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Weight Management Assignment, Essay Example

Pages: 13

Words: 3690


The physical and psychological effects of obesity are dynamic and individual to each person. It goes beyond the mire concept of appearances. The complexity of the effects continues to elude healthcare professionals and researchers. Obesity not only leads to physical problems such as diabetes and heart disease, but also creates emotional problems including low self-esteem and depression. Researchers have formulated various theories and recommendations for healthy living reflected by a normal weight. Obesity also has psychosocial complexities. Various exercise modalities can help the obese individual both psychologically and physiologically.   Proper determination of what a healthy health is for each individual requires intricate methods to fully determine a healthy weight based on each individual’s make up. Rapid weight loss through fad diets is unhealthy and hazardous to an individual’s overall health.

Description of Concrete Experience

Subtopic 1: Discuss physiological consequences and health risks of excess body weight

I have personally dealt with the issues of excess body weight and the consequences and health risks involved. After a healthy and fit childhood, I took up smoking in my early years. Once I quit smoking the pounds pilled on and I went from 160 to 260 pounds. After many attempts at diets I underwent surgical intervention. I knew that being healthy and eliminating physiological problems was a life-long goal that I began and remain committed to.

As I have studied anatomy and how the body requires a balance between stature and amount of weight a person carries, I have begun to realize the significance of the issues excess body weight creates.  Physiologically being overweight or obese creates various consequences such as difficulty performing routine tasks or enjoying various social functions.  Being overweight can create problems fitting into airplane seats or the closeness in a movie theater.  The health risks of being overweight includes various illnesses which can further lead to complications and lengthen the person’s diagnoses list.

Subtopic 2: Analyze weight current nutritional theories and recommendations for maintaining a healthy weight

The recommendations for nutritional needs for maintaining a healthy weight have historically been based on the current research of the time. This has created many different theories and recommendations. I have researched the various different theories including low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate diets, and low-glycemic diets. The American Dietetic Association has traditionally maintained the pyramid diet based on food groups.

Subtopic 3: Review psychosocial principles in weight management

Weight management is something which an individual must be conscious of the need to monitor caloric intake versus expenditure. Changing eating behaviors is a critical component for weight management. Implementing an exercise program which the individual will follow is also a vital part of weight management. Once a person has a weight problem it becomes important to made behavior changes which will last for a lifetime. The term ‘diet’ is misleading. We are all on a diet every day. Instead of viewing this as being on a diet, one must realize that a diet is what we eat; type and quantity.

After undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery I have lost the excess weight and am back at my original comfortable and healthy weight of 160. The surgery gave me the start to getting rid of the weight. My attitudes towards food changed and I have been able to keep the weight off.  I attribute this to my social network, my healthy attitudes, and my perseverance to manage my weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Subtopic 4: Explain the physiologic influence of and recommendations for aerobic, anaerobic and resistance training in weight management

Exercise has a known effect on the muscles and fat of a person’s body. Aerobic exercise raises the heart rate which creates a scenario of increased metabolic caloric expenditure. Anaerobic training such as resistance and weight training strengthens the muscles.  This creates a body which burns more calories since muscle uses more calories than fat. So just by increasing muscles in the body, the body becomes a higher calorie burner. Strengthening the muscles by weight and resistance training along with cardiovascular aerobic workouts together is an effective way to management weight.  Managing my weight through diet is only a part of how I have learned to keep my weight down. Aerobic exercise and strength training have been especially helpful in keeping the pounds down.

Subtopic 5: Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods for determining healthy weight

There are many methods for determining a healthy weight. Some are based on height and build of a person while others are based on body mass index.  Some organizations create charts which list the weight ranges for individuals; however, this is not always an effective method for determining the appropriate weight of a person. I have seen differing methods and the results of some match and others do not. This creates the problem of what chart or method is reliable. Even physicians do not rely on a certain standard method. I have been told that weight determination is heavily dependent on each individual and what feels the best to their specific make-up. Also, this does not take into account individuals who have excess weight but regularly exercise and eat properly.

Subtopic 6: Discuss the hazards of various fad weight loss diets

Fad weight loss diets are typically not good sources for weight loss. They are often restrictive and require the individual to eat foods they may not like which creates a source of frustration for the individual. These diets can be hazardous by creating vitamin deficiencies, nutrition deficits and disappointment and irritation for the individual. Fad diets can upset the normal functioning of the human body and create illnesses.

