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Neurobiology of Kleptomania, Case Study Example

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Case Study

The issue and appropriate ways to address the issue

Thomas is mainly suffering from kleptomania. I will address the issue using cognitive behavioral therapy. Kleptomania and many other mental health issues can be treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT (Ling, 2017).  When you can’t resist the temptation of stealing things that you don’t actually need or that are of little worth, you’re suffering from kleptomania. In the absence of treatment, kleptomania can cause severe emotional distress to you and your loved ones (Mangot, 2014). Impulse-control disorder (ICD) is defined by a lack of emotional or behavioral self-control. Kleptomania is a kind of ICD. It is tough to resist the urge to do something hazardous or excessive if you suffer from an impulse control condition (Ling, 2017).

Like Thomas, kleptomaniacs are scared to get help since they’re ashamed of their condition. However, kleptomania is not a disease, and it is possible to treat it with medication or psychotherapy (Nakagawa et al., 2021). A normal shoplifter doesn’t steal because he or she lacks the money or because he or she is acting out as a form of disobedience; instead, kleptomaniacs steal because they have an obsessive urge to acquire things (Alakeylan, 2020). A deep, overpowering impulse drives them to steal, and there is no relief until the act is completed. In contrast to shoplifters who plot their heists for days or even weeks in advance, kleptomaniacs act on their impulses immediately, frequently with the help of another person (Anderson, 2017). Friends and family members can also be targets for kleptomaniacs, who steal from them while they are visiting or during a party (Ling, 2017).

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Definition of cognitive therapy

The Latin “cognoscere,” which means “to recognize,” is the origin of the term cognitive. Cognitive therapy aims to better understand one’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs (Mangot, 2014). When objects and events cause us grief, it isn’t just the things themselves that are an issue, but the emphasis we place on them as well (Ling, 2017). It was developed by American psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck.

How the cognitive behavioral therapy is applicable to Thomas’s case

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps you recognize and replace unhealthy, negative attitudes and habits with healthy, good ones (Ling, 2017). As part of your treatment for kleptomania, cognitive behavioral therapy can help you use strategies such as imagining yourself committing a crime and facing the repercussions, such as being caught, which is a form of covert sensitization (Ling, 2017). Cognitive-behavioral therapy will also instill aversion therapy in Thomas, where he will practice minimally unpleasant procedures, such as holding your breath until you become uncomfortable when you get an inclination to steal (Anderson, 2017). By use of this approach, Thomas will desensitize by repetition of relaxation techniques and mental images of self-control in the face of theft desires (Arakeylan, 2020).

The things that cognitive-behavioral approach focuses on

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) aims to help people change their thoughts, not only detect them. Writing, role-playing, relaxation, and mental distractions are some of the tactics that can be used (Ling, 2017). CBT ensures that it has made its first priority to be the negative thoughts by learning how thoughts, feelings, and surroundings can influence bad conduct is essential (Anderson, 2017). Introspection can be tough, especially for those who have trouble with it, but it is a vital component of the therapy process and can lead to valuable insights. CBT also ensures that new talents have been developed. It is critical to begin developing new abilities so that they may be applied in the real world (Ling, 2017). Rehearsing how to avoid or deal with social settings that could potentially lead to an episode of substance abuse is an example of a behavioral change that can be implemented in addiction treatment (Nakagawa et al., 2021).

CBT assists the kleptomaniac people to set their goals, self-monitor themselves, and solve their problems. Setting goals can be a crucial part of your recovery from mental illness and assist you in making positive changes in your life (Grant et al., 2013). An individual may benefit from CBT by learning how to identify their goal, distinguish between short and long-term goals, make SMART goals, and focus on the process of achieving your goal rather than just the end result (Ling, 2017).

Cognitive-behavioral approach view on human nature

CBT is based on the premise that the way we think, feel, and act all play a role in our overall well-being. Thoughts directly impact how we feel and act (Ling, 2017). As a result, negative and unrealistic thoughts can be upsetting and even lead to a physical or mental health issue (Arakeylyon, 2020). When a person is suffering from mental illness, their perceptions of the world become distorted, which in turn affects the decisions they make (Ling, 2017).

The counselor’s view of the situation and the identified problem

Thomas is stealing goods that he doesn’t need because of a lack of self-control. He is also aroused, worried, and stressed (Ling, 2017). Thomas has a sense of satisfaction, contentment, and relaxation. Thomas feels ashamed, remorseful, and embarrassed or fear of arrest due to the theft (Anderson, 2017). Thomas increases the desire to steal and a cycle of kleptomania. As part of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), self-monitoring entails keeping a record of your behavior, symptoms, or experiences and discussing it with your therapist. To get the best treatment, your therapist has to know what you’re doing (Ling, 2017). Self-monitoring may include, for example, keeping track of one’s eating patterns and any associated thoughts or feelings for those who are dealing with eating disorders (Ling, 2017).

