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Object-Oriented Quality and Risk Management, Research Paper Example

Pages: 6

Words: 1515

Research Paper

A quality improvement, QI plan, entails a comprehensively prepared and an overarching work plan for an organizational that delivers health care services addressing the activities of quality improvements with particular regard to the clinical as well as service quality improvement initiatives an effective quality improvement must consider inclusion of fundamental information on the most appropriate approach taken by the health care institution in the management, deployment as well as appraisal of the ongoing quality within the health care organization. This paper posits to critically analyze the quality improvement plan that has been implemented at University of Nebraska Medical Center, UNMC with particular reference to the potential improvement areas, the data needed to monitor improvement, data collection tools applicable in collecting performance information and the tools that measure and display the quality improvement data that can be gathered with the data collection tools used in this respect

The role of developing the quality improvement plan at University of Nebraska Medical Center is entrusted on the clinical leadership working in collaboration with the institutions executives and then presented to the governing council in the institution which may be the Board of Directors for approval. Regular updates on the quality improvement plan must be executed to assess the progress of University of Nebraska Medical Center, in quality improvement (Nederpelt, 2012).

The most important areas of potential improvement through the quality improvement plan include the focus areas in a clinical setting considering the current as well as the consequent calendar year. The important consideration in this regard is appraisal of the outgrowth that was recorded during the quality improvement initiatives in the previous year, the priorities of the organization as well as the program requirements in the organization (Dessler, 2015).  Another most important consideration in the quality improvement plan entails the skills, the talents, the level of knowledge as well as experience of the people who are holding important functions in the organization. The quality improvement plan that has been implemented at University of Nebraska Medical Center addresses the talent needs at the institution because human resource plays a crucial role in quality improvement. University of Nebraska Medical Center realizes that a quality improvement plan is an essential component in the is shaping the management strategy of the institution and that, the talents inherent in the workforce plays a crucial role in empowering University of Nebraska Medical Center to implement the desired business model or strategy.

University of Nebraska Medical Center recognizes the importance of application of such tools as the strategy map, the Human Resource scorecard as well as the digital dashboard towards the achievement of quality improvement breakthroughs through well coordinated communication to the employees in the institution and also serves as a potential guidance in the monitoring of strategy execution that leads to quality improvement (Dessler, 2015). The use of the strategy map, the Human Resource scorecard as well as the digital dashboard at University of Nebraska Medical Center plays a crucial role in the achievement of sustainable quality improvements making it entirely different and competitive as compared to the organizations that have ignored to implement the relevant tools. The application of the strategy map, the Human Resource scorecard as well as the digital dashboard at University of Nebraska Medical Center facilitates in the enhancement of important units at the corporate level that serves as a basis for oversights to the strategy related business activities at University of Nebraska Medical Center. The realization of the fundamental contribution of translation of the broad strategic goals into human resource policies as well as practices in the University of Nebraska Medical Center is an important consideration and its achievement depends on the effectiveness of incorporating the relevant tools during the phase of execution.

University of Nebraska Medical Center has realized that strategy map is a very resourceful tool during the process of planning for a quality improvement program. After completion, the strategy diagram which is also called a strategy map is applicable in motivating the employees so that they can easily depict the process of value addition at University of Nebraska Medical Center. The strategy map depicts the most appropriate approach through the use of available human capital in the University of Nebraska Medical Center to achieve success. The tools also reflect the relationship that connect the most crucial areas and how the function in harmony towards realization of strategic objectives. Strategy map ensure that connectedness, communication as well as clarity are achieved in the organization (Dessler, 2015).

HR scorecard also play a critical role as an important tools in strategic HR management. They become of much help in achieving a connection between the coherent definition of departmental objectives as well as performance and the strategic goals of the business goals. The HR scorecards are also applicable in focusing on human resources activities that are most likely to support the goals of the business. They also help in leveraging the strategic non-monetary performance metrics to the traditional financial measures (Rose, 2005). The HR scorecard is also a good platform to conduct the processes of definition, appraisal as well as assessment of the level of effectiveness in HR functions. The benchmark metrics that are applicable in turnover, productivity as well as the entire satisfaction of workers establish a good connection the strategic goals of the organization and the HR.

Although the HR scorecard has been universally acknowledged, they have some weaknesses that are attributed to high failure rates that sometimes hit the 70% mark. They can also give inaccurate data because the level of truthfulness of the employees must not always be 100% at tye time of responding to survey questions through face-to-face interviews. This is  one area that contributes to inaccuracies that are associated with the HR scorecards and more so in studies that have utilized quantitative data. The untruthfulness of the employees may not necessarily intentional as they at times may offer misleading information or respond that they are comfortable in their working positions whereas they are dissatisfied. The results thence derived from the HR scorecards are sometimes biased. It is important to acknowledge the fact that, qualitative as well as quantitative data are applicable as a measure in HR scorecards to make comparisons against category benchmarks. Reaching 100% objectivity during ba measure of intangibles can never be achieved even if the data is very accurate. Biaseness in HR scorecard compromises the HR function credibility and the subsequent capabilities of offering the needed value in the business.

The digital dashboards also serves as very vital tools in University of Nebraska Medical Center quality improvement plan for the purposes of strategic HR management applicable in displaying the functionality, effectiveness as well as the level of morale for the benefit of management personnel in human resources in the organization (Dessler, 2015).  Quality improvement help in the translation of the strategies on the business in to quality improvement plan that can also help in monitoring execution and a good source of insight requisite in the management as well as enhancement of operational and financial performance (Eckerson, 2006).

University of Nebraska Medical Center has realized the potentials inherent in business intelligence. Therefore, any kind of a tool that aids the business in supporting the data in the organization has a link to the intelligence solutions of the business. The digital dashboards are important intelligence tools at University of Nebraska Medical Center although sometimes back, the use of digital dashboards was an exclusive reserve for managers in the big organizations.

Despite the fact that, the digital dashboards are treasured tools in quality improvements, they have their own share of weaknesses. Digital dashboards have been associated with significant changes and there is a great deal of dissimilarity between the old and the new dashboards but more improvements are needed. The performance of the digital dashboards has sometimes been considered as being extremely poor (Thareja,(2008), This is a crucial aspect of consideration since businesses are conscious about time just in the same way as they are in regard to money (Eckerson, 2006). Most of the operations are executed within about thirty seconds but access to the data may be a nightmare. Although the benefits of the digital dashboards supersede the use of multiple reports, there is a great need of improvements that are needed in performance. The digital dashboards are also associated with potential impediment to resources availability. The success of the digital dashboards is associated with their potential in permitting single logging so that all the subject applications as well as resources can be accessed at the same time. However, some of the digital dashboards even the most recent ones must be accessed through multiple logging that subsequently slow down the operations significantly


Dessler, G. (2015). Human resource management 14th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Eckerson, W. W., (2006). Performance Dashboards: Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business. John Wiley & Sons.

Nederpelt, P. V., (2012). Object-oriented Quality and Risk Management (OQRM). A practical and generic method to manage quality and risk. MicroData.

Rose, K. H., (2005). Project Quality Management: Why, What and How. Fort Lauderdale, Florida: J. Ross Publishing.

Thareja P., (2008), “Total Quality Organization Thru’ People, Each one is Capable”, Foundry, Vol. XX, No. 4,

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