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Formative Activity for Research Methods, Annotated Bibliography Example

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Words: 466

Annotated Bibliography

Mastrocola, Emma L., Anna K. Taylor, and Carolyn Chew-Graham. “Access to healthcare for long-term conditions in women involved in street-based prostitution: a qualitative study.” BMC family practice 16.1 (2015): 1.

Assessing a third sector organization in the North West England, Mastrocola (1) used semi-structured interviews among 16 women engaged in of street-based prostitution and were accessing support. On this view, understanding self-management strategies and health-seeking behaviors of the FWSs with chronic health issues will be essential in commissioning and designing services that will improve the delivery of care.

Mellor, Rebecca, and Andrew Lovell. “The lived experience of UK street-based sex workers and the health consequences: an exploratory study.” Health promotion international (2011): dar040.

Exploring health needs of street-based sex workers in England, Mellor (11) interviews female sex workers to understand their health and their encounters with health care services. Mellor (11) established a poor understanding of the complex needs of the street-based sex workers by the healthcare service industry and professionals, mainly the failure to engage with the realities facing FSW, and factors that maintain them in the profession.

Litchfield, Jane, et al. “Can a targeted GP-led clinic improve outcomes for street sex workers who use heroin?.” Br J Gen Pract 60.576 (2010): 514-516.

UK FSWs are often addicted to sex work and heroin, and the indulgence in sex and heroine comes as a result economic drive to fund this addiction (Litchfield, 2010). Investigating the outcomes of primary care drugs treatment on FSWs using heroine among 34 sex workers managed to enter the study, Litchfield (2010) results indicated 100 persons were retained in the study at 1 year and that only 33 participants were considered to be sex workers.

Mosedale, Brenda, Christos Kouimtsidis, and Martina Reynolds. “Sex work, substance misuse and service provision: The experiences of female sex workers in south London.” Drugs: education, prevention and policy 16.4 (2009): 355-363.

Investigating substance-relate, and provision experiences of FSWs and substance abuse, Mosedale et al. (355) established constantly changing among sex workers. Using unstructured confidential interviews, eight women from abusive background were examined to establish the experiences faced by women are new are not new. The authors concluded that flexible services are important in attracting, engaging and supporting this vulnerable group (Mosedale et al. 357).

Works Cited

Mastrocola, Emma L., Anna K. Taylor, and Carolyn Chew-Graham. “Access to healthcare for long-term conditions in women involved in street-based prostitution: a qualitative study.” BMC family practice 16.1 (2015): 1. Retrieved from:

Mellor, Rebecca, and Andrew Lovell. “The lived experience of UK street-based sex workers and the health consequences: an exploratory study.” Health promotion international (2011): dar040. Retrieved from:

Mosedale, Brenda, Christos Kouimtsidis, and Martina Reynolds. “Sex work, substance misuse and service provision: The experiences of female sex workers in south London.” Drugs: education, prevention and policy 16.4 (2009): 355-363.

Litchfield, Jane, et al. “Can a targeted GP-led clinic improve outcomes for street sex workers who use heroin?.” Br J Gen Pract 60.576 (2010): 514-516.

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