What is happening when one is kleptomaniac?

Serotonin, a brain molecule that governs mood and emotion, may be to blame for the issue. Symptoms of kleptomania may be caused by low levels of serotonin in the brain. Neurotransmitters, a network of brain chemicals, control most of the signals our brain provides us for diverse behaviors (Ling, 2017). It’s possible for a signaling error to alter a person’s personality and how they respond to simple situations. Dopamine may be released as a result of theft (another neurotransmitter). Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for eliciting pleasant feelings in some people (Ling, 2017).

When one has some existing disorders which are psychiatric related, he or she might become a kleptomaniac. Thomas seems to have some existing psychiatric disorders because he had attempted to sexually assault his sister (Anderson, 2017). Kleptomania is also connected with anxiety problems such as sexual abuse, sexual repression, and child abuse. In addition, there is the possibility that this disease is linked to other mental health issues, such as depression or OCD (Ling, 2017). They describe their urges to steal as unwanted and disturbing thoughts.

The ways the cognitive-behavioral approach will make Thomas’s life better

It will instill a sense of optimism in Thomas, who feels down about his situation. This is evident because he was not willing to undergo a therapy session and that he was shy when he was confessing about shoplifting at the supermarket (Mangot, 2014). People with mental health issues often have a pessimistic outlook on their future because of their condition’s nature (Ling, 2017). Even imagining a future where your illness no longer affects you can be difficult. In CBT, hope is given to those who have lost hope. It accomplishes this by illuminating the erroneousness of our preconceived notions. They are not always accurate representations of what will actually happen (Mangot, 2014). We open our minds to new possibilities when we learn how to challenge our thoughts. You never know what might happen in the future (Ling, 2017).

CBT will promote Thomas’s self-esteem. Low self-esteem is a common symptom of a wide range of mental health issues. These ideas and actions feed into the loop of negative thinking influencing positive behavior (Anderson, 2017). The problem is that CBT can break this pattern and help you gain more self-confidence. Thomas’s entire belief system will shift when he begins to comprehend how his thoughts function and how he may influence them. This includes his self-perception (Anderson, 2017).

It will enhance reasoned thought patterns to Thomas. Controlling our thoughts is one of the primary advantages of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) (Nakagawa et al., 2021). Many people suffer from cognitive distortions on a regular basis, frequently without realizing it. Negative thoughts can be replaced with more positive ones if we practice challenging and replacing them with new ones over time (Anderson, 2017). As a result, you no longer succumb to the temptation to succumb to the temptation to succumb to bad ideas (Arakelyan, 2020). To sum up, CBT is a highly effective form of talking therapy that may be used for kleptomaniac.

Role of the counsellor

An essential first role of a counselor in kleptomania treatment is to educate and Thomas about his disease, its repercussions, and the therapist’s recommendations for coping strategies. Assisting in normalizing the client’s experience might help them feel hopeful and encouraged rather than imperfect or weak (Ling, 2017). The counselor will also do sensitization works by increasing the level of stress and anxiety associated with stealing to raise the level of danger (Anderson, 2017). The therapist will use visualization techniques to help the client imagine a future scenario. They visualize the bad consequences of stealing an object, such as being arrested, humiliated in public, and losing money (Nakagawa et al., 2021).

The therapist will disrupt the link between discomfort and larceny by using aversion treatment which uses unpleasant and unwanted acts as a substitute. The therapist urges the client to participate in moderately painful behavior, such as holding their breath or holding an ice cube, when they first feel an inclination to steal (Ling, 2017). Distraction and redirection from the habit of theft are designed for the new behavior. Systematic desensitization is another strategy that aims to break the link between stress and theft by using relaxation techniques and positive images to assist people to regulate their emotions and impulses to steal. The person can realize that the unpleasant feelings are only for a short period of time (Anderson, 2017).

Definition of terms and their link to Thomas’s case

Reframing is solving a problem by looking at it from an alternate angle. I will look at Thomas’s case from a different angle of being a kleptomaniac, unlike the other people who viewed him as a shoplifter (Nakagawa et al., 2021). Leading is the process that I will use to influence Thomas in a manner that will enhance his contribution to overcoming kleptomanias (Anderson, 2017). Empathy is generally characterized as the ability to see yourself in another person’s shoes and understand their perspective. I will view Thomas’s experience as if it were my own experience (Mangot, 2014). Immediacy is defined as a physical posture or movement that suggests familiarity, comfort, or closeness between two persons. I will maintain an eye contact when I will be advising Thomas (Anderson, 2017).

Techniques specifically associated with cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Therapy based on exposure: fears and phobias can be overcome through exposure treatment. To help you overcome your fears and anxieties, the therapist will gradually expose you to the things that cause you stress (Nakagawa et al., 2021). The other technique is discovery with a guide where the therapist will get to know your point of view by using guided discovery. Afterward, they’ll pose questions that will test your assumptions and expand your horizons of thought (Anderson, 2017).

