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Why Abortion Should Stay Legalized, Research Paper Example

Pages: 3

Words: 944

Research Paper

In a contemporary world, the cases of women choosing to make abortions are becoming more and more repetitive. Most frequently abortion is viewed as the easiest and most comfortable way to get rid of undesirable pregnancy. Women were given an ultimate gift of bearing a life form, but an abortion lets them choose whether they want to give a new life or not. In fact, abortion cannot be defined as good or bad, for there are two camps actually providing sufficient support for both points. Of course, taking somebody’s life without even asking does not sound moral and ethical at all; however, a woman may face certain obstacles in her life, especially in terms of financial instability, thus taking decision based on reason and logic instead of emotions. So, abortion can be a reasonable and logical way out, and sometimes the best one. Thus, I think abortions must be legalized. First of all, it is women’s right to make their choice and nobody is entitled to take it away. Secondly, if abortions are made illegal this will lead to “back alley” abortions, thus only endangering women’s lives and health.

The freedom of choice is a really big issue in contemporary democratic society and everybody has a right to choose one thing above another. Therefore, women must not be limited in their choice regarding abortion, for it is simply limits their legal rights. Sometimes a woman can face certain obstacles in her life that she simply cannot afford having a child. It may be a consequence of financial instability, immaturity, or merely inability to take care of a child, which may result in child brought up in poverty, misery, and destitution, thus making this child suffer without any guarantee that it will not die from starvation or reckless negligence. Moreover, it is totally women’s right to decide what to do with their bodies and no one could make a better decision then themselves. “The day selected for 1973 was the Roe v. Wade decision, January 22. The right to make their own decisions about continuing or terminating a pregnancy has truly changed the world for US women.”(Ehrlich, X) The Roe v. Wade was a United States Supreme Court case, which outcome was the legalization of abortion. It was one of the most controversial cases in the history of US Supreme Court, which actually overturned all federal and state laws that previously restricted abortion. However, the argument around this decision continues today. So, women must always have an option, alternative way out, because sometimes life obstacles and difficulties simply do not allow having another kid and they must have a choice to make abortion.

Abortions must be kept legal in order to avoid unsafe abortions, which are also referred to as “back alley” abortions. World Health Organization defines unsafe abortion as “a procedure for terminating an unintended pregnancy either by individuals without the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to minimum medical standards, or both.”(Grimes, 2006) The anti-abortion social stigma and poverty in the developing countries results in performing unsafe abortions by unqualified abortionists regardless whether abortion is legal in this particular country or not. There multiple reasons for unwanted pregnancy to occur in woman’s life, like not using contraceptives; not having access to family planning supplies and information as a result of political and economic conditions; as well as some unpredicted changes in circumstances that make a wanted pregnancy unwanted, like health or financial obstacles. Therefore women are sometimes forced by circumstances to make an abortion and they will make it regardless whether it is legal or not. However, when the abortion is made illegal they won’t have any other choice than to go with unsafe abortion, thus endangering their life and health. “An estimated 19–20 million unsafe abortions take place every year, 97% of these are in developing countries.”(Grimes, 2006) This supports the point that women pretty often make their choice for abortion, however, in this case, they make it secretly for it either is illegal or they just don’t want their peers or parents to find out. Consequently, “An estimated 68 000 women die every year from unsafe abortion, and millions more are injured, many permanently.” (Grimes, 2006) Legal abortions also appear to protect women’s health, because in some cases childbearing can result in certain complication leading to death of both mother and child. If a woman suffers heart disease, severe hypertension or diabetes, kidney disease, sickle-cell anemia, or any other illness the fact of childbearing can result in serious medical complications. Moreover, current technology allows detecting whether the child will be born normal or defective, thus it can make a woman to make an abortion not to endanger her life. She will still have a chance bearing a healthy child in the future.

Abortions must be kept legalized for women have a right to choose granted by the Constitution and prohibiting it would result in violating legal rules and freedoms, as well as discriminating women. I would suggest abortions to be performed in cases of rape, to end pregnancies that will result in children born with disability or genetic abnormality, or to reduce the number of fetuses to lesson health risks when having multiple pregnancies. Nevertheless, each and every woman must have a choice as to whether she wants it to be done or not. This activity should be stated as legitimate and government must not prohibit it in any case.

Works Cited

Ehrlich, Shoshanna. The Abortion Rights of Teens: Who Decides? Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006.

Francome, Colin. Abortion in the USA and the UK. Ashgate, 2004.

Grimes, David et al. “Unsafe Abortion: The Preventable Pandemic.” Sexual and Reproductive Health 4. World Health Organization, 2006.

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