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Models, Methods, and Approaches to Celia’s Case, Essay Example

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Social work relies on models, methods, and approaches to develop a clearer process that promises the success of the medical process. The right sections and procedures can only work after a more basic and preferred process (Stone et al., 2020). Using specific channels to redefine the process and create a more open approach involves giving basic steps for fear before the process goes into action in the case (Thompson & Stepney 2018).  I can term the model as a more basic one where all ideas can point to a more basic and specific approach (Kingstone et al., 2022). All sections are sued directly to give the right response. I would require an open session, and the first method would be to redefine the environment and give it the right and most effective state. Celia needs a good approach that handles her fears and creates a comfortable environment before proceeding to more features and needs. The process and every condition included in the right direction of analysis would require my positive effort in creating a good environment. The model is more basic because knowing the causes and effects is required to develop a good understanding (Nelson-Becker et al., 2020). Introducing the case requires a preparation phase that sets the tone for the meeting and ensures better results become the target. I believe in a process where various needs can be met directly so that individuals can develop a closer relationship in indicating their points. Based on the case, I have much to create and decide on because some theories and approaches can help me make decisions.

Knowing and seeking help is the best way to overcome challenges and create a smooth outcome without much disturbance. The climate presented is one where most features can indicate an upward slope (Moth & Lavalette, 2019). I believe for Celia, it is about breaking off the perception of not being a social person who can report specific events. The thoughts about the events worry the client, and it is only relevant that you create a good and more successful plan (Bunce et al., 2019). The plan ensures you overcome the challenge and regain the client’s sleep. Understanding your case, you have a major fear that most of the things you may have experienced or seen can create a lot of friction in the future, and you are scared of poor sight in front of you (Nelson-Becker et al., 2020). The challenge is simple and may only require a good setup point to redefine all sections and instances. The project needs to begin with a good analysis of what you are facing. The case involves breaking off personal feelings and creating a relevant plan to overcome them. Fear is a negative mental state that creates a poor and less productive system of approaches and criteria. It engages the mind differently, eliminating every possible plan and intervention (Banks et al., 2020). The best and most successful steps must be implemented to overcome fear and ensure the right state of mind.

Fear is a more negative approach that creates harm in various ways, and the results are worse because of the original and negative impacts. Overcoming fear is necessary for handling all the available challenges so that the plans are set actively and more conventionally. The approach is more guaranteed because the first procedure analyzes the problem’s mental state (Bunce et al., 2019). The model of the case involves understanding the behavior and response of Celia after the events that she went through. The first frightening event challenged her to meet the required states or conditions. Making all ends more practical is creating the basic picture or approach (Moth & Lavalette, 2019). The case is connected to a model where specific conditions and processes influence the behavior. Behavior can be shaped and transformed into a more direct approach. The right state of mind is to define, and steps used to define behavior and the most common way to overcome it (Kingstone et al., 2022). I believe it is necessary to indicate the best steps using the existing features. We can work on developing the intervention after identifying the case model. Celia is exposed to a more extraordinary experience that requires the attention of the police. The behavior after that is influenced by the process and ideas it takes to redefine the whole system (Stone et al., 2020). Therefore, the model involves cause and effect, where features work to redefine the conditions.


The case presented involves a crisis arising from specific events during or after an activity. The right trends are required to develop and meet some of the needs so that nothing can hold any section (Payne, 2020). The model begins with understanding the causes so that the right interventions can be input. This creates a wide knowledge base Lishman(2018). The first and most probable way of meeting the right trends and needs of the case involves getting the facts out of the client (Nelson-Becker et al., 2020). The client took time before seeking my assistance because of the analysis of whether the process was right and required attention. I believe the client was working, hoping the right conditions could be met without making the necessary engagement steps and practices. The forms of understanding the case can be considered more direct.; I believe the first section of the model involves getting the right knowledge about the possible response of the client to some questions (Kingstone et al., 2022). It is set to create the right environment so that information may flow effectively and better. I have a good way of raising the needs and conditions more simply. I can develop a more understandable relationship through the necessary steps and actions. The best and most effective channels and dimensions for creating a more basic approach are to enhance the features and create a more reliable system and approach (Moth & Lavalette, 2019). The model is used to create social contact and the right environment to obtain information from the client.