Closure second session

As Thomas’s therapist, I will ask him to write down any unpleasant ideas that have come to him since the last time you saw him. Since the last session, keeping track of his ideas and actions is another writing activity (Anderson, 2017). I can see how far he has come when he writes it down.

Second session micro skills

Reframing – Reframing is a way of shifting your viewpoint so that you can see a circumstance, relationship or a person in a new light.

Thomas: I have never been in any counselling session and so I am unsure of what is expected of me in this session. It’s both my mother and father who wanted me to attend this session of which I didn’t want to attend it.

Counsellor: Is it possible to explain what happened or rather what made you to shoplift?

Thomas: Yes, that’s possible but I might be very shy during the session.

Counsellor: Everybody dreads the feeling that they’re being judged by others.

Leading- it is the ability to influence people in a way that enhances their contribution to the success of the group’s objectives.

Thomas: I had been grounded at the store for one month. It is my father who went to apologize to the manager of the store I had shoplifted on my behalf. I was given a punishment of working for 12 hours where I did every duty that the manager assigned to me.

Counsellor: Having been caught shoplifting is a very bad experience to someone. For how long have you been shoplifting?

Thomas: It was actually my first attempt of shoplifting. The only mistake I have ever done is attempting to sexually assault my sister.

Counsellor: It seems you are ready to stop shoplifting. Do you have friends? Are you dating?

Empathy- it is the process where counsellors are expressing their care and consideration for the client, whose experiences may be vastly different from their own.

Thomas: currently, I don’t have a girlfriend but I have maintained my friends whom we have known each other for three years.

Counsellor: Do you engage yourself in any games or sports?

Thomas: I usually do sports.

Counsellor: Sports activities will help you to shift your focus from shoplifting thoughts.

Immediacy- It is the counselor or helper’s capacity to use the current issue to prompt the client into contemplating their relationship as a whole.

Thomas: How is the counselling session going to assist me on how to stop shoplifting?

Counsellor: that’s a good question Thomas. You are suffering from a condition known as kleptomania. That’s what is making you have the urge of shoplifting things that you do not need in your life. Serotonin, a brain molecule that governs mood and emotion, may be to blame for the issue. Symptoms of kleptomania may be caused by low levels of serotonin in the brain. In addition, kleptomania is linked to anxiety, substance misuse, mood swings, stress, and eating disorders (bulimia and anorexia), as well as childhood maltreatment, neglect, and sexual repression or abuse.

Closure second session

Counsellor: Thomas, today’s session is over. In future whenever the thoughts of shoplifting emerges again, you should imagine yourself stealing and subsequently enduring bad repercussions, such as being caught, as a result of your actions. It is a form of psychological treatment that uses somewhat unpleasant procedures, such as holding one’s breath, in order to avoid stealing. Relaxation and visualization techniques will also be useful to you in order to desensitize you to the temptation to steal.

Thomas: Noted, I will ensure that I have practiced all the activities that you have advised me to practice.

Objectives of the third session

The objective of the third session will be effective counseling. Counseling success is built on a foundation where we shall come up with well-defined, attainable goals, each one built upon the one before it (Grant et al., 2013). Thomas must commit to a series of steps that will lead to a specific end to identify and develop the goals together.

An analysis of the treatment approach, strengths, and limitations

The treatment approach is effective because It Enhances Reasoned Thought Patterns controlling our thoughts is one of the primary advantages of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) (Ling, 2017). Many kleptomaniac people suffer from cognitive distortions on a regular basis, frequently without realizing it.

The strengths of CBT are that even if medicine hasn’t worked, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can still assist in addressing some mental health issues. Compared to other talking therapies, it can be finished in a relatively short period of time (Anderson, 2017).  One disadvantage of CBT is that to get the benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), you must fully devote yourself to the practice (Anderson, 2017). However, a therapist can assist and advise you, but he or she can’t solve your problems without your participation. Another disadvantage is that regular CBT sessions and any additional work done between sessions might eat up a lot of your personal and professional time (Arakelyan, 2020).


Ajish Mangot, 2014. Neurobiology of Kleptomania: an overview. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 5(2) DOI: 10.4038/sljpsyc.v5i2.7305

Christopher Ling, 2017. The effect of social exclusion on shoplifting. University of California. Scholar commons.

Hayk S. Arakelyan, 2020. Kleptomania. Tokyo Medical University Hospital.

Kumi Sakurada, Masashi Nibuya, Kazuo Yamada & Seishu Nakagawa, 2021. Kleptomania Induced by Venlafaxine. Case Reports in Psychiatry 2021:1-3 DOI: 10.1155/2021/8470045

Shelbie F. Anderson, 2017. Perceptions and Eyewitness Memory of Shoplifting. Psychology Program Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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