I personally tried several fad and popular diets. The Atkins diet was particularly difficult since it limits starch, fruits and vegetables.  Consuming mainly protein without the other necessary nutrients a person can go into ketoacidosis.  This occurs when the body is not able to use sugar as a fuel source due to the lack of insulin in the body, creating a scenario where the body uses fat. The byproducts of breakdown of fat are ketones which accumulate and create ketoacidosis.  This is a common occurrence in diabetics who have to manage their diets very carefully. A fruity breath odor, nausea, vomiting and rapid breathing are symptoms of this disorder. It can be dangerous if it is not addressed through the induction of insulin either through injection or the consumption of a simple sugar, i.e. fruit or juice.


Subtopic 1: Discuss physiological consequences and health risks of excess body weight

Having undergone surgery for obesity, I am well aware of the need to manage weight to control the health risks associated with being overweight. The body is dependent on food as a source of fuel and energy, too much or too little will create an imbalance resulting in consequences and health risks. I have seen articles and publications detailing how excess body weight affects the heart, lungs, and other organs of the body. This creates extra work for these vital parts of our bodies.  This also creates more work for our muscles to carry this weight. Not only does this open the avenues for health problems but also creates potential for accidents resulting in broken bones and other types of injuries.  In the elderly it is also a grave concern when there is bone loss through osteoporosis; presenting a problem and concern.

Subtopic 2: Analyze weight current nutritional theories and recommendations for maintaining a healthy weight

As a result of my surgery and previous health and weight problems, I follow current theories and recommendations. By keeping up-to-date on nutritional matters, I am able to be knowledgeable and proactive in following a healthy nutritional recommendation to keep my weight at a level consistent with my nutritional needs. Nutritional theories are usually given to the public with the hope that this new one will be the cure all to the problems of excess weight. Unfortunately time has demonstrated that there is no magic cure for excessive weight. Theories and recommendations for weight control is a very personal matter.  Individuals are different and therefore, it is impossible to think that there could be one formula which would work for all people. Bodies come in different sizes and shapes with varying levels of metabolisms and chemical functioning.

Subtopic 3: Review psychosocial principles in weight management

Support groups such as Weight Watchers have been popular and are considered a healthy alternative to achieving and maintaining weight control. Support groups which provide nutritional guidance and support the concepts of physical activity are a means for individuals to work together in a social context to help each other.

The basic concept of portion control, regular exercise, and incorporating the different food groups into a regular commitment is important to the success of any weight management efforts.  Basic and simple behavior changes are the beginning for the individual to begin to learn how to move the body and the effects it has on the overall physical and mental attitudes. Once the person begins to feel the positive effects it makes it easier to move into a true behavioral change. Portion control is a principle I follow closely. I have learned that it is not about giving up food but rather enjoying some things occasionally and in moderation. Creating a forbidden food category will only lead a person to become frustrated and this can lead to loss of control and overeating.

Subtopic 4: Explain the physiologic influence of and recommendations for aerobic, anaerobic and resistance training in weight management

Aerobic and anaerobic exercising changes the body contour and speeds up the metabolism; directly altering the body.  This changes the needs of the body.  The higher the weight of a person, the more calories is needed to maintain that weight. Likewise, lowering the body weight through exercise changes the physical needs of the person.

Subtopic 5: Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods for determining healthy weight

The advantages and disadvantages for determining a healthy weight is based on the individual needs of each person. Relying more on a chart or recommendation is not advantageous since all individuals are different.  Following a formula to determine body mass index is also a method which is generalized and does not encompass the individual needs of each person.

Subtopic 6: Discuss the hazards of various fad weight loss diets

Fad weight loss diets do not take healthy choices into consideration. These methods are designed to create a quick weight loss which is dangerous in itself. For the body to function correction and in a healthy manner, it requires the proper nutrients and vitamins through food and water. Fat diets force the body to let go of weight through whatever method is being used; starvation, diet pills or limited food choices. This leaves the body needing the nutritions robbed by fad diets.

Generalizations / Principles / Theories

Subtopic 1: Discuss physiological consequences and health risks of excess body weight

Excess weight and obesity is actually a hazardous condition for the physiological body. Serious illnesses have been linked to excessive weight including diabetes and heart problems. Obesity has also been found to be a factor in some cancers. Also, gender and obesity play an important role in the type of cancer associated with obesity. Obesity in men is linked to cancers of the colon and prostate. Women with excessive weight and obesity tend to develop cervix, breast and gallbladder carcinomas.

