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Religion Foundation, Annotated Bibliography Example
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You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work.
arker, D. (1992). Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist. Madision, WI: Freedom from Religion Foundation.
The book is part autobiographical as the author describes the process of how he grew up religiously and eventually became a preacher only to begin questioning his beliefs and eventually abandoning his faith. The change caused him to lose his friend and family and the second part of the book describes how he built a new life absent his faith.
Bazar, E. (2009, December 22). Israel: First Jesus-era house found in Nazareth. Retrieved November 2, 2011, from USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2009-12-21-jesus-house-nazareth_N.htm
This citation is a newspaper article detailing the archeological dig that resulted in the finding of shards dating from the era of Jesus’ life. The discovered shards were the first historical documentation that the village of Nazareth existed in and around the time of Jesus’ alleged life.
Bruce, F. F. (1997). The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.
The author in this book provides a strong defense for the existence of the historical Jesus. In doing so, the author relies on evidence from the New Testament and intermingles sources from outside the Bible as well. In explaining the historical evidence, the book provides dating information regarding the writing of the various Gospels and St. Paul’s various letters.
Durant, W. (1972). The Story of Civilization. New York: Simon & Schuster.
This is an eleven volume series of book detailing the history of Western Civiliation. Written over a period of four decades, these volumes provide a survey of history from the beginning of civilization through the Napoleonic Wars.
Habermas, G. R. (2001). The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel.
The author of this book writes about the historical evidence surrounding the Resurrection of Jesus. The author ventures into explicit detail using historical, theological, archeological, and literary data that he incorporates to prove his theory that the Resurrection of Jesus is provable as a historical fact.
Josephus, F. (2011). The Antiquities of the Jews. Chicago: Unabridged Books.
This is a twenty volume literary work that provides first hand history of the Jewish people from the initial creation through the Jewish Wars that resulted in the Jews being forced out of present day Israel. This source is frequently cited as a source for information related to the era surrounding Jesus’ life.
Keck, L. E. (2001). Who is Jesus? History in Perfect Tense. Miinneapolis: Fortress Press.
This book presents how the story of the historical Jesus developed alongside the theology that accompanied the events of his life. In this volume the author effectively relates how the historical events in Jesus’ life influenced how Christian theology developed.
McDowell, J. (1993). Evidence for the Historial Jesus. Eugene, OR: Harvest Home.
The author in this book examines the various aspects of Jesus’ alleged life and examines them for historical accuracy. The author attempts to address the criticisms that skeptics offer against the claim that Jesus was a fictional character.
McDowell, J. (1981). The Resurrection Factor. San Bernardino, CA: Here’s Life.
In this book the author attempts to demonstrate that the Resurrection was an actual event and he provides what he believes to be irrefutable evidence that supports his theory. The entire source of support offered by the author is the evidence found in the Gospels.
Naude, J. (2002). An overview of recent developments in translation studies with special reference to the implications for Bible translation. Acta Theologica , 44-69.
This journal article addresses the problems that occur in translating ancient documents and the misunderstandings and problems that can result in the process. It details how such problems can result in interpretations that are historically inaccurate.
Salm, R. (2008). The Myth of Nazareth: The invented Town of Nazareth. Cranford, NJ: American Athest Press.
The author of this volume reviews and questions whether there is any historical documentation that the village of Nazareth ever existed. The author postulates that the lack of any evidence of Nazareth ever existing in Jesus’ time brings into question his very existence.
Schmidt, A. J. (2004). How Christianity Changed the World. Goshen, IN: Zondervan.
In this book the history of Western Civilization is reviewed with an emphasis on how such history was influenced the presence of Christianity. Although written for Christians and non-Christian alike, the author clearly supports his view that Christianity is responsible for many of the advances that Western Civilization enjoyed.
Segelberg, E. (1960). The Coptic-Gnostic Gospel According to Philip and Its Sacramental System. Numen , 189-200.
This is an article that reviews the various Gnostic gospels found in Egypt in the mid-1940’s. The author examines the various volumes and reviews how they differ and resemble the four Gospels that form the New Testament.
Sproul, R. (1982). Reason to Beliieve. Grand Rapids, MI: Lamplighter.
This author in this book attempts to address the criticisms that non-believers offer for the existence of Jesus and his divinity. In each chapter the author addresses each criticism separately and goes into detail in an effort to convince the reader of how the criticisms are invalid.
Vries, L. d. (2007). Some remarks on the use of Bible translations as parallel texts in linguistic research. Language Typology and Universals, 148-157.
The author in this article addresses how historical documents are translated affect how such documents are viewed by society. The article specifically addresses how the Bible has been translated through the centuries and how it may have been subject to manipulation and mistakes.
Walsh, J. (2011, August 31). Ancient bone box might point to biblical home of Caiaphas. Retrieved November 1, 2011, from MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44347890/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/ancient-bone-box-might-point-biblical-home-caiaphas/.
This is a website that provides a written review of a television news program that detailed the finding of archeological burial box that is believed to provide historical proof of the family home of Caiaphas, one of the officials who participated in sentencing Jesus to death. The website article summarizes the results of the news broadcast.
Warburton, N. (2004). Philosophy: The Basics. London: Routledge.
This book provides a survey of the field of Philosophy. Because it is a survey it fails to cover any particular philosophy in any particular detail but provides enough information to understand the essence of each philosophy.
Wells, H. (1949). The Outline of History. New York: Doubleday.
This is an extensive work that details the history of Western Civilization. Unlike many history books, this work offers viewpoints and commentary by the author that provided insights into the political and sociological impact of the historical events.
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