The second model analyzes and investigates the right response features and systems using the introductory step. The model is the second in the analysis because it gives a more active system. The right features can only be met after the best steps are incorporated. The analysis model uses wider perspectives and features to create and present the best ideas and steps (Sony & Naik, 2020). The analysis mechanism is a more practical step that can introduce a good approach for every process. The next model is the intervention after carefully viewing the theories applicable to raising the evidence. The theories give a good outline for meeting some of the needs and information required for advancing every step (Banks et al., 2020). I believe the stage is the one that results in developing better and more stable interventions that can act as the right solutions. Everything about the presented plans and information can only create a wider perception but cannot be used to see a section of the steps. The process is key in advancing various features and meeting trends (Rebs et al., 2019). The stage is one of the most essential because it gives a wider and more input situation that can be used to make contact and reference. I can use the theories to transform the case and help clients meet their aims. Theories act as reference points in ensuring every piece of information is made more direct and impactful.

Theories, Method, and Approach

Systems Theory

Systems theory involves understanding how different systems can influence an individual’s behavior. It is a good point for raising information about behavior and how necessary it is to create and meet needs (Sony & Naik, 2020). Systems theory is the best and most engaging theory because the client faces fears that can be attributed to a specific condition and process. Various actions can serve as reference points to achieve the right feedback. Systems theory is applicable in evaluating the activities resulting from the situation because it supports them. The most practical step of use is to raise a good process where everything can be explained correctly and effectively (Nelson-Becker et al., 2020). All channels work together to raise a good and more probable solution to everything involved. Most sections can be explained through the theory because the idea is to create a more basic approach comprising several data and information classes (Teater, 2019). The entire course of action involves raising a good defense mechanism for the fear presented by Celia in her attempt to regain normal functions. For example, indicating lack of sleep is a state away from normal behavior, and it can create a lot of challenges and problems for other body processes. Systems theory is wide and expansive in explaining all the steps and sections for the right and most effective plan. The best state constantly meets the needs through all media and plans.

After defining more basic features or facts, the intervention is attached to the relevant processes indicated. Creative design involves giving delicate procedures and processes to a more reliable platform where most events and activities can arise (Kingstone et al., 2022). The most effective dimension of the activities is to give a more significant explanation through the given dimensions and plans. I believe the right way to raise a more effective explanation is by understanding how the systems operate. The introduction begins with the horrible features presented by seeing the face of Kimberley. It is a more basic approach to meeting the right factors and creating a wider source of information (Teater, 2019). After understanding the cause of the fear, which is the imagination of the face, the next statement is to create meaning out of Mary’s reaction after the incident. It was odd that the client was worried, but Mary was alright, and she insisted on Kimberley too. The systems are considered to deviate from a common course, and it is a point of major difference. Mary creates a distinct point by giving a separate turn to the whole process and procedure. I believe a more effective step would be to note the deviation and the possible interventions at the stage. Also, the stage creates the perception that the family culture is already split and can no longer be held.

Mary defines a separate point of the system by giving a less detailed approach, and she creates a turning point from the normal procedures. Mary is a key figure in the systems of the case, and through her, we can identify why the client was scared. The situation can raise more abnormal responses, giving a conventionally different situation. The client lacking sleep can show that all the features are made more reliable and practical so that the intended purpose deviates. The processes are defined differently so that the ideas are more separate, and not many needs can be pointed out (McFadden et al., 2020). Lacking sleep indicates the other negative perception of the wrong system where different needs cannot be met. The body is the other dimension in defining most processes and procedures (Jackson, 2019). I believe a good way to use the systems of a normal state in meeting various needs can be realized from the situation. The right state to use in ensuring the basic processes are achieved can be realized by evaluating the nature of every system. The process is more inclined and reviewed to create and meet the steps and actions (Parker, 2020). Mary gives a possible blend to the normal system and gives a separate content in realizing all procedures and actions. I can indicate that the systems theory is more practical in identifying the background information of the case and meeting the different steps and procedures.

Systems theory is more applicable in giving the process results because it connects all sections directly to the results. All efforts about the ideas running through the client’s head and her reaction can be used to point out the results of the issues given. The theory is a more basic approach by presenting a different way of raising and meeting specific information and responses (Nelson-Becker et al., 2020). All skills can only work after the right analysis of various procedures. I can point out that a good system and reference to the processes explain the behavior well. The more expansive theory can give specific information about the steps to explain all processes. The procedure is more direct and states the facts (Parker, 2020). The major question of ‘what happened?’ is answered correctly and directly in the case. The representation of information follows a more direct approach that gives a wake in the level of preference and needs or requirements. It is necessary to indicate the key steps through the theory so that the explanation behind every action can be presented. The theory is widely used and applicable because it gives a more basic approach. I believe all systems are directly given the right information and trends. The systems theory is more direct in handling the case and widely and more impactfully meets the needs.

