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Safety Behaviors, Essay Example

Pages: 3

Words: 855


Promoting Safety Behaviors in the Work Area

The concern for safety is an eminent condition that organizational administrators specifically give attention to. It could be realized that this concern has become a specific matter that defines the capacity of organizations to both take care of their people while they are also protecting their financial assets from being wasted on unnecessary costs including employee emergencies. However, making sure that employees are safe or at least they keep themselves safe is not as easy as it might seem. As for a fact, there are several conditions that administrators must give specific attention to in line with this particular goal of development and adjustments in the organization.

To have an idea of what particular influences specifically affect the condition by which people are kept safe in their jobs, The handout presents at least five major elements that directly empower people safety. The said five elements include systems and conditions, communication, leadership, behavior and the people who make up the organization themselves. Specifically defining each aspect, system and conditions of the organization’s culture and environment often refer to the situation of work process that the employees are involved in. In this case, it is deemed important that the administrators see to it that the policies covering the work rules are carefully directed to a safe environment while the areas of work are also ergonomically designed for safety and efficiency.

Meanwhile, communication systems are a specific element that is assumed to have a great impact on how safety is imposed. Relatively, retaining open communication between employees and employers create a more workable environment that gives both parties a chance to speak their mind about safety. The aspect of leadership on the other hand assumes the need for a model and a sense of authority that the organization could look up to for guidance. Most often than not, each team assigned to complete a task is also assigned u=its own leader, In relation to these, the leaders are expected to perform specific roles that would identify the condition by which they influence the thinking of their subordinates.

Another aspect to consider is the existence of behavioral condition that most often than not controls the manner by which the employees would respond to the policies made by their superiors. In this regard, it is expected that the conditioning of the way of thinking of the employees and employers towards safety would be guided through the well-defined laws and regulations that the organization has established for application. Lastly, the people making up the whole organization finalize the list of factors that impact the condition of safety in an organization. Their overall response to the established laws define the capacity of the organization to makeup a culture that would correspond to the safety requirements that would protect both the employees and the company alike.

Although there are five specific aspects of consideration that influences organizational safety, it is still believed that the personal condition and thinking of the people make a great impact on creating a possibility for safety to be implicated as a general rule and culture of the organization. In this case, the handout presents a summary of ten particular elements of self-definition. Among the said aspects include communication, personal control, self-efficacy, optimism, self-essence, belonging, empathy, self-motivation, self-monitoring and self-awareness.

These ten aspects specifically create a sense of self-defined understanding of what safety means hence creating a motivating condition that the employees could use especially when it comes to making sure that they are safe in their work areas while they are performing their duties. Giving the employees good incentives in line with their capacity to remain in a safe pace while at work further empowers the people to do more in relation to making extensive considerations that would help them become a helper in assuring work safety rather than simply making complaints about the matter. Making this system work for the organization requires administrators and other higher officials to take control of the situation and become leaders in creating the most expansive possibilities for development. While it is necessary that the organization create rules, it is deemed to be more important to influence the thinking of the people hence making it easier for the employees to respond accordingly to the situation. The application of the power of authority and the implication of the power of conformity both manifest a sense of control on the part of the administrators as they create rules and policies that would intensify organizational concern for safety. In this regard, it could be realized that the work of promoting safety is not the work of the administrators alone. Instead, it belongs to the cooperative consideration coming from the employees, which is further influenced by the higher authorities of the organization, which enforces a course of motivation that the people could fully recognize to protect them from the situations that might cause a jeopardizing effect to their personal safety at work.


Williams, J. People Factors for Safety ” Keeping People Safe the human dynamics of injury prevention. P 53-69.

Assael, M & Kakosimos, K. ” Human Factor ” Fires, Explosions, and Toxic Gas Dispersions. P 23-30.

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