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Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, Reaction Paper Example

Pages: 1

Words: 318

Reaction Paper

The three fundamental elements of metaphysics include physics, ethics and logic. All these three elements have their own share of being able to define the process by which the human brain thinks through the situations that a human undergoes thorough time. All three factors work together to help make a person decide on matters. Nevertheless, they all belong to the different dimensions of thinking. Logic for instance should all depend on reason and not on probable cause. The physical aspect on the entre end insists on the existence of experience and how such events affect the being of a person. Ethics on the other hand is more dependent on the consideration of both physical and logical elements to create a moral basis of one’s reactions and distinctive decisions.

According to the writing of Immanuel Kant, it could be understood that all three aspects should be considered separately especially in relation to the establishment of both moral and natural philosophy. With the establishment connection between all the three elements concerned, the human brain creates an empirical source of understanding hence achieving a base-defined thinking for humans to recognize. The creation of the natural human law [most likely known as the conscience] instantiates the natural condition of human thinking that establishes how an individual develops moral thinking and how at some point, the others go over the limitations what are considered normal and acceptable in the society. The uniqueness of each individual’s human mind and its process of thinking make it possible for people to think differently from each other based from their experiences and the logic that supports the said thinking especially regarding the philosophy of morality. Personally, this written work helps me understand the ways by which I am able to develop my own decisions and why sometimes, my decisions as well as my beliefs on morality and righteousness largely differ from what others may think to be acceptable.

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