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Sequence Writing, Essay Example

Pages: 5

Words: 1379


My name is Samantha Simmons and I have had the opportunity to participate in a Citizen’s Scientist Program for Dowry County. It was phenomenal! As a participant, I was able to observe and document information that I observed. The citizens of Dowry County observed fireflies. The information was used to assist scientist who are working to find a cure for certain types of cancer.  As supervisor of the Monroe County Recreation Department, I believe it is something that we should implement here too.

Many people refer to fireflies as lightning bugs and remember catching them as a child. Yet, that’s all they know about these amazing creatures. Fireflies do not bite because they don’t even have pincers. They are not poisonous and they do not carry diseases like some other insects. The greatest benefit of the firefly is the fact that they contain substances called luciferin and lucaferase. These two substances are very rare chemicals that are being used in cancer research. These two chemicals have also been known to be beneficial in care of multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, and heart disease. In one scientific study, scientists were able to use a firefly’s luciferase gene, which activates bioluminescent light, into a cancer cell. These cancerous cells became lamps, making it easier for doctors to monitor growth or lack of growth of cancerous cells. Amazingly, in some cases, the cells produced so much light they killed their own growth.

In closing, I must say that Monroe County is just as great a place as any other for citizens to get involved in such a project. Using a Citizen Scientist Project is a great way to get people involved in their communities and the city overall. Citizen scientists are able to support professional research by submitting data they have collected to scientists who are willing to use it to help the world. Wouldn’t it be great to have citizens from right here in Monroe County contributing to future cancer research?   I have attached instructions as to how I believe this program would be best implemented in Monroe County.


Citizen Science is a form of research that is conducted by amateur non-professional citizens. Using this type of project is a great way to get members of the community involved in the well-being of their neighborhoods. The greatest benefit of this program will be that the citizens are helping with research that could possibly save lives in the future. The very life they save may be their own. This type of project is usually spearheaded by local educators or others with specialization in a science field. This project is aimed towards anyone who wants to be an active member of their community by spending a little of their free time helping others who are in need. There are no age frame specifications. Anyone who is able to observe and write down what they have observed may participate. Prior knowledge is not a must. There is no special equipment needed. Each person will regard his/her findings on the template provided.  First, resource managers must designated sites around the city that will host the research. It would be best to use fifteen or less sites. Next, educators or specialist, who will serve as mentors for the program must be located. Next, those who want to participate will be given a crash course in observing and recording information. Each participant will be given a generic template to record their information on. Since fireflies can only be seen at night, participants will be advised to only use the fifteen sites that have been approved, since law-enforcement has agreed to increase patrol in those area. Women have been advised to travel in groups of two or more when completing observations. As always, each participant is asked to use good judgment and common sense. We are aware of our cities crime rates and other negative factors. So each participant must be vigilant at all times. The project will take place of a six week period of time. Participants are expected to meet once weekly with their mentor to turn in completed templates and discuss any concerns they may have.

Required Steps

Step 1: City managers will designate fifteen areas around the city that will be used as observation sites. These areas will be chosen based upon ease of access and lack of man-made lighting. These areas must be semi-wooded and have a source of natural water. Once these areas have been located, signs will be place strategically to identify them to the participants. Next, maps of these areas will be constructed so that participants and law enforcement officers will be aware of the landscape. Also, as a safety measure, toll bells will be place strategically at each of the fifteen areas. The bells will serve as a safety mechanism. If a participant were to become loss or distressed, they could sound one of the bells in order to get immediate help from law enforcement or other participants. All participants will be asked to fill out a survey about their demographics and knowledge of fireflies. After the project, participants will be asked to take a post survey.

Step 2: Educators and specialist persons will be recruited to participate in this program. All public, private, and college educators in the community will be made aware of this opportunity. These educators will determine the best way to collect data and record. They will decide upon a universal method. The group will decide among themselves who will carry out what task. For example, which person will be responsible for compiling the data from each group? The educators will randomly choose people for each group. There will be a total of 15 groups. Those groups will rotate from one to the other of the fifteen designated areas. Each group will have between two and four mentors. Once all of this has been decided, the mentors will give each group a quick course in observation and documentation.

Step 3: A trial run will be performed prior to the actually research beginning. In the trial run, the mentor will model what observation and documentation looks like. Each participant will be given a copy of the sample. The next day, participants will be allowed to observe and document what they have observed. They will be given immediate feedback by the mentors.

Step 4: Participants will begin their six weeks observation period. All observations are to take place between the hours of 9 and 11p.m. Participants may observe outside of this time, but they will not have assured police monitoring. There will be drop boxes to place completed template forms in around the designated areas. A group mentor will be responsible for retrieving those documents each day. At the end of our six weeks session, we will celebrate by having a cook-out in Monroe Park. All participants are welcome to come and have fun by the lake. At this time, each participant will be given a certificate of appreciations for helping with the research.


When all steps have been completed, the data will be compiled. All data will be analyzed by Dr. Field at Monroe County College, here in our city. He has agreed to complete this project because he has been asked to help another professor who has an ongoing study of fireflies. Professor Farquhar of the University of Seattle has been studying the chemicals that fireflies produce for the aid in cancer medications for 6 years. These two professors have teamed up and have decided to allow the citizens of Monroe County assist them. Although I believe this is a great action plan for implementing this project, things do not always go as plan. So, if anything has to be changed or tweaked during the process, we will do so with great fidelity. Step one is really the most important step because the educators are the ones who will hold this project together. As a result, we will take applications for those educators who want to participate. Dr. Field and Dr. Farquhar will review and interview those applicants and decide which educators they feel are the best candidates for spear-heading this project.

Works Cited

Theodossiu, T., Hothersall, J., Woods, A., Okkenhaug,K., Jacobson, J., & MacRobert, A( 2003). Firefly Luciferin-activated Rose Bengal: Intro Vitro Photodynamic Therapy by Intracellular Chemiluminescence in Transgenic NIH 3T3 Cells. Cancer Research 63, 1818-1821.

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