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What Is Chemtrails and Should You Be Scared of Them? Essay Example
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The Manhattan Project was a United States led program that produced the atomic bomb during World War II. The nuclear research began with the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. These events open the door for the United States to pursue means of warfare to defend the United States from future attacks. The Japanese was rumored to building weapons of mass destruction and Germany was attempting to build their own version of the atomic bomb. The United States congress and the world believe the United States military strength had been weakened. The President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt was the leader that created the Manhattan Project that included a feverish attempt to complete the atomic bomb before Germany. The United States was successful in building the first atomic bomb, which was dropped on the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The primary objective was to strike fear in the hearts of minds of any country that thought the United States would not strike with the atomic bomb.
The United States never considered the effects of the ionizing radiation, radioactive elements, and chemical warfare on the world’s weather system. The United States ignored safety concerns of the American people and the potential unbalance of the weather systems for years to come. The world has experience some of the worst cases of global warming. The consensus that the atomic bomb explosion blew a hole in the ozone that protects us from the sun’s rays along with the potential long-term damage to the environment (University of Michigan (2015). The issue of global warming has been in the media without thinking about the cause of the global warming of the earth. The goal of this paper will be to examine the direct impact of the Manhattan project on the weather and environment damage to the rest of the world. The primary goal of the President Roosevelt was to bring back the military power to the United States.
The effects of the global warming have been documented since the dawn of time however, not at the damaging rate to the environment since the Manhattan project atomic bomb. The current weather altering methods are a direct reaction to the damaged caused by the Manhattan project. The chemtrails are an example of the effects of the Manhattan project to the ozone layer of the earth. The chemtrails are often seen in the sky mistaken as F-16 burning gas in the sky. The theory of chemtrails has been validated by the British who used planes to spray sea salt, dry ice and silver iodine to make it rain. (Mcgrath, 2015).
The chemtrails are sprayed by the United States to controlled or influence the weather while adapting to the damaged caused by the Manhattan Project atomic bomb. The chemtrails have become necessary because the weather has no protection from the ozone, therefore the chemtrails balance when the United States needs rain or cold or warmth. The conspiracy that the United States airplanes leaving the chemtrails are an admission that the chemtrails are a reality. There has been more evidence coming out in the media about the true effects of the Manhattan Project to the world’s ecosystems and ozone’s.
The history of the world has shown many fluctuations in the weather with record-breaking heat and record-breaking cold fronts in the most uncommon places in the world. The change weather has been explained away as natural occurrences and that the world does not have worry about global warming. However, the polar parts of the world are facing massive melting incidents such as sea ice and glacial ice melting. The melting of the ice releases more greenhouse gases causing the ecosystem to stop adapting to weather changes naturally (Wild World of Nature, 2015). The atomic bomb started the global warming events that are releasing dangerous gases are all the result of the Manhattan Project breaking open the ozone layers with the atomic bomb.
The nuclear bombs are so lethal that the massive damage that was concentrated on destroying Japan worked the opposite affect damaging the ozone layer with cataclysmic explosions. The atomic bomb destructive energy was assisted by the uranium and plutonium atoms that were inside the atomic bombs. This type of fusion of the hydrogen atoms destroy at the sky level as well as the molecule levels of the ozone. The detonation of the Manhattan Project atomic bomb produces a fireball strong that the shockwaves intensified the damage of the radiation to the environment. The environmental damaged will take years to recover from the mushroom clouds that vaporized the environment by dispersing radioactive agents. These agents fell to the earth contaminating the soil, water and food supply which carrying the uranium fallout through wind reaching other continents (Dowd, 2015). The United States did not consider the spread of the atomic bomb particles by the wind and underestimated that once the atomic bomb exceed 100 feet to 500 feet would allow the uranium to continue to travel upwards with the sheer force of the blast.
The nuclear weapons devastate not just the ozone layer but also all human, plant and environment life in that targeted zone. The best example of the devastation of the Manhattan Project can be explained with the United States use the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. The damage killed everything in a 5 square mile radius of the detonation. The bomb had the same effect of hundreds of pounds of dynamite including punching a gaping hole in the ozone stratosphere. The effects of the Manhattan Project atomic bomb were evident with the surviving Japanese population and animals that received major radiation poisoning and the same to the ozone layer. The consensus thinking is the major damage to the environment of Japan is the same devastation that took place in the ozone (Dowd, 2015).
The Manhattan Project has left many clues that the detonation of nuclear bombs in the atmosphere above ground can spread the damaging radioactive materials into the stratosphere. The broken layers of the ozone are a direct result of the atomic bomb because the nuclear bombs have the capacity to cause more damage to the environment and ozone that than the fallout of a nuclear accident like Chernobyl. The Chernobyl nuclear accident is a good weight to understand the significance of the damaged caused by the Manhattan Project. The Chernobyl nuclear accident was supposed to be the worst radioactive fallout because of the release of radioactive elements into the air. It was documented that five million acres of land in Ukraine which destroyed the vegetable growth and the milk was contaminated (Dowd, 2015). In comparison to the damage caused by Manhattan Project the Chernobyl accident represents just one atom released in the atomic bomb among billions of released by the atomic bomb, one billion to one.
