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YouTube and Video Marketing, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 578


Video marketing is theuse of videos whenadvertising. In thisregard, thecustomers are persuaded to buyproducts by displayingtheproductsand their uses in theform of a video. Theproducts’ prices, how to use them, and their significanceare displayed in the video. Video marketing is thebeststrategy to markettheproducts. This is becausetheproducts can be displayed on thetelevision, movies, andfilms in theform of videos. Marketers do not need to explainmanythingswhenadvertisingusing videos. This is because in the videos, everything is described as thecustomersoranyotherpersoninterested is watching. Marketers will onlyelaboratethe unclear parts of the video.

There are four elements of video marketingstrategy. Theyinclude; publish, optimize, promote, andanalyze. All theseelements are veryimportantwhenmarketingusingthe internet. Publishing as a marketingissuedoes not haveanyrules to be followed. Whatis targeted on publishing is to meetthegoalsandtargets in themarket. Thecompany will settargets, which will fight to meet in themarket. Thecompany will useanymethod of publishingthe video solong as thetargetsandgoalsare achieved(Sheldon 2013, p. 104). What to be publish on the videos is veryimportantbecausethis will influencetheconsumer. Before publishing, thecompany should considerthe targeted population. Differenttargetpopulationshave their favorite’s socialmediawebpages. Today themostvisitedsocialmediawebpage is facebook andmostcompanies post their videos on these pages. This is becausethey will attracttheattention of manyconsumers as theyvisitthepagefrequently. Otherwebpages are twitter, histogram, blogs, and LinkedIn. Stories, pictures, andanyotherlivelyinformation should be includedon the video to attractthe targeted population.

When posting the videos online, it should be optimized forsearchandsharing. The posted video should enablethecustomersoranyperson to searchforthe video andshareitforotherpeople to accessandwatch. In thiscase, youtube has beenthebestmethod of video marketingbecausethe videos posted can be easilysearchedandshared. This has madeitthesecondmostvisitedsearchengine after Google (Choi & Kim 2014, p. 152). The content should be includedwhen posting the video suchthatit can enablethecustomers to searchandfounditeasily. Sharing is usedwidely on thesocialmediaandother web pages. Whenitcomes to video marketing, sharing is importantbecausecustomers will sharethe video in facebook, tweeting, andeven emailing the video to otherpeople.

After the video has been optimized andshared, thenextstep is to promoteit. Promotion is veryimportantbecauseit will enablecustomers to accessthe video frequentlyevenwhenvisitingothersites not related to marketing of thecompany. Thecompanyoremployed marketers should tweet or post the video on facebook pages as a way of promotingtheproduct. They can setit as a homepage on their websites suchthatit will be thefirstthing a customer will access on thesite. The video should be posted on youtube as it is themostvisitedsitepresenting videos. In addition, the video should be posted on websites of othercompanies that are mostlyvisited.

Analysis is anotherimportantelement of video marketingstrategythat should be considered. This is becauseit will enablethecompanyknowsifthemethods of presenting on the internet are effective (Jarboe 2011, p. 91). This is through measuringthenumber of pagesviewedandthenumber of visitoraccessingthe videos. To knowthenumber of visitorsorviews, theinformation can be accessed from thirdpartiesordirectly from theplatform. Forexample, a software can be setsuchthatit can capturethenumber of viewersorvisitors on youtube oranyothersites. It can be set to capturetheinformation of viewers from variousregions in thecountryandforsometime as a month. After a monthoranysettime, thecapturedinformation is retrievedandanalyzed. Ratingsandcomments posted by theviewers are capturedandanalyzed by the marketers.

It is importantthat marketers have a strategywhenusing video marketing. This is becausethe marketers need to influencemorecustomers to buy their products. Theydothismakingproductawareness as quality of theproduct, prices, andtheimportance of theproduct as compared to thebrandsoffered by thecompetitors (Sheldon 2013, p. 84). In themarket, manyproducts are offered from differentcompaniesandmanystrategies are applied. Eachcompanywants to employ a uniqueandmostinfluentialstrategy that will persuademorecustomers to buytheproduct. Acompanythatdoes not have a strategyorthestrategy is weak will be outweighed in themarket. This is becauseit will not makeanysales since thecustomers are not influenced to buytheproducts.


Jarboe, G. (2011). YouTube and video marketing: An hour a day. John Wiley & Sons.

Choi, H. H. & Kim, J. H. (2014). Promotional Video Editing Techniques Utilizing Color.

Sheldon, D. D. (2013). How the Internet Has Revolutionized Video Marketing.

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