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Support For Pregnant Chinese Women, Essay Example

Pages: 7

Words: 1870


Executive Summary

The need for a program to help support young pregnant women in China is an issue of concern to China, the work force, and small communities within the Chinese government.  Other countries, such as the United States have developed programs to assist young mothers in order to maintain their education and financial stability.

What makes government support systems vital is the fact that such operations intend to provide assistance to the most vulnerable members of the community. It could be understood that such support systems are designed to have a distinct impact on how the human society intends to create a definite line of determination on how the whole community is to be supported accordingly to be able to set balance amidst the diversity that exists among the people. While there are nations that are able to keep up with the challenge of diversity among its people while relatively embracing the aspect of social improvement through the changes that are occurring amongst the people; however, there are some nations, which are most often than not dedicated to specifically being connected to their culture than to their people. There are even some instances when such idealism keeps them away from realizing the full potential of individuals as they become more involved in situations that could compromise their confidence as well as the way they handle the most questionable situations in life.

In China, the said picture is rather evident especially in relation to how the community deals with the female members of the nation. Unlike other nations, China’s culture does not welcome so much of how women are elevated from being mere complement to the men. This aspect of thinking has led the nation towards looking at women differently even in other aspects of living and existence. It could be understood that somehow, it is the desire to become more recognized by the community that frustrates Chinese women so much at present. The situation even heightens with the emergence of the different issues involving young women becoming pregnant out of wedlock; a common trend among young females around the globe at present. This particular fact within the Chinese community does provide a definite pattern for concern especially among the members of the administration who have the power to provide a distinct change on how the people in the nation are supported according to their needs without the necessity of imposing a sense of stereotyping among the people as their differences are being carried into full account. In this discussion, the possibility of creating a program that would support the overall capacity of the young Chinese women who are impregnated at an early age shall be given way and analyzed in the presentation that follows. Considering the culture of the country and the way it intends to see the real being of the female members of the society shall also be given attention to within this discussion.


Chinese women are considered as the weaker force in the community; considered as the lesser important members of the nation, women are often set aside and are kept out from the vision of the nation’s most functional sections such as the business industry. This setting aside of the female members of the community die to gender stereotyping does not only affect the way by which they are treated according to their gender, but also with regards the decisions they make and how these decisions turn out to be. China, although traditional in nature, still faces the desire to be noticed as a highly innovative and developed country that is able to face the different aspects of progress within a much positive manner.

Teenage pregnancy, although it has become more than just a trend around the globe, is also becoming a common result to the promiscuous nature of the developing culture of the youths. This aspect of development in terms of behavior and attitude does affect the overall being of the young generation of youths in China. Practically, it could be understood that the way people are given the chance to explore themselves alongside the progress of social development allows them to embrace freedom that [if not controlled] often leads to the emergence of what is assumed as social failure. Moral promiscuity among youths often leads to larger problems that cause them to face life’s hard challenges at a much earlier age.  The World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that there are 16 million adolescent girls undergoing teenage pregnancy, resulting in 11% of the births worldwide each year.  2% of these births are occurring in China alone.  (WHO, 2008)  In addition, per the World Bank data on Adolescent fertility rates, which are the number of births per 1,000 women aged 15-19, China was analyzed at 57/1000 births for 2012-2014.  (The World Bank, 2014)

Instead of being able to explore themselves further, the young Chinese mothers are often cut off from the possibility of even improving themselves or at least developing themselves towards a more constructive life that could support them and their young children. With or without the support of their supposed husbands or the father of their children, these women ought to be supported accordingly especially as members of a growing society that is dedicated towards advancement.  Giving balanced attention to the [human resources] of the country gives the whole nation the proper edge towards creating a definite impact on how every person is given the chance to realize his full potential thus contributing to the development of the nation. Women, no matter how seemingly un-useful they may seem to be for the Chinese community in the past decades, have already proven themselves worthy of attention and commendation especially in handling some of the hardest points of nation building.  In fact, there have been strides in the political world in China for women.  For instance, Liu Yandong is the first woman to be considered for the Politburo Standing Committee in China.  This is a huge milestone for the Chinese government, as they have opened the doors to consideration of a female to political power.  In addition, women have increased in law positions in China at 22%, of overall lawyers, compared to the United States at 17%.  Furthermore, woman have increased their time in education from 2.7 years in 2000 to 8.8 years.  (Park, 2012)

Hence, the emerging problem of teenage pregnancy among women ought to be given attention to. This attention to the situation shall provide women with the necessary support they need as they reestablish themselves into becoming useful members of the community amidst he ways by which they may have been treated because of the possible mistakes they may have committed due early pregnancy. Doing so shall give them the backbone they need to reestablish themselves.

The Resolution         

I propose that a support program/system be implemented by the Chinese government in order to help young Chinese individuals who become involved with teen pregnancy.  The age range of these individuals often fall between 12 and 19. This age-range requires much attention and support from surrounding individuals and institutions that have the power and the capacity to help out such young individuals. These support programs/systems could include parent-training operations, daycare facilities, as well as livelihood programs that could allow young individuals to gain the chance to embrace a better life-system that gives them the option to earn more from their own hard work making it easier for them to move on from the possible wrong decisions they may have made in the past.

The major advantages of the proposed program are as follows: 1) it can be implemented with a current school curriculum or local social agency; 2) therefore, it would not require the need for numerous additional staff; and 3) it would encourage these young women to continue their education and enter the workforce.   In addition, what makes this resolution effective is that it shall entail to empower the individuals involved instead of simply giving them the monetary resource they need to pull through with their lives. Young women who bear children at such an early age are most often than not more motivated to work fully on their positions and their assigned work-opportunities. Such motivation from the desire of providing for their young children and developing a much better live for them and their new family creates a distinct push that makes it easier for them to engage in healthy work culture; this attitude could help in improving the ways by which young teenage mothers are given the chance to stand alone and be more productive on their own.

This resolution intends to create a bridge between the afflicted individuals and the people and institutions that have the capacity and the power to provide as much support to the being of the young mothers and their children; a matter that is expected to make the country a more desirable and satisfactory place to exist in.


Clearly, the current lack of a program to assist these young women with pregnancies is not working.  The desire to support the more vulnerable members of the community sets out a distinct balance that practically allows each member of the nation to grow according to the progress that the country wants to embrace. Every individual is an important part of the human resource that every nation could use to advance further. This is what is being pointed out in the program support for young pregnant Chinese women as they face the challenge of dealing with their new found responsibilities. Focusing not only on their need for financial assistance, but their need for new meaning and new path of life-development.  These programs supported by the government and individual institutions dedicated to the process of providing help to those young women needing to support their young children would become the proper source of development that the nation needs in gaining back the force coming from young individuals who can empower the economy further.   Recent strides in women in politics, law and education have illustrated the need for these women to have resources available to them in order to become successful, complete their education and obtain good jobs to help support their family.

My proposal will help achieve the government system’s young parenthood program and can do so with a small financial investment.  In addition, the proposal for the program will help provide education to teenagers and help encourage them to make good life decisions.  Giving attention to the needs and demands of the young teenage mothers shall do well to empower the overall economy of the nation. Not only that, it shall also provide the nation a sense of satisfaction especially in relation to how people are likely to respond to the idea of developing a more supportive system that empowers young mothers to face the different challenges that comes with early motherhood. The collaborative approach to the situation does not only empower the young mothers, but the whole society as well especially when it comes to giving into their need to realize the importance of supporting each other to be able to come out as a unified unit. Women have shown strides in education and politics in China and with the help of this program, teenager mothers have a chance to take part in these strides.

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