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Blood Sugar Testing Using Glucometer, Research Paper Example

Pages: 5

Words: 1350

Research Paper


This teaching/ learning module consists of a three session training activity for newly diagnosed patients with type 11 diabetes mellitus.

Background Information

Type 11 Diabetes:

Ninety percent of all people affected by diabetes mellitus are type 11 diagnosed. Complications of this disease are severe. Therefore, by controlling blood glucose levels the sequel of this disease could be delayed. This is important because type 11 diabetes mellitus is a disorder whereby the body’s metabolic mechanism responsible for storing glucose does not carry out its function effectively of storing glucose in the tissues. Subsequently, glucose travels around idly in the blood stream. This is a very dangerous practice since high blood sugar levels could damage organs in the body as well as cause a person to go into a coma and die (Fasanmade, 2008).

Blood Glucose Monitors (Glucometer).

Medical science has become so advanced that monitoring blood sugar levels has been facilitated by technological devices such as glucose monitoring devices known as glucometers. These devices have been designed for self-management of diabetes mellitus. As newly diagnosed persons it may not be always simple trying to take your blood sugar using an unfamiliar device despite how advanced a reader you might be. It may also take someone explaining the process as well as practice while being guided (American Diabetic Association, 2013).

 Google Images, 2013

(Google Images, 2013).


The goal of this teaching/ learning experience is for residents living in an assisted living facility become efficient in monitoring their blood glucose levels.


  • 1 facilitator
  • 3 assistants

Participants and demographics

Twenty newly diagnosed type 11 diabetic clients were the participants of this teaching/ learning experience. There were twelve women and eight men. Their age ranges were 10 participants at 53 years old; five 45 and another five, 36 years. They were all residents of an assisted living facility setting. The medication regime as evaluated and it as revealed that all participants were taking oral diabetic drugs since the diagnosis was made in less than a month. 5mgs Glipizide

Venue/ place where teaching was conducted

Room space in activity room at the assisted living facility


These clients were residents of an assisted living facility in an urban community. They were all on an oral anti-diabetic agent; Glipizide 5mgs. After a brief evaluation of their cognitive ability in understanding written and spoken English 20 were selected for training. All were African Americans with basic primary education and no physical disabilities.

Session 1: Assembling of Glucose Monitor (1 hour).


  • To enable clients correctly assemble a glucose meter in preparing for blood testing.


  • Blood Glucose monitors (one model provided for class participants-compliments of Medicare).

Teaching/learning process:

  • Let clients take 10 minutes to pre-read introductory information on diabetes and glucose blood testing monitors (Brief back ground information provided in the introduction).
  • Distribute glucose monitor packages.
  • Allow 15 minutes for expressing questions/concerns
  • Address and clarify issues raised
  • Allow participants to open glucose monitoring packages and identify parts which have to be used for the procedure (20 minutes)
  • Glucose Meter

Glucose Meter

(Google Images, 2013).

  • Lancing Device

Lancing Device

(Google Images, 2013).

  • Test Strip

Test Strip

(Google Images, 2013).

  • Ensure that all participants have found three parts for testing in the package (5 minutes)
  • Listen and address concerns (10 minutes)
  • Allow participants to fill out a short evaluation survey regarding their experience
  • Dismiss session

Session 11: Testing blood glucose levels using glucose meter (1 hour)


  • To train participants in testing for blood glucose
  • To enable participants identify where to read results


  • Glucose monitors
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Trash cans

Teaching/learning process:

  • Distribute blood glucose monitor packages
  • Instruct participants to identify and remove monitor, lancing device and test strip from package
  • Let participants read instructions give package for using the device to test glucose blood  levels (10 minutes)
  • Allow 15 minutes for expressing questions/concerns
  • Address and clarify issues raised
  • Let participants locate entry site for placing test strip.

(Google Images, 2013).

