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Parallel Lines of Commentary, Annotated Bibliography Example

Pages: 2

Words: 569

Annotated Bibliography

Dong, Qingwen and Murillo, Arthur. The Impact of Television Viewing on Young Adults’ Stereotypes Towards Hispanic. Americans Human Communication. A Publication of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association. Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 33 – 44

The journal has established that viewing of television promotes the stereotypes on Hispanic Americans as hampered by the white Americans. The results of the study indicate that, watching television and interpersonal contacts influence stereotype disposition on Hispanic Americans. The two authors who compiled this study are credible because Dong is an associate professor in Pacific University, while his counterpart is a doctoral candidate in Benerd School of education. The article will be useful in the study because it is closely connected to the journal on the biasness reported in the media on reporting soccer issues affecting the white and black players. As seen, the media is coming out clearly as a tool used widely to promote biasness among minority in the United States.

MacArthur, Paul et al. Parallel Lines of Commentary? THE NBC Broadcast Network’s  Primetime Depiction of Male Gymnasts At the 2012 Olympic Games. Science of Gymnastics Journal Vol. 6 Issue 1: 73 – 84

According to the study, announcers at NBC, a media based in the United States, tend to report desirable traits about the male gymnasts compared to the rest in the summer competitions. The study has established that, male gymnasts are credited with strength and exceptional skills, while the rest are reported as lacking athletic ability to perform. The study will be useful and will contribute significantly to my study because it is closely connected to my previous source on biased reporting in the field of soccer. The study is equally credible, owing to the manner in which the authors conducted research. They took time to analyze all the media coverage conducted during the 2012 summer Olympics.

Critical preface

Racial bias has been there for a very long time and takes shape in several ways and in many fields including work place, schools, organizations, countries, and sports. Racial discrimination is a negative step that leads to loss of morale and self-confidence as the discriminated persons finds that they are seen as the inferior beings and hence not respected as their counterparts. It has been found that racial bias has taken shape in many fields such as in sports, in the work places, among other places.

As established in the above sources, media biasness is seen in promoting racial discrimination by elevating the whites, while undermining the minority. Professionalism demands that reporters select carefully the best frame to give a certain story. Arguably, it comes out clearly from the study that the media has the abilities of setting the themes of a given debate. The question that emanates from such debates is whether the sports or the activities in question are being elevated or otherwise undermined. As seen from the article by Dong and his colleague, the media is equally to blame for the numerous cases of negative stereotypes championed through movies and television programs.

Works Cited

MacArthur, Paul et al. Parallel Lines of Commentary? THE NBC Broadcast Network’s Primetime Depiction of Male Gymnasts At the 2012 Olympic Games. Science of Gymnastics Journal Vol. 6 Issue 1: 73 – 84

Dong, Qingwen and Murillo, Arthur. The Impact of Television Viewing on Young Adults’ Stereotypes     Towards Hispanic. Americans Human Communication. A Publication of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association. Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 33 – 44. Print

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