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Visual Analysis of Food, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 1059


The Big Mac may sell itself with the taste alone, but the visual appeal of the product adds to the want. McDonalds uses the same core colors to represent its product so when a customer sees it, they know to associate the packaging with the food. They use the visual appeal to market the product and create the overall consumer desire. Plus all the items and colors that are added to a menu item make it look even more delicious. This visual analysis of the Big Mac meal will show you the appeal is not only in the product but in its presentation.

The large white cup full of ice cold coke, the shadow can be seen from the outside. It has a little bit of perspiration on the outside of the glass where the ice and soda has met the warm outside. The glass is mostly white, with a red square on the top half. Inside the red square are the recognizable golden arches, or the yellow “M”. Underneath that logo is a blue phrase of “Get quenched”. Then it has a picture of water, and liquid being poured into that water. The bottom of the glass has a stamped “M” around the bottom, four times. The straw is white, and has a red stripe going up the side of it. Looking at this glass almost makes you thirsty, seeing the cold beverage and knowing what the cup consists of.

On the tray beside that white cup is a medium-size white box. This box has a red square overlapping a yellow one, so there is just a hint of yellow showing through. Over top that is the beautiful yellow golden arches with a navy blue highlight behind the yellow. It almost makes the McDonald’s M three dimensional. The top left corner of the box has a little red box with the “M” logo and McDonald’s written through it. The right side of the box has the mouth watering Big Mac written in Navy Blue. The box is appealing because you know what it holds. Whoever holds that box knows they are about to get a little bit of heaven in one medium-size white box.

The other side of the tray held a red oblong box with the top exposed. The red box has the golden arches centered largely on the front. It has the navy outline making it too appear three dimensional. At the opening of the box you see these golden strings. The golden is different colored; some areas especially on the end are almost light brown in color. The salt lies on each string almost glistening in the light. This golden string lay stacked one on top of the other; it looks like there are almost a hundred in the box. The strings are different size in length but very similar in circumference. Some of these French fries are lying loose on the tray and some are starting to fall out of the box. There is a reason you can’t eat just one fry. They look as good as they taste, most of the time.

On the tray there are also two loose rectangular containers. These containers are small and mainly white. The top of one container is half golden yellow and half white. In red letters it says hot mustard. The bottom of the peel top has the McDonalds logo on it. When you open it you get a mustard colored thick sauce. It is great for dipping chicken nuggets or French fries. The other container’s peel top is half light green and half white. On the green in white letters it says sweet and sour sauce. When this container is open up it has a lighter yellow color, not a thick with red specks in it. This sauce is also great to eat with French fries and chicken nuggets as well. There are other colored packets available that contain different sauces to choose from. These sauces are sold at other restaurants, but are strongly associated with McDonalds due to the packaging and visual presentation of this product.

Once the medium size white box is opened up, it reveals a little bit of heaven. The top bun is light brown and covered with white seeds sprinkled all over the top. You can see little white strands sticking out from under the bun top as the little white onions peak out of the sandwich. Next sits a thick dark brown beefy patty with green pickles sticking out from under that delicious burger. Under the pickles is a light green leafy lettuce. Then an orange sauce, the Big Mac sauce, is seen oozing out under the lettuce. Next is a light brown bun bottom separating the top and the bottom of this huge sandwich. Again you can see the white onion strings showing on the sides under the bun. Then there is another large brown juicy beef patty. Under that hamburger is a golden orange square piece of American cheese. The four corners of the cheese are melted a little, curling the ends downwards a little bit. Then there is another layer of light green ripples of lettuce and another layer of the special Big Mac sauce. Finally there is one more brown bun bottom wrapping up the layers of this giant mouth watering sandwich. The burger itself appears large and with all those visible layers it is makes you want to bite right into it.

This visual analysis of the Big Mac meal shows the appeal to not only the product but to the overall presentation. One can associate the food they are about to eat from the familiar packaging it comes in. The golden arches are known for their variety of food on the menu. When you see that yellow “M” you know where to stop to get the delicious Big Mac, golden fries, and large quenching soda. The color and visual presentation of the food almost makes the mouth water just from sight. Visual appeal in advertising and commercials keeps the consumer coming back as well. Perhaps it’s the associate of the packaging to what the contents are, or maybe the packaging is just as inviting as the food. Either way, when you see that Big Mac meal sitting on the tray, in or out of the wrapper, you know that you have a delicious meal waiting to be enjoyed.

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