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The University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred, Essay Example

Pages: 1

Words: 371


Web-based patient education for women who are pregnant or are the postpartum stage may provide significant benefits in understanding their different stages. This process requires advanced practice nurses to develop strategies to administer web-based patient education in the desired manner and to provide the best possible approach to managing pregnancy and postpartum care. Through a web-based portal, women must be provided with the tools and resources that are required to facilitate an effective response to a variety of conditions that impact pregnancy and the postpartum stage, such as breastfeeding (Kang, Choi, Hyun, & Lee, 2015). From this perspective, it is important to recognize the value of web-based education for its user-friendly approach and its ability to connect expectant and new mothers to others with similar conditions, to the healthcare community, and to a vast breadth of knowledge regarding these subjects (Kang, 2015).

Advanced practice professionals must be mindful of the benefits of web-based patient education and how it will impact their standards and administration of patient care in a variety of settings. This is best achieved through a dynamic that includes a person-centered approach to care and a comprehensive understanding of the different influences that impact quality of life for during pregnancy and in the postpartum phase (Berg, Adolfsson, Ranerup, & Sparud-Lundin, 2013). This reflects a practitioner’s knowledge and understanding of the potential ease and use of web-based education for pregnant women and in supporting an environment where women will be able to interact through a web-based portal and communicate with experts regarding their needs without difficulty (Berg, 2013). From this perspective, practitioners will be able to identify subject areas where they are able to share information over the web and create a dynamic that will influence their decision-making as directly related to pregnancy and the postpartum phase.


Berg, M., Adolfsson, A., Ranerup, A., & Sparud-Lundin, for the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care, C. (2013). Person-centered web support to women with type 1 diabetes in pregnancy and early motherhood—the development process. Diabetes technology & therapeutics, 15(1), 20-25.

Kang, N. M., Choi, Y. J., Hyun, T., & Lee, J. E. (2015). Associations of Breastfeeding Knowledge, Attitude and Interest with Breastfeeding Duration: A Cross-sectional Web-based Study. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 45(3), 449-458.

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