Obesity is generally linked also to other health problems including gout and arthritis of the joints. Sleep apnea can occur due to the weight affecting adequate breathing during sleep. Women also have problems with menstrual irregularities and it is thought to also affect reproductive capabilities for women. Overall, excess weight and obesity create health problems which can be hard to control and can worsen to the point of premature death.

Subtopic 2: Analyze weight current nutritional theories and recommendations for maintaining a healthy weight

There are many theories for weight loss; conservative and aggressive. Fundamentally the concepts of dietary and behavior are conservative modalities. Pharmacologic with appetite suppressants and surgical interventions are more aggressive measures which can be performed.  Before a recommendation can be determined the level of current physical health should be evaluated before attempting any interventions.

Surgical intervention requires several steps prior to the planning of surgery. The individual must have attempted to lose weight on several failed attempts. They must be psychologically evaluated for mental stability. A medical physical exam is also required to determine the level of health to be able to undergo surgery. This is not a simple solution.  The surgery provides the foundation for the individual to begin the work. After surgery they have to be careful how much they eat or the surgery will fail. Following a healthy diet with exercise after surgery is the only way this intervention will be successful. Too often individuals want this surgery thinking it is a cure-all when in fact; the surgery just begins the work which the individual still must do.

Subtopic 3: Review psychosocial principles in weight management

A part of obesity which is often not considered is the emotional suffering which a person endures. Our society places heavy emphasis on how a person looks; dictating what a person should weigh. Particularly for women who are overweight; slimness is associated with attractiveness in society.  This creates low self-esteem and depression for the individual. Self worth is overlooked and the qualities the person has are quickly forgotten.  It can become a waking torment for the person dealing with the knowledge that ridicule can occur at any moment.

Obese individuals often endure prejudice and misunderstanding from society. Being overweight often is seen as laziness or gluttony on the part of the individual. However, obesity can be a symptom of an illness and often is not the person’s fault at all. This leads to the person feeling rejected and depressed.  They may feel ashamed and hide instead of enjoying life and getting out socially due to their fear of being laughed at or discriminated against.

Subtopic 4: Explain the physiologic influence of and recommendations for aerobic, anaerobic and resistance training in weight management

Exercise is not only good for an individual’s body; it also combats illness and disease.  Regular exercise can prevent health conditions and is believed to provide a higher quality of life and longevity.  Exercise can improve a person’s mood by stimulating chemicals in the body and the brain. Exercise improves sleep habits; boosting energy and a feeling of confidence.  High blood pressure and cholesterol can be maintained in health ranges through regular exercise.  Regular exercise also reduces body fat and conditions the body and prevents accidents through strengthening the muscles providing structure and posture.

Regular exercise also increases a person’s energy level as you work the cardiovascular functioning of the body, delivering blood and oxygen to the heart and lungs. This helps the heart function at a higher level and stimulates the body to feel better and providing the needed energy to continue to exercise and intensity the workouts.

A better night of sleep is also a benefit to exercising. This in turn will promote and improve concentration for higher functioning during the day. Getting the right amount of physical activity during the day is vital to proper rest at night. Retiring to bed at an appropriate hour is also beneficial in promoting restful sleep. The body needs a certain level of physical activity as well as rest for proper functioning.  Without proper functioning weight management is quite difficult.

Subtopic 5: Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods for determining healthy weight

Healthy weight determinations are not all-inclusive due to the problems with variations in the factors which are specific to each person. Just being thin or at a healthy weight does not determine a healthy weight. The level of activity and the type of diet a person has is a better determinate for a healthy weight.  Some methods take into consideration different aspects such as weight, waist size, and height.  However, the most advantageous way to determine a healthy weight includes the person’s current condition, weight, diet, level of exercise and attitudes towards their weight, appearance and health level.

Subtopic 6: Discuss the hazards of various fad weight loss diets

Fad diets come and go; they are based on results and often weight loss companies do not emphasis that results are not typical. The Acai Berry Diet is one example of a controversial diet. This is supposedly a natural nutrient but there is not valid research that shows this is an accurate and dependable weight loss product. The tapeworm diet, popular many years ago, shows the historical problem obesity and slimness have had. People would actually ingest tapeworms hoping to lose weight. The cabbage soup diet was popular at one time; a totally unsustainable way to eat comprised of seven days of mainly eating cabbage soup with very little other foods to have.

