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Pooled Data, Essay Example

Pages: 1

Words: 394


In conducting a research study using pooled data together with a meta-analysis, it is important that the researcher review the primary literature for all findings a meta-analysis in similar studies.   The researcher should conduct a thorough review of all factors involved as well.  Unbalanced use of the pooled data in a research study can result in effects to the use of the results in field practice.  (Alemayehu, 2011)  In the current study conducted by Brancato et al. (2008), the authors indicate that the pooled analyses that resulted in a significant outcome were analyzed into figures in order to display the results.  The method of pooling and integrating the data were not explained thoroughly in their methods section; however, the authors did explain how the data was audited and how the meta-analysis was conducted.  In addition, the authors indicated that the data on fetal well-being was too disparate to be pooled for a meta-analysis.

The analysis of the data was analyzed using the 95% confidence interval (CI) for each of the outcomes. In addition, the Mantel-Haenszel weighting method was implemented as well. Furthermore, graphs were developed in order to illustrate the results of the studies in each analysis. The results of the pooled meta-analysis were reported in a table format and included the outcome measured, the studies used in the study, and the relative risk number. (Brancato et al., 2008) The results were clearly represented.

The results of the study suggested a significant outcome in laboring women using instrumental deliveries. The results suggest a high correlation of maternal morbidity in instrumental deliveries, as well as immediate pushing. The authors do indicate in their discussion that the meta-analysis was limited to randomized controlled trials. In addition, it was also indicated that the pushing methods were not the same among studies. Furthermore, the studies were conducted in different countries, which could have different procedures for epidurals and other protocols. Therefore, consideration of these factors should be considered before applying this research to practice. The research did offer significant correlations and these should be considered in cases where the patient is at higher risk.


Alemayehu, D.  (2011). Perspective on Pooled Data Analysis: the Case for an Integrated Approach. Journal of Data Science. 9:389-397.

Brancato, R., Church, S., Stone, PW. (2008). A Meta-Analysis of Passive Decent Versus Immediate Pushing in Nulliparous Women with Epidural Analgesia in the Second Stage of Labor. JOHNN. 27:4-12.

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