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How Have New Media Forms Such as Blogs Changed Political Debate, Annotated Bibliography Example
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You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work.
Bartow, Ann. Feminist Law Professors. 30 Oct. 2007. Accessed 15 Oct. 2010 http://feministlawprofs.law.sc.edu/?p=2501
This website is run by a group of law professors advocating pro-feminist politics. Its postings illustrate how blogs are used to affect politics today.
Beckett, Charlie. International Relations. 7 Jan. 2008. 15 Oct. 2010. http://www.e-ir.info/?p=234
Website featuring articles that discuss the impact networked journalism and blogging have on both domestic and international politics.
Bursetein, Dan & David Kline. Blog! How the Newest Media Revolution is Changing Politics, Business, and Culture. 2005. New York, CDS Books.
A book written by two journalists who argue that the idea behind blogging is far from new and examine what new media will mean for the future of news reporting.
Chesher, Dr. Chris. “Blogs and the Crisis of Authorship.” 19 May 2010. 15 Oct. 2010. http://incsub.org/blogtalk/?page_id=40
Website for the “Blogtalk Downunder” event in Sydney, Australia. Dr. Chesher’s paper discusses the general effect blogs are having on all types of new media and on the presentation of media subjects.
Duffet, Helen. “Do Tweets win seats? – Micro-blogging and politics.” 28 Sept. 2010. Accessed 14 Oct. 2010. http://www.libdemvoice.org/do-tweets-win-seats-microblogging-and-politics-20980.html
This is an article on the blogging and news website, the Liberal Democratic Voice. It deals with Twitter and the use of micro-blogging in politics.
Echchaibi, Nabil & Adrienne Russell. International Blogging: Identity, Politics and Networked Publics. 2009. New York, Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
This book is a combination of a collection of political blogs and discussion on how political bloggers are impacting politics on an international level.
Farrell, Henry., Drezner, Daniel. “The power and politics of blogs.” Public Choice Vol. 134, 1-2, (2008): 15-30. Canadian Research Knowledge Network Springer Link Current. Web. 4 Oct. 2010. http://www.springerlink.com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/content/rm2051728x01278r/fulltext.pdf
The authors of this referred article ask, “why blogs have any influence at all” in the world of politics. To answer it, the authors focus on what they believe to be the key factors that drive the blogging world and what effect those factors have on those who read blogs.
Gunter, Barrie, et. al. “Blogs, news and credibility.” Aslib Proceedings Vol. 61.2, (2009): 185-204. Emerald Current. Web 4 Oct. 2010. http://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/journals.htm?issn=0001-253X&volume=61&issue=2&articleid=1779157&show=html
Referred article that reviews recent literature about news blogging and examines if news blogging holds up to the mainstream standards of traditional journalism regarding credibility and truth.
Knowledge@Wharton. Cnet news, “The Future of Blogging.” 5 April 2005. Accessed 14 Oct. 2010. http://news.cnet.com/The-future-of-blogging/2030-1069_3-5654288.html
This is a special report done for cnet news. The report covers some of the recent events blogs have been credited with, including the last U.S. presidential election. The point of article is to examine the lasting power of blogs in our society.
Koop, Royce., Jansen, Harold. “Political Blogs and Blogrolls in Canada” Social Science Computer Review Vol. 27, No. 2, (2009): 155-173. Sage Premier 2009. Web 4 Oct. 2010. http://ssc.sagepub.com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/content/27/2/155.full.pdf+html
Referred article that focuses on the effect blogging has had specifically in Canadian politics. The authors use empirical test results as the data for their arguments.
Lawson-Borders, Gracie., Kirk, Rita. “Blogs in Campaign Communication.” The American Behavioral Scientist Vol. 49.4, (2005): 548-559. ABI/INFORM Global, ProQuest. Web 4 Oct. 2010. http://proquest.umi.com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/pqdlink?vinst=PROD&fmt=3&startpage=1&vname=PQD&did=928436901&scaling=FULL&pmid=27862&vtype=PQD&fileinfoindex=%2Fshare3%2Fpqimage%2Fpqirs103v%2F20101004032339305%2F15981%2Fout.pdf&source=%24source&rqt=309&TS=1286177020&clientId=12303
This reference article explains blogs and the practice of blogging in detail, examines the use of blogging in the 2004 U.S. presidential campaign, and explains why the authors predict the use of blogs to become standard in political campaigns.
Lorber, Janie. “The Caucus: The Politics and Government Blog of the Times.” 15 Oct. 2010. Accessed 15 Oct. 2010. http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/
This is the official political blog page for the New York Times online newspaper and an illustrative example in action of how blogs affect politics.
Marks, Benjamin. “Grounding political debate.” Libertarian Papers 1, (2009). Academic OneFile. Web. 4 Oct. 2010. http://find.galegroup.com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/gtx/infomark.do?&contentSet=IACDocuments&type=retrieve&tabID=T002&prodId=AONE&docId=A201551104&source=gale&userGroupName=ucalgary&version=1.0
A one-sided essay that examines the politics of capitalism. It includes a detailed section on blogging, the role it plays in politics, and how it is used for capitalistic principles.
Matthews, Jack. “When Politics, Roles and (Movie) Stars Align.” 10 March 2010. Accessed 15 Oct. 2010. http://blog.moviefone.com/2010/03/10/actors-politics-movie-roles-choices/
Article that discusses the political movie “The Green Zone.” This movie deals with political issues, journalism, and new media during the Iraq war.
Norris, Shana. Something to Blog About. 2008. Amulet Books.
This is a fiction novel about a high school student who uses a blog to vent about her life and her opinions on the world around her. It is useful here since it shows the impact blogs have for those who write them, as well as for those who read them.
Pole, Antoinette. Blogging the Political: Politics and Participation in a Networked Society. 2009. New York, Taylor and Francis, Inc.
This book takes an in-depth look at the people leading the political blogging world, why they do it, and their impact on society.
“Popular Playlist – Elections/Politics.” 15 Oct. 2010. Accessed 15 Oct. 2010. http://blog.615music.com/seasonal-suggestions/elections-politics
This blog website lists a variety of popular music titles, all having to do with politics and elections, and contains audio clips of the songs.
Remnick, David. “The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama.” 2010. New York. Alfred Knopf, Random House, Inc.
This book is about Barack Obama’s political life. It discusses the extensive use of blogging and other new media tools used during Obama’s presidential campaign in detail.
Rodzvilla, John. We’ve Got Blog: How Weblogs Are Changing Our Culture. 2002. New York, Basic Books.
A book that covers the basic history and community of blogs and contrasts blogs with traditional journalism. It is a collection of 34 different essays and deals with blogs on a variety of topics, including political blogs.
Scholar. “Souled On. (Music, Art, Politics, and Life). 14 Oct. 2010. Accessed 14 Oct. 2010. http://souledonmusic.blogspot.com/
A website that posts current and past soul music, along with blogs that tie the selected music into current issues in music, art, politics, and life.
Woodly, Deva., “New competencies in democratic communication? Blogs, agenda setting and political participation.” Public Choice Vol. 134, 1-2, (2008): 109-123. Canadian Research Knowledge Network Springer Link Current. Web 4 Oct. 2010. http://www.springerlink.com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/content/n6363377068n80m2/fulltext.pdf
The main focus of this referred article deals with how the popularity of blogs have altered political communication. The author promotes the role blogs have in promoting interaction between what the people want and what the politicians want to do.
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