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Objective Data for Patient EA, Case Study Example

Pages: 1

Words: 240

Case Study

Objective Symptoms:

Vital Signs

Height- 6 feet 1 inch
Weight- 275 pounds
BMI- 24.4
Blood Pressure- 150/100
Temperature- 98.4 Celsius
Pulse Rate- 85 per minute
Respiration Rate – 12 breaths per minute

Inspection – There is clear unevenness in the abdominal area that causes a rift into the abdominal wall. Repeated pushing on stomach leads to heavy increase in pain for patient. Vital signs do not indicate a clear blockage in arterial blood flow. Pulse rate is normal. Respiration rate is normal. Blood pressure is slightly elevated. Patient maintains high blood pressure with low BMI. Resting pulse rate is normal. Heartbeat is regular with no signs of palpitation or murmur. Lung contraction is normal. Patient complains of pain in chest when taking deep breaths.

Auscultation – A bruit was produced indicating possible alteration of arterial blood flow in the abdomen area. Further tests are required to ascertain potential damage to the area as well as potential decrease in blood flow throughout the body. High blood pressure exists with patient E.A. despite low BMI and excellent resting pulse rate.

Palpation – Abdominal tenderness exists towards the upper abdominal wall. There appears slight swelling just underneath the upper abdomen on the right side noticeable only to the touch. Upon touch, patient E.A. does not show difficulty breathing but does complain of pain.

Percussion – All signs appear normal.


Weber, J. & Kelly, J. (2010). Health assessment in nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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