  • Let entry site to be turned facing participants as seen above
  • Let participants remove one lancing device each and test strip
  • Place test strip on flat surface with reagent facing upwards
  • Demonstrate how lancet is used to prick finger to retrieve blood after cleaning fingertip with alcohol swab (10 minutes)
  • Allow participants to squeeze blood from finger prick and place onto the reagent end of the test strip (10 minutes)
  • Place test strip within 5 seconds into glucose monitor entry testing point
  • Wait for reading to appear on monitor
  • Clean-up and replace monitor, lancing device and test strips in package
  • Listen and address concerns (15 minutes)
  • Allow participants to fill out a short evaluation survey regarding their experience
  • Close session

Session 111: Testing blood glucose levels using glucose meter;

 Reading and recording results (1 hour)


  • To enable accurate testing, reading and recording of blood glucose levels


  • Blood glucose monitors
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Trash can
  • Pen
  • Note pad

Teaching/learning process:-

  • Distribute blood glucose monitor packages
  • Let participants read instructions given in package for using the device to test blood glucose levels (10 minutes).
  • Remove glucose blood testing equipment from package (Monitor, lancing device and test strips.
  • Place pen and note pad on flat surface close to monitor in preparation for, reading and recording blood glucose level results.
  • Allow participants to follow instructions given in previous session and instructions from package to practice self-blood glucose testing (20 minutes)
  • Repeat glucose testing practice testing activity until participants are confident with the process.
  • Allow participants to ask questions and express concerns (10 minutes).
  • Address and clarify issues raised
  • Let participants read out results aloud from monitor screen during the blood glucose practice testing sessions.

Google Images, 2013

  • Attempt verifying accuracy of results by allowing facilitators validate readings
  • Let participants use pen and note pad to record results as they appear each time on monitor’s screen.
  • Allow participants to ask questions and express concerns (10 minutes).


  • Address and clarify issues raised (10 minutes).
  • Express appreciation for participants cooperation during the learning teaching sessions
  • Allow participants to fill out a short evaluation survey regarding their experience
  • Replace monitors in their respective packages
  • Close session


The goal of this teaching/ learning experience was for residents living in an assisted living facility become efficient in monitoring their blood glucose levels.

  • To enable clients correctly assemble a glucose meter in preparing for blood testing (Session 1).

All participants except one was proficient in assembling the glucose meter for testing blood sugar. The one participant expressed difficulty in reading instructions accurately. Facilitators guided the participant into achieving the objective.

  • To train participants in testing for blood glucose

All participants were capable testing their blood glucose levels accurately.

  • To enable participants identify where to read results ( Session 11)

All participants accurately read and interpreted results

  • To enable accurate testing, reading and recording of blood glucose levels (Session 111)

Follow up monitoring occurred for two weeks after teaching learning experience. Participants leant to accurately use the equipment for accurately testing and recording their blood sugar levels.

Evaluation of these learning outcomes encompassed reviewing responses given by clients from each session survey response which was used as a feedback to assess the entire teaching learning experience. Participants were eager and excited during the teaching learning experience. The interaction with each other was complimentary; they asked questions freely and expressed concerns openly

Reflection of own learning

My learning entailed understanding how lack of knowledge can create suffering. Participants expressed how this teaching would greatly assist them in monitoring their blood glucose levels. Ten of them were given glucose monitors, but were not using them because they did not understand what to do. This teaching/learning experience helped me understand lapses in health care education which ought to be addressed immediately.


This teaching learning experienced proved achieved it goals and clients were satisfied that they could correctly assemble a glucose meter in preparing for blood testing; identify where to read results and accurately test, read and recording of blood glucose levels.


American Diabetic Association (2013).Blood Glucose Meters. Retrieved September 23rd, 2013 from

Fasanmade, O. Odeniyi, I., & Ogbera, A. (2008). Diabetic ketoacidosis: diagnosis and management. African journal of medicine and medical sciences, 37 (2), 99–105.

Google Images (2013). Images. Google

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