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Operant and Classical Conditioning, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 975


I have a new one-year-old puppy that I want to train to sit. In school I have learned all about operant and classical conditioning. I am thinking that one or both of these types of conditioning—especially operant conditioning– could be used to train my puppy. Operant conditioning was developed by B. F. Skinner in the 1950s. It is also known as behaviorism, Skinnerian conditioning, and instrumental conditioning. “Through operant conditioning an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior” (Cherry). Skinner believed that causes of behavior were external and observable, not motivations and thoughts. According to Skinnerian theory, people all around us are conditioned every day as they seek praise, positive (or negative) rewards and promotions for their actions. If they receive these—and especially if they receive them often–, they are likely to repeat these behavior’s until they actually become learned behaviors for them. Negative rewards are not negative per se but involve the removal of “unfavorable events or outcomes after the display of a behavior. In these cases a response is strengthened by the removal of something considered unpleasant” (ibid.). Shaping is very helpful in the conditioning process, especially when it involves several “steps” to get to the final goal. In such cases, Skinner believed in reinforcing each successive “step” that led towards achieving the desired outcome. At one time shaping was used extensively—and, perhaps, it still is—to get individuals in an institution to go to the toilet by themselves. When they headed in the right direction (e.g., from their bed to the door), they were given a small reward. When that behavior occurred again, another reward was given until the individual was going to that door intentionally. Then the rewards ceased until the next step in the conditioning process occurred; namely, going out into the hallway. Again a reward was given until that behavior became conditioned. Once that happened, the rewards ceased until the next step in the process was taken, which usually involved turning and taking a few steps in the direction of the bathroom. Again, rewards were given until that behavior was learned; and so it went until the individual was actually able to lower the undergarments, go to the bathroom, clean him/herself and pull up the under and outer garments. This time the reward was much bigger than the other times so the person would realize that this was the desired task. Also, the reward was now only given upon completion of the task and only until the response was firmly conditioned. Should the conditioned person backslide, so to speak, a reward would be given again, but only upon successful completion of the complete task.

As for my puppy, I would give the first reward when, upon hearing the command, “sit,” it would stop what it was doing and pay attention to me. Once that task was conditioned, I would not give a reward again until, hearing my command to sit, it would stand still and pay attention to my command. The next reward would be given when my puppy made an attempt to sit. If during the conditioning process, my puppy were to lye down, there would be neither praise nor condemnation. A reward could indicate to the puppy that it was on the right track and, consequently, lye down every time it heard the command to sit. Negativity would only confuse and discourage my puppy. However, when my puppy finally sits, the big reward will be forthcoming and will keep coming until I believe that the puppy is making a firm connection between the command, “sit” and actually sitting.

As stated at the beginning of this paper, classical conditioning could also be used to condition my puppy to sit. This type of conditioning was developed by a physicist named Ivan Pavlov. It “is a learning process that occurs through an association between an environmental stimulus and a natural occurring stimulus” (Cherry). The paradigm for this conditioning is:

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) –already elicits a response; Unconditioned Response (UCR) – a response that is already elicited by a stimulus; “Unconditioned relationship—an existing stimulus response connection” (Healthy Influence); Conditioning Stimulus (CS) – Given slightly before presenting the UCS; Conditioned Response (CR)—the new stimulus created by associating a new stimulus with an old response (UCR). UCS –Neighbor’s dog sitting on its patio. (UCR) My puppy sits when it sees the neighbor’s dog sitting on its patio (but not otherwise and not on my command to do so); Unconditioned relationship—my puppy sitting whenever it sees the neighbors’ dog sitting on its patio. CS—the new stimulus is my command to my puppy to sit; CR—my puppy sits at my command to sit.

With respect to reinforcers, a primary one is what is given as a reinforcer upon completion of a given segment in the conditioning process, an example being money. A secondary reinforcer is what can be obtained with that primary reinforcer, an example being a movie ticket.

Depending upon how long a conditioning process takes, maturation can occur during that time. Abedon says that “maturation is not learning at all…Just because an animal improves its performance of a behavior with time does not mean that the animal is improving through learning.” Maybe the animal was anatomically and physiologically unable to perform the behavior until it reached the necessary developmental stage for such performance. This can sometimes confuse the extent maturation and the extent learning played in achieving a particular action. Therefore, it is important to distinguish, as much as possible, the role each plays in achieving a desired outcome of a conditioning process.


Abedon, Stephen T. Behavior as Adaptation. Retrieved on April 09, 2012, from

Cherry, Kendra. Introduction to Classical Conditioning. Retrieved on April 09, 2012, from

Cherry, Kendra. Introduction to Operant Conditioning. What is operant conditioning? retrieved on April 09, 2012, from

Healthy Influence—Persuasion Blog. Classical Conditioning. Retrieved on April 09, 2012, From

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