3 Conversation Model

The model represents using strengths to identify the right steps for a case. The situation is more direct by giving specific needs that can point out a more viable procedure or process. I believe the model can be used to ensure after the right steps are indicated, all results are given with a more basic approach. Everything works to give and meet various needs because the client needs to build on their strength (Parker, 2020). A possible step would be incorporating the right steps and developing a good understanding of the needs. Using the model is a good approach because it supports the theory in ensuring the best steps are calculated and inserted correctly (Teater, 2019). The needs of every social action can only follow specific steps and channels that can be used to present a good report and respond to the available findings. A lot can be inserted by giving and using the presented sections and information to respond to some of the major sections (Jackson, 2019). All dimensions can only be driven after considering the needs of the client. Having the right intention to create and generate a good response is necessary for evaluating and detailing a good result. However, more analysis relies on the theory that works to give the entire evaluation of every action.


The theory involves using the client as the only intended purpose after all the procedures and processes are followed. The best way to meet the intended needs of a process involves using the stated ideas and giving the right response. The person-centered theory is more practical in evaluating the therapy and response to the steps or procedures (Parker, 2020). However, it does not give a detailed investigation of every requirement and trend. I can present a more detailed approach using the systems theory because a person-centered may remove some major procedures. A good and more reasonable way to create the right procedures is to develop a more effective plan highlighting the steps and possible reasons attached. The person-centered theory is stated in a different dimension, limited to some steps of incorporating the right ideas and information (Payne, 2020). I believe a good way of handling all the steps would be to raise the right standards to get a good setup system that highlights all facts in the intended procedures.


The theory or approach is more active in giving the objectives and steps to meeting them. However, I believe it is a good approach for presenting the solution with top facts that have already been solved. The information should be more basic and give the steps as highlighted correctly and significantly (McFadden et al., 2020). Various needs can only be met after realizing the right factors have been inserted into the application procedure or process. I can point to a section on developing and meeting the needs as a good way of outlining. The task-centered approach can be the right point in presenting a more reasonable flow of results and processes. All the right steps can only be used while focusing on the right goals and dimensions (Parker, 2020). The necessary fact is to give and utilize all sections to develop and recognize the points of interchange and contact. Therefore, the theory is relevant in giving the solutions, but the systems theory is more basic and direct. Incorporating the relevant results after careful consideration is more attached to the level of success required and the applicable measures left (Jackson, 2019). Everything should work more interactively so that all steps are made meaningful.

Family Group Conferences

The theory may be presented and related to the case and is more active and interactive in meeting specific needs. The procedure involves giving a good approach and stating the facts despite the negative interventions. The theory involves meeting the extended family network together with that of friends (Bunce et al., 2019). The theory is more direct to social connections, and it can be used to explain the fear to report the client felt. After analyzing every section and dimension, getting the right information should be the best and most definite intervention (McFadden et al., 2020). The theory is limited because specific causes are not indicated and highlighted. Therefore, the limitation creates a failed attempt to meet the steps and procedures.


I believe the decision to see me was the best because of the dangers of stress. Stress is a common point of making a lot of harmful features and trends. The right steps are not followed when someone is stressed because of mental illness. I begin with mental understanding so that the right response can be received. The comfort of being in the right place will be the first step toward solving the problem. Knowing you are in the right place, you can feel relaxed because every tension is removed. There are many things that I can do to make you feel relaxed. The first and major role in attempting to point out the methods and theories would be to make the environment conducive. All challenges can be avoided if the region’s state is on the right scale. The belief in a good system and approach should be part of the driving force in developing a good intervention for the case. The understanding is to use the environment more positively and create the right response to the outstanding issue and situation. The right procedure involves presenting a good environment through the basic cultural systems and procedures. I believe it is possible to handle the crisis with a lot of concern and connection if the right steps are used. Therefore, all the processes begin with making a good environment for analysis and end with giving a more reasonable outcome.


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