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Position Statements in Teaching Best Practices in Nursing, Essay Example

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Words: 639



Transforming healthcare to meet the needs of a given patient population requires a critical understanding of best practice methods to ensure that patients receive the best possible care and treatment under a variety of conditions. The use of analytic methods is essential to advanced practice nurses because it supports an understanding of strengths, weaknesses, and areas of need that impact the surrounding environment. This process requires advanced practice nurses to identify specific areas that require continuous improvement and those which reflect upon the needs of the patient population at the highest possible level. Nursing practice objectives must reflect best practices that are practical in nature and that portray a high level understanding of the needs of patients to improve quality of care on a continuous basis (Melynk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). These factors require nurses to understand how specific benchmarks play a role in shaping outcomes for patients in need (Melynk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011).

You Decide Reflection

Achieving best practices in the nursing profession requires a level of skill and detail that cannot be undermined. It is the responsibility of nurses to communicate their vision regarding best practices and to utilize evidence in a desirable manner to improve outcomes Melynk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). In this context, nurses must share their ideas and experiences to support a reflection on existing practice methods in order to determine how to improve upon these methods at a high level (Melynk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). There are significant factors related to the development of new strategies to ensure that patients receive the type of care and treatment that will consistently improv3 outcomes at the highest possible (Melynk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). In this context, advanced practice nurses must develop strategies that will overcome adversity and that will encourage patients to achieve a greater recovery in a timely manner (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011).

For advanced practice nurses, this role requires a level of skill and attention to detail that supports quality and a greater focus on meeting the required objectives in a timely manner, recognizing that nurses must utilize a combination of skills and experience in order to accomplish these objectives. In addition, establishing a position that will suit the practice team will demonstrate a level of cohesiveness and commitment that is essential to the overall support and direction of the organization and its mission to achieve high quality patient care (De Natale & Malloy, 2012). The impact of quality improvement may be significant within an organization and provides a greater sense of discovery in order to meet patient needs cohesively and without delays or significant struggles (De Natale & Malloy, 2012). This is an important step in the DNP learning curve because it supports the development of new ideas to facilitate outcomes for nurses that have a significant impact on their learning and growth, in addition to the benefits provided to the practice environment (De Natale & Malloy, 2012).


Upon reflection of best practice methods for nursing practice, it is important to identify the skills and resources that will support a viable strategy to ensure that outcomes are effective and appropriate. This process requires best practices to be consistent with the intended outcomes and that reflect the input of the organization and the DNPs who play a role in advancing practice needs to a higher level. It is important to identify the challenges that impact the practice setting in a positive manner to support a higher level of protection and support for the nursing environment that will positively influence outcomes for the patient population in a manner that will reduce risk and improve quality of life.


Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (Eds.). (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

De Natale, M. L., & Malloy, S. E. (2012). The Use of Position Statements in Teaching Best Practices in Nursing. Nursing education perspectives, 33(6), 378-380.

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