began to flourish during this era. Within this context, two entirely different ideal of international advocacy relationships are pronounced, the human rights convention, which contends that people are dowered with rights, and also the commonality framework, which is centered on the community, and gathers around the defenseless. Once discovering the role of foundations, mainly the Ford Foundation, in the human rights movements in Latin America. Keck and Sikkink offer perspectives on the human rights movements in North American country and Argentina within the 1970s and 1980s. Argentina is a classic sample of the boomerang pattern, which underlines the very fact “international pressures do not work independently, however rather in coordination with national actors” (107). The human rights movement in Mexico, which the authors divided into 3 stages, reveals weaker aspects of the larger international advocacy network: partially as a result of the Mexican government espoused a policy of active protection of human rights. The international network was slow to become involved in North American country, despite crying human rights violations that directly conflicted with official policy.

Transnational advocacy networks are unsolidified and open relationships among conversant, dedicated actors (individuals and organizations). These relationships are widespread beyond the boundaries of nation-state. They disagree from different kinds of networks therein they exist to push scrupulous causes, ideas and values. They exist to vary international policy moreover as build these changes real within the day-after-day lives of normal folks. Their goal is to grant otherwise overpowered populations (e.g., the penurious, women, the politically susceptible, consumers, unsystematic populations, etc.) a voice in domestic and international lawmaking. Their primary tool is information—quickly created, accurately developed and effectively deployed. The very fact that advocacy networks are networks does not build them unique. Many different networks of individuals and organizations exist and have an exceptional deal of influence on international law and policy: bankers, accountants, office officers, judges, attorneys—and the list goes on. What makes international advocacy networks therefore, vital is their advocacy. They campaign on behalf of scrupulous causes, sets of ideas and values, susceptible populations or vunerable environments. Wherever international dialogue and political views may preferably be open solely to military or economic powers, advocacy teams open this arena to the voices and issues of teams outside the orbit. In different words, international advocacy networks provide a voice for civil society within the otherwise closed field of international politics. International advocacy networks are effective in opening a democratic space within associate elite arena. By the tip of the 20th century, the authors argue (in 1998), nonstate actors play vital roles on the global stage of politics. They transmute the problematic commencements of national sovereignty through networked associations. These networks differ with objective, issue, time, and mission. However, include “those relevant actors working internationally on an issue, UN agency are congruent in their united values, a shared discourse, and compressed interactions of services and information (Keik, Sikkink). The indispensable objectives of such networks are to form a boomerang pattern. For example, if, for no matter reason, people (or organizations) within a country, are not able to effectually encourage the regime to initiate change, they will still be able to activate an international network focused on the problem. This network can successively influence different states and international organizations, and these different actors have the ability for enforce pressure, on the foreign states all around the world. International advocacy networks deploy four main kinds of tactics: “info politics, which is the dissemination and generation of relevant information. Symbolic politics, which is the use of narratives, symbols, and others to connect with different individuals. Leverage politics, which forms alliances with actors that have stronger connections, and accountability politics, that guarantees that actors are accountable to their principles and promises.

However not all issues trigger international advocacy networks—and even among people who do, not all do therefore successfully. Network success depends to an explicit degree on the density, and information flows between actors; however a number of issue physiognomies influence whether or not or not a network forms around an issue, including the flexibility to identify/assign a direct entity to the problem and also the ability to articulate a transparent resolution. However the two most vital factors, the authors contend, are “issues involving bodily hurt to susceptible individuals” and “issues involving the opportunity for legal equality” (Keck Sikkink 27). Examining the American crusader movement (1833–1865); the international franchise movement (1888–1928); the antifootbinding movement light-emitting diode by missionaries in the Western countries, and Chinese reformers. The movement to end female genital injury in African country by Western missionaries and British colonial authorities. Through these examples, the authors explore the stress between international and native forms in several contexts. Advocacy groups have traveled to countries such as Kenya, in order to encouraging respecting female rights against mutilation, and influenced western societies such as Great Britain to withdraw their support in order to persuade the government of Kenya to forgo mutilated women.

In conclusion, the authors argue that a lot of attention should be paid to network forms, which they are vital constructions not solely within the economic science sphere, however at multiple levels of politics. Though the transnational network issues are “in their general form” issues that are improbable to gather mass mobilization, networks can alter drawn-out agreements into actions (Keck, Sikkenk 204). Certainly, they provide the network model indifference to models of dispersion. The authors recommend, moreover that networks are often effective in  entirely different phases: “by outlining debates and getting agendas around the issues; by encouraging conversational pledges from states and different policy actors; by inflicting procedural change at the international and domestic level; by touching policy; and by influencing behavior changes in target actors” (201).  These are crucial to influencing the mission of transnational advocacy network actors, such as the Human Rights Watch to be an advocate in enforcing the rights of citizens in foreign states that infringe on their liberties. The Human Rights Watch is impactful in encouraging states to abide by the rules of war, owning up to their responsibilities, and spreading awareness about the plight of individuals that are not afforded the same freedoms as they are in the Western societies.

Works Cited

Hass, P. Knowledge Power and International Policy Coordination International Organization Vol. 5. 1992.

Human Rights Watch. HRW. 2014. Web. 24 April 2014.

Keck, Margaret E. and Kathryn Sikkink. Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY. 1998.

Kiel, Christina. “How Transnational Advocacy Networks Mobilize. Applying the literature on interest groups to international action.” Josef Korbel Journal of Advanced International Studies. 2011. Web. 23 April 2014.

Mayer, Ann Elizabeth. Islam and Human Rights: Tradition and Politics. Westview Press 1995.

Manjot Kaur. Teaching of Human Rights: Human Rights meaning and role. New Delhi. 2008.

Sharma D.L., Maheswari V.K. Education for values, Environment (and) Human Values: Human Rights: Concept, Foundations and Historical Background/ Meerat, Surya Publications. 2000.

“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” United Nations. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2014.

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