There is no way to calculate the intended height of the atom bomb because of the changing factors of the environment such as rain, clouds, weather and the uncontrollable of radioactive materials with the environment. The research on the internet, Gale and other education websites only provided the estimated blast effects of the atomic bomb at 500 feet, however the ozone primary areas only about 20 feet. It cannot be argued that the atomic bomb destroyed several layers of the ozone immediately during the blast that killed millions in Japan.
The United States did not consider the effects of radiation that has the ability to change, destroy, or alter DNA in human genes, earth’s plants, and the animals causing mutations yet to be matched in history. The environmental destruction has been notice with the continuous spread of cancer related illnesses because of the radiation from the atomic bomb. The spread of the atomic bomb articles reach the seaways sending fallout by water. These water contamination leaders to causing the sea to be a carrier of the radioactive elements (New York Times, 2015).
The Manhattan Project atomic bomb caused major damage to the environment along with depleting the protective layers. The radioactive particles that fell to earth but cause damage on every level of the ozone levels. The ozone layer is important because the earths stratosphere that reaches an altitude of 9.3 to 18.6 miles which contains the highest concentration of the ozone (National Geographic, 2015). The ozone absorbs the dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sunrays. The height of the atomic bomb was estimated at 500 feet because the United States wanted the maximum devastation of the bomb measured at 500 feet (Wellerstein, 2012).
The ozone is a highly reactive molecule that contains three oxygen atoms. These atoms are constantly being formed and broken down at the highest level of the ozone at 6.2 to 31 miles above the earth in the region called the stratosphere. The environmental damaged of the atomic bomb was known by the United States because reports from witnesses fire damage blasts that cause firestorms which contributed to chemical pollution. In addition, the ozone immediate effects to the global warming (University of Michigan (2015).
The chemtrails are believe to be the government’s attempt to change, alter and modify the weather without the general public having knowledge of the contents of these chemtrail releases. The damage to the ozone does not need a scientist to figure out the damage caused by the bomb because the massive explosive strength of the bomb was equal to 20 tons of TNT or a destructive power equal to over 2000 military bombs (New York Times, 2010). This means the atomic bomb was 2000 times more powerful that the 2000 military bombs combined. There is mounting evidence that indicates the current chemtrail spraying by the United States utilizing special airplanes built for spreading weather altering particles. These articles are influencing electromagnetic energies for the primary purpose of changing the weather. (Kirby, 2015). It is obvious that the impact of the Manhattan Project will be felt way into the future and while the United States continue to deny it, the world is facing catastrophic consequences.
The environment from the fallout and the depletion of the ozone will have long lasting damage because the earth cannot protect itself from the sun’s rays. In addition, the pollution that was in the stratosphere has now continue to rise into the ozone causing unforeseen damaged. The chemtrails are a good indication that the levels of the ozone cannot be repaired because the government is using these chemtrails to influence the weather. The evidence that the Manhattan Project damaged to the environment continues to be debated because of the lack of accountability by the United States.
The scientist that configured the bomb on considered the damaged to the Japanese while counting only minimal damaged to the ozone. However, the atomic bomb was tested in Mexico but the measure and the extent of the damage to the ozone could never be known. The number of incidents of weather changes in places that are cold are now hot and places where is hot are now breaking records with cold weather are clearly global warming warning signs. The environment has taken a turn for the worse with ecosystems dying and animals becoming extinct. The Manhattan Project was put in the hands of scientist that already doubt that they can be wrong with mathematical calculations. However, they never considered that the first atomic bomb cannot be measured in the damaged and the devastating will not be seen for years to come. The President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt must shoulder the blame because his rush to beat the Germans to building an atomic bomb may have destroyed the earth and its ozone layers.
Dowd, M. (2015).How nuclear bombs affect the environment. Retrieved from http://education.seattlepi.com/nuclear-bombs-affect-environment-6173.html
Kirby, P.A. (2015).Chemtrails exposed: A history of the New Manhattan Project. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/chemtrails-exposed-a-history-of-the-new-manhattan-project/5432009
Mcgrath, J. (2015).What is chemtrails and should you be scared of them? Retrieved from http://science.howstuffworks.com/transport/flight/modern/what-are-chemtrails1.htm
National Geographic. (2015).Ozone depletion: Losing earth’s protection layer. Retrieved from http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/ozone-depletion-overview/
New York Times. (2010).On this day: First atomic bomb dropped on Japan: Missile is equal to 20,000 tons of TNT: Truman warns foe of a “rain of ruin: Commentary. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/big/0806.html
University of Michigan. (2015).Environmental effects of nuclear proliferation. Retrieved from http://sitemaker.umich.edu/sec003group5/development__and_testing_of_nuclear_weaponry
Wellerstein, A. (2012).The height of the bomb. Retrieved from http://blog.nuclearsecrecy.com/2012/08/08/the-height-of-the-bomb/
Wild World Fund for Nature. (2015).Global warming impacts in the Artic and Antarctic. Retrieved from http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/aboutcc/problems/impacts/polar_melting/
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