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Planned Parenthood: Another Bitter Debate, Essay Example

Pages: 1

Words: 315


The famous (and infamous) Planned Parenthood organization comes under fire once again as a result of secret taped discussions of staff members regarding fetal tissue disposal and donation. The author urges the reader to pause to consider all of the services offered by Planned Parenthood and to think about the implications of shutting down its other, more common goals: pregnancy prevention and personal treatment. Additionally, Martin argues that the tapes resulted from a one-year sting which only produced evidence that Planned Parenthood acts in accordance with its publicly stated goals and guidelines.

While Martin’s article claims only to seek answers, the author’s back-and-forth generalization glosses over the details, facts, and statistics and disregards the moral issues regarding the practice of abortion as a procedure. This informal inductive argument expresses enough confidence to create a bandwagon effect, as if to say, “Yeah, I know what I’m doing. Ride along with me.” Martin makes several predictions about the reactions of the anti-abortion supporters, Planned Parenthood, the public, and the legal system. She also doles out advice to the organization’s CEO, and celebrates the issue’ time of national recognition. The quotes at the end quip about the topic and uphold the author’s view of their points.

Martin’s article could have been strengthened with more statistical facts. Despite the fact that Martin avoids supporting one side over the other and writes that “no matter the distortions and grandstanding that have brought abortion back into the headlines” the issue itself should be discussed, her language and tone indicates a bias in favor of Planned Parenthood, lessening her credibility as a neutral commentator. Still, it is an editorial. The author strayed from their most powerful points, such as the fetal disposal, and made accusations which reeked of bitterness.

Works Cited

Martin, Jacquelyn. “Let’s hear all the evidence before rushing to judgment on Planned Parenthood.” Retrieved 24 July 2015. Dallas Morning News. 27 July 2015.

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