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Vermont Law School, Essay Example

Pages: 5

Words: 1379


Throughout the years, my love for nature have been exemplified in all aspects of my life. At times, it amazes me to see individuals who do not care about the world or its inhabitants. These individuals go as far as to intentionally pollute the Earth, calling it their own. It is my desire that the world is made a better place by means of reducing pollution and putting a stop to the damage that companies are causing individuals.

 Being able to pursue a degree in Law, it goes without saying that the majority, if not all, of my dreams would de accomplished. Despite the fact that many people say that they want to make the world a better place, it is often these people who do not take action upon the things they say. The reason I deviate from this course of action is because I truly have a yearning desire to make a significant impact on the world in terms of reducing humanitys carbon footprint. In addition to that, I intend on practicing law to empower environmental companies. By doing so, I will be maximizing my potential and ultimately catapult society into a better one. 

 My short-term goals include applying for a United States/Asia Partnership for Environmental Law LLM Fellowship. By being admitted into this program, I will be able to gain a unique perspective on the world which will enable me to become the best environmental lawyer that I can be. Through this course of action, I will also be able to enact change in order to be able to raise awareness on the topic of environmental preservation.

 I believe more individuals should be willing take initiative in preserving the environment, because this Earth is the only one we have. Because of this, if humanity is unwilling to save the world then we are creating our own folly. I refuse to let this happen. Even if I am the only one willing to make a change in the environment, I will be the first one to actuate the change. Many have told me that there is no true purpose in being an environmental lawyer because the career is outdated and useless. Despite the fact that so many individuals believe that I will not be able to make a change in the world through my constant determination and willingness to thrive, I know that I will accomplish all I set out to do. The simple fact that there are so many individuals who could care less about the environment serves as motivation alone. There is nothing in this world I would rather pursue than a career in environmental law. Essentially, I hope to reduce the carbon footprint that both major and minor companies are implementing on society. Once this has been done, I hope to attempt to raise awareness on the fact that the Earth is not an unlimited resource. I am not sure if I will truly be able to make a significant contribution to society, but of one thing I am sure of: I will invariably continue to pursue my dreams and ambitions until something works.

 Being an environmental lawyer is nowhere close to outdated. If anything, these individuals who pursue such a career should be perceived as the true change-makers, for they are essentially preserving the Earth for years to come. It is without a doubt that the skills and experiences acquired at Vermont Law School will instill a me an even stronger passion to continue my studies and never give up on my dreams. This will only cause me to belief stronger in the idea that I can truly make it provided that I do not give up. I am cognizant of the actuality that the road will be long, but I am up for such a challenge.  I assure you of the fact that one I matriculate into Vermont Law School, I will surpass all expectations, both yours, and mine.

 With a population of approximately fifty-one million individuals, it is most probable that a country of this size would be able to perfectly provide for its people. Living in Myanmar (Burma) has proven to be a real struggle for me. Myanmar is the reason I have made the ultimate decision to be an environmental lawyer in the future. The f factors that play a major role in Myanmar and make it an intolerable place to reside in include the extremely hot weather, illegal tree chopping, copper mining, and dam buildings. In addition to that, the kinds of chemicals that companies put into the foods of our citizens affect us all. I have come to the decision that if we do not take it upon ourselves to safeguard our environment by law, then the world will be well on its way to destroying itself.

 It may sound cliche, but I intent to save the world in a matter of years. By having the authority to impose laws on government, I will be able to regulate the kind of risk factors that prove to be detrimental to society in the long run. Despite the fact that I have not been given the opportunity to effect change on a national level thus far, I intend to do so the moment I have environmental law by my fingertips. Present day, I have only been able to effect change in a personal level, often making others realize that kind of effects that their choices today will be making in the future. Although this might not be enough to actually change the world on fast pace, I am changing the world small steps at a time. By making other individuals realize that the world is meant to be shared with future generations than may or may not include us, they are becoming cognizant of the idea that the world should not be polluted as it is everyday. Step by step, this has caused people to think twice before they dump certain chemicals into the ocean or before they decide to drive their cars to the grocery store when they could just walk there if it is nearby instead.

 The only way that people will start to listen that the world is slowing dying off, they will have to see it for themselves. This is a shame, however, because by the time that the world has died off, it will be too late to bring it back to life. I consider myself the fish that swims against the current. The outcast. While most consider sustainable careers such as medicine or attorneys, I seek to protect the environment. The reason as to why I feel so strongly about this is because I am positive of the idea that if I am not willing to do something about this, then no one will either.  The only thing I have wanted to do every since I was a kid was to been with nature. I am sure that by protecting nature, I will be becoming one with it all the while.

 While I have struggled immensely to make a significant impact on society on both a local and national level, I have indisputably succeeded in doing so on a personal level. Because of this simple success, I am firm in the resolve that I will be able to make an even bigger impact in a few years with just the right advice and the right amount of education. I have enough motivation and drive to get me through difficult times. On that note, it will be nearly for me to give up on my dream; all I require now is an opportunity to prove to the world that an environmental lawyer can truly actuate change within society. No, it will not be an easy task, but anything that is worth fighting for is often times worth it in the end. Being an environmental lawyer would truly prove to be effective once society began to be enhanced as a whole. There is not a doubt in my mind that I will be able to fulfill all of my desires, no matter how long it takes me.

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