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The American Nurses Association, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 589



The American Nurses Association is an Organization, which promotes the interest of nurses. The benefits of becoming a member of this association include opportunities for professional development and professional representation in cases of discriminatory actions taken again a nurse as well as the profession. There are training programes catered to teach nurses skills for executing evidence based research effectively and application of clinical information strategies to nursing practice. The organization’s web address is (ANA, 2013).


A major contribution made by the American Nurses Association towards enhancing the profile of nurses and the discipline itself is designing the code of ethics. Through the code of ethics nurses and the profession was able to attain alignment with other professional organizations and disciplines within the health care industry. Without a code of ethics nurses became liable to law suits and dismissal outside a framework informing whether the practice was ethical or not. American Nurses’ Association was very influential in designing this protocol so that nurses could function with confidence (ANA, 2013).

When taken in the light of twenty-first century developments professional organizations have led the way towards promoting an era of evidence based practices amidst speculations that nursing was not a science. This could be identified as the demarcation between a professional organization and a union representing workers’ rights. Professional organizations represent the rights of workers within the context of practice. The practice must be evidence based and according to protocol. Labor unions focus on how workers function as participants on the labor market. Unions fight for better working conditions in terms of wages/salaries; adequate compensation for overtime and specified hours of work within the labor law guidelines (Dale, 2005).

Nurses face ethical dilemmas daily. At times decisions to be made conflict with doctors’ orders, patients’ requests or even imposition of family members. A frequent ethical consideration is if a patient refuses blood transfusion and there is a life-saving need. This conflicts with the ethical standard to preserve life at all costs. Another similar situation, which occurs often is when relatives request that life support be withdrawn from patients and treatment discontinued. Doctors may honor the request, but it is unethical for the nurse to just ignore a patient and let him/her die.

Therefore, in administering care despite my training, which indicates that a nurse ought to adhere to doctors’ orders it becomes difficult based on personal beliefs and socialization. Culturally, it is my belief that life is sacred and no one must decide when a person should die or aid one through medication to do so. In my opinion this is murder. As such, when morphine is prescribed to be administered to terminally ill patients’ it is asking me to support mercy killing, which conflicts with my ethical integrity.


Linda J. Keilman and Kathy Dontje (2002) posited that moral conflict predisposes to legal confrontations because the individual identifies a morally distinct solution, but cannot pursue it due to legal implications. Hence, conflict. Here is where the legal obligation supersedes a moral decision making framework. The outcome is ‘anger, frustration, dissatisfaction and poor performance in the work setting’ (Keilman & Dontje, 2002). Strategies nurses can adapt to resolve this conflict is simply complying or leave the profession entirely since there is a legal obligation involved.


American Nurses Association (2013). About ANA. Retrieved 23rd February, 2013 from

American Nurses Association (2013). Code of Ethics. Retrieved 23rd February, 2013 from

Dale, A. (2005). Evidence-based practice: compatibility with nursing. Nurs Stand, 19 (40): 48– 53.

Keilman, L., & Dontje, K (2002). Ethical and Professional Responsibilities in Nursing. Power Point Presentation

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