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The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 515


The role of medical professional is to be constantly researching, education, and aware of public and private policy changes that relate to the field of medical services. As Porsche declares, “nurses and other healthcare professionals’ at all educational levels in all practice settings should strive to become politically knowledgeable and actively participate in policy decision making.” (Porche, 2012, pg. 1) Eric Feldman (2012), “The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA): Public Policy and Medical Practice in the Age of Personalized Medicine” discusses the passage of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), and how the Congress wanted to prohibit the discrimination of genetics by health insurers and employers. In reading the article, and reading the textbook, both draw commonalities in how they discuss the process of policy making, and serves as an example of Public Health Policy. (Porhce, 2012, pg. 6)

GINA serves as a public protection to citizens that fear discrimination based on their genetic information. This fear is shared in clinical genetic research, studies, or trials, in which a person may fear that their genetic material might be shared with other entities such as insurers, and employers, if they learned they have tested positive for a specific cancer, or deadly disease. (Feldman, 2012, pg. 743) GINA is essential in protecting people from being discriminating against based on the “likelihood” that the individual may contract the disease in their lifetime. As a public health policy, and not just to certain people, Porche, writes that it can be defined as, “the administrative decisions made by the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of government that define courses of action affecting the health of a population through influencing actions, behaviors, or resources.” (Porche, 2012, pg. 6)  This policy is fundamental in not only promoting genetic testing used in helping to find cures for numerous ailments, and the development of medicine approaches, but also serves as an advocate for non-discrimination measures that cannot be undertaken by insurers, employers, or other public entities against an individual. As indicated in Feldman’s article, “Fears about the possible misuse or unauthorized disclosure of genetic information appear to adversely impact the desire of individuals to participate in genetic research. Such fears also extend to clinical practice, discouraging both patients and providers from taking full advantage of genetic tests and technologies.” (Feldman, 2012, pg. 744)

The key players in this policy are the policy makers, such as the members of the Congress, which was active in passing the bill. As well as the many healthcare and medical professionals that were advocating for protection for their patients, as well as for the clinical practice. The next step for the bill has already been completed; it was enacted into law in 2008 by Congress, in which healthcare institutions and medical providers have an obligation to be familiar with the terms of the policy, and continue the policy process to advocate change.


Feldman, E. A. (2012). The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA): Public Policy and Medical Practice in the Age of Personalized Medicine. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 27(6), 743–746. doi:10.1007/s11606-012-1988-6

Porche, Demetrius. (2012). Health Policy. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Massachusetts

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