Testing and Application

Subtopic 1: Discuss physiological consequences and health risks of excess body weight

One way to test the physiological effects and health risks of excess body weight s to compare individuals with weight problems comparing current health complications and the length of time the person became overweight and the problems started. In this testing method the individuals would be grouped based on degrees of excessive weight and types of illnesses. The purpose would be to see the degree of health deterioration as compared to weight gain.

Subtopic 2: Analyze weight current nutritional theories and recommendations for maintaining a healthy weight

To determine nutritional theories and recommendations an interesting survey would be to evaluate nutritional theories on a large group of individuals to see their level of nutritional understanding. In theory the individuals with more nutritional knowledge should be leading a healthier lifestyle. However, this is not always 100 perfect accurate.

Determining how reliable and effective a theory or recommendation is will require investigation and research to determine past successes. Some theories are not supported by actual facts but rather just theories and hypotheses. Researching the appropriate nutritional theory and recommendations for the person is an effort which will be rewarding based on the success of the theory.

Subtopic 3: Review psychosocial principles in weight management

Changing the habits of a sedentary person is very difficult.  This requires the dedication of the person to make changes. Simple things can be implemented which expends energy. Parking the car away from the store opening, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator and just getting outside for a walk during the day can have tremendous effects on the body and the mood. This is just part of the equation. It takes regular physical exercise to really burn the calories and work towards adequate weight management. A person’s approach to exercise is fundamental in the success or failure of making this change.

Subtopic 4: Explain the physiologic influence of and recommendations for aerobic, anaerobic and resistance training in weight management

Establishing a schedule to include aerobic and anaerobic exercise will affect the body in many ways. Individuals dedicated to regular exercise transform their bodies into leaner machines burning more calories and functioning on a higher level. Even small changes promoting the body to move will reduce the effects of obesity and health problems.  Behavioral changes literally means to alter the mental conceptions a person has had from youth.

Kids who are taught to eat to live and not live to eat are given an advantage. Getting outside and playing versus sitting inside and playing video games shows a clear association with obesity and inactivity. The less a person moves, the less they expend in terms of calories and muscle strengthening.

Subtopic 5: Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods for determining healthy weight

A popular method for health weight determinations is the basic metabolic index (BMI). This is a measurement of body fat including both muscle and fat. There is a formula which calculates this and then a chart provided to determine how fit a person is. It shows if you are underweight, overweight or obese based on a scale. Waist measurement is also a measurement which is taken along with the BMI. These two determinations provide a baseline for a range of a healthy weight. The advantage is that this is fairly simple to calculate.  However, it is still basing information on a chart and generalizing. However, if a person is an athlete it is not accurate since they have specifically worked to have more lean muscle mass. The BMI formula is based on the generalities of the population.

The waist size is also measured and is based on the gender for what a healthy waist is; less than 40 inches for men and less than 35 inches for a woman. This can be a guideline but is not accurate for some individuals who may have health problems creating an enlarged abdomen; such as liver or kidney problems. This method is also referred to as waist-to-hip ratio. This measurement is used as an indicator for obesity and other health issues. It is believed that a person shaped in an apple shape, with more weight around the midsection, has a higher chance of health risks. The pear shaped person, with more weight around the hip area, has a reduced risk of health complications.

Subtopic 6: Discuss the hazards of various fad weight loss diets

Fad diets are known to be controversial. Often they are an effort for an individual to obtain quick weight loss. However, long term studies have suggested that these types of diets can lead to long term obesity. Quick weight loss typically will return since this is not really teaching then individual proper nutrition. It sets the individual up for failure and potentially a higher weight as the body tries to compensate for what was missed during the starvation phrases of the diet plan.


Weight management can be summarized by the simple concept of calories in and calories out; eating the right nutrients and amounts with regular exercise is the best aid in weight management. If we could learn to listen to our body signals and eat to live instead of living to eat society could battle obesity in a proactive and healthy way. My own personal battle with excessive weight taught me a great deal about how to listen to my body for the signals for healthy eating. Now I can enjoy food without overindulging and allowing outside factors to affect how I take care of my body.

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