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How to Extract DNA from Any Living Thing, Lab Report Example

Pages: 1

Words: 250

Lab Report

DNA was discovered in the early 1950s when two scientists named Watson and Crick were working in a laboratory in Cambridge, England (How was DNA discovered). DNA is the building block of life. Everything and everyone has DNA.

The purpose of this experiment was DNA extraction. I completely mimicked the experiment from Genetic Science online lab with the exception of using raw lima beans instead of peas. I followed the directions exactly. There were a total of four steps in this experiment. The first step in this experiment was blending the beans in a blender with table salt and cold water. The second step involved pouring the mixture through a strainer. The third involved adding enzymes using meat tenderizer. The final step involved adding rubbing alcohol.

My results were similar to the results in the instructions. I did see a white, stringy texture appear within the test tube. I used a large toothpick to collect the DNA and placed it in a Tupperware container with rubbing alcohol.

The experiment was very interesting because it allowed me to see how DNA molecules work without having to use a microscope. DNA is truly fascinating to study. I enjoyed the simplicity of the experiment and how much it taught me about genetics.

Works Cited

“How to Extract DNA from Anything Living.” Learn.Geneticsâ„¢. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2010. <>.

“How was DNA Discovered? – Explore D N A (UK).” Understanding DNA and its Relevance to Life   at Explore D N A (UK). N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2010. <>.

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