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Facebook Picture, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 627


The Facebook picture is a blend of past and present ideas. With the connection between the two pictures, an obvious link is directed for the viewer of the image. From the two images in the picture to the picture itself, there are a significant amount of points that can be made regarding the picture.


One crucial theme illustrated by both photos is one of protest. In the current year of 2012, protesters are using this familiar method to speak out against something – the integrity of marriage – just as others have done. While the earlier picture is speaking out against integration in 1958, this age-old action is linked together.

Taking matters a bit further, it is interesting to note the American flag in the modern picture. Indeed, protestors are utilizing the same theme of American patriotism to back their beliefs in the protest. In a way, it could be argued that, in the “wrong” of both protestors, the theme of patriotism and what America stands for is “used” (in its negative connotation) for the protestors’ goals. In this subjective stance, all protestors could be said to be taking advantage of patriot-based ideals to further their views.

Another link that is important is the association made with communism. The older picture brings the protestors’ views together with communism, which represents the radicalism of the Red Scare in the 1940s and 1950s. Thus, another subtle point is made: the current resistance against gay marriage is argued to be analogous to that political radicalism. Yet another subjective point is thus granted, along with the previous point, for a powerful duo of minor things that can jump out at the reader.

For a final point, the difference in time frames is extremely important. It’s not simply about one issue, racial integration, becoming an obvious and ridiculous item, currently. That 1958 picture was more than about people being wrong about an issue; in fact, it’s much more than that. It’s the culmination of radicalism on the political and social level, and a severe lack of morality displayed in an embarrassing manner. Drawing these two representations together, a powerful set of connections can be drawn to persuade the reader, based on the historical links that are made.

The Big Picture

Arguing for the picture, to play devil’s advocate, the overall point of the picture can be seen to be a turning point for American culture. Obviously, there is a certain and strong opposition to the modern protests. If legislation ultimately changes concerning gay marriage, the two pictures could ultimately be linked, at least in terms of historical opposition. Taking it a step further, they could then be linked in a moral light, though that takes on a more subjective view.

However, if things don’t turn out that way, it could be another paramount indicator in American history. The current picture depicted, of course without the older picture and commentary, could be a crucial point for the integrity of marriage. Instead of the picture turning out to be a protest that will turn out to be wrong – it could be the other way around.


The descriptions and overarching themes of the picture are plentiful. In fact, an additional note can be made about the mere medium for the picture; on a social media site that is also historically relevant. Indeed, Facebook may be a more powerful venue to “protest” than any American landmark.

In the coming years, or perhaps more accurately, the coming decades, the true significance of the picture(s) will be seen. Perhaps legislation and common opinion will deem the commentary correct. Or, perhaps it won’t. From the elements of protest, communism, Patriotism, Facebook, and more, the historical relevancy of the picture is clearly seen. Either way, there will be a clear amount of irony present in time to come.

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