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Religious Organization: Urban Village Church, Case Study Example

Pages: 3

Words: 911

Case Study

In this chapter, we are going to look at key themes that support the thesis statement by giving clear illustrations on how religious organizations, under urban village churches, relate. Books and articles used give support to the thesis statement. Integration of other cultures into religion has fostered the existence of new urban village churches because of diversity in the community. This is due to immigrants in America. The attitudes of the Jewish with regard to transition are emphasized on the article and researchers are still investigating the upcoming events of this period in their life. America’s congregation, on the other hand, fostered religious education, which has given them the opportunity of sharing with others on how to relate. The Urban Village Church, as a community, from the readings below, depicts how it focuses on supporting its member’s racial and ethnic identity. This shows how significant, other religions are and thus, elaborates how individuals need to accept and embrace advancements in religion, cultures and traditions.

Rabow (2007) has been able to overtly assimilate information on Jewish attitudes in relation to consolation processes. The transition involved during this period is filled with wisdom because of the tranquility in both the mind and heart. During this period, people need to be prepared for irrevocable and inevitable outcomes that should not break their spirit. In this journal, the writer gives detailed information with immense sensitivity of secular and different sources from religious groups. The attitude of the Jewish people with regard to death and sickness (terminal) is of courage, faith, patience and understanding. From this article, Judaism is governed by reality and ideality principles, which elaborate how they relate to attitudes in transition. This transition should be emphasized in order to enable participants face life with clarity and thus, have a positive attitude and maintain exemplary, solid relationships with others in the society. Complex issues presented in this essay will give focus on death and mourning process of individuals. Additionally, financial aspects of burial arrangements are elaborated, but sensitivity is applied to psychological aspects of issues presented in the document. In contemporary times, the transition and attitudes have changed and thus, Rabow talks of how they adapt to current living environments. Standards of the Jewish community, presented in this discussion explore attitudes of family, friends, synagogue community and Havurot on attitudes.

William’s article explains how Hindu immigrants in the USA are different from those in India thus, a new form is created. Immigration has brought changes in everything, which includes creation and understanding the modern Hindus who migrated to America. Existing channels of communication and mobility between Hindus in India and America (new immigrants) are evident in this article. The puzzling issue in this article is the reality that no statistics are available for growing Hindu immigrants in America. Most of the immigrants encompasses those in the child-bearing stage. The immigrants faced a lot of challenges like discrimination from other religions most especially the Christians. They were not allowed to build temples and thus, had no grounds to convene and worship. As a result, the dialogue existing between Hindus and Christians in America is a problem that requires to be addressed in order to eliminate discrimination among members of the society. These new immigrants have changed interreligious dialogue contexts and goals thus, bringing complexity in the conversation. However, there are some leaders (Christian) and churches in America who supported the ISKCON movement and the episode of Rajneesh, popular perceptions of the Americans, this was not possible. In the midst of all these difficulties, the Hindu immigrants formed religious groups that provided them with transcendent basis for the development of personal and identity of groups. The formed groups also help them in negotiating the nature of their relationship with Americans since they are new in the community. Therefore, these groups helped them in settling in and embracing the changes of their newly fashioned community.

Stambach shares a story on how missionaries in America view the world’s turf in East Africa and US. The themes supported throughout this book are secularism, religion, politics and education with attention drawn on the significance of religions to the public globally. In the process, of providing religious education to schools, a shift from modernity’s high tenets was experienced and thus, a connection between global communities and religion was established. Entangled seamlessly were education and religion, which became dialectically related, thus analysis of how public realms transformed and the emergence of the new government regimes became the conceptual loci in the story. Majority of the American population embraced religious education because it helped other people in the globe to comprehend how to live with each other in harmony and love. This book gives clear examples of what other people underwent and thus, clear pictures are portrayed on the suffering faced by individuals. In the book, it is evident that the state and religion encompassed each other and thus, government models of secular-modern nation-state spread to lower societal members, which included religious groups. In essence, religious education has been able to transform and inform the society in general.

Work Cited

Rabow, Jerry. A Guide to Jewish Mourning and Condolence, 2007. Retrieved 27 April, 2012

from < >. Web.

Stambach, Amy. Faith in Schools: Religion, Education, and American Evangelicals in East Africa. New York: Stanford University Press, 2009. Print.

Williams, Raymond B. Immigrants from India in North America and Hindu-Christianity Study and Dialogue. Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies vol. 11, Issue 1, pp. 20-24, 1998. Print.

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