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Trust the Algorithm or Your Gut, Case Study Example

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Words: 562

Case Study

Algorithm and Managers Judgement

Selection decisions based on an algorithm use data collected from employees’ information, their work environments, resumes, and emails. A computer algorithm organizes the data to provide information about the person depending on the advertised position’s characteristics, then used in the decision-making. On the other hand, a selection decision-based manager’s judgment depends on how the manager evaluates the candidate during the interview. For example, if the selection is for promotion, the manager’s judgment will be based on the employee’s performance and contribution to the organization’s growth and readiness to take up new roles and projects.

Advantages and disadvantages of using the algorithm

One advantage of using an algorithm for hiring and promotion is increased efficiency and faster response. First, the algorithm assists human resource managers in evaluating resumes quickly and identify applicants that are most qualified for the position. For instance, in the case study, Aliyah had spent many days before making a decision, but Christine and Brad had used the algorithm to develop an analysis within a short time (Polzer 148). It, therefore, saves the organization and the applicant of the time they could have waited if the selection was to be done manually. Secondly, algorithm selection is supported by data on the best candidate’s skills, experience, and abilities required for the position. Furthermore, using an algorithm reduces the human bias that could easily lead to managers hiring their favorite employees who may not meet all the required characteristics.

The disadvantage of using an algorithm is inaccuracy in the data collected, which may give an employee wrong since the algorithm depends on data from records. Secondly, it takes time to design the algorithm by equipping the computer algorithm with the correct intelligence for the organization’s needs. Thirdly, algorithms are still biased just like humans because they rely on information, performance reviews, and resumes making them as neutral as expected. For instance, in the case study, the data used and the report generated by the algorithm favor Ed, who is Christine’s favorite. Therefore, in this case, the algorithm is biased (Polzer 149). Furthermore, computer errors may interfere with the selection process by altering how the algorithm generates the report on the data collected. Finally, from the case study, if an algorithm is used to decide to promote on behalf of human managers, there exists a difficulty in explaining and showing proof why a particular decision was made.

How Aliyah would Reach a Decision

If I was selecting an algorithm, and the candidate I felt was best differed from the candidate recommended by the algorithm, I would set specific requirements that cannot be established using the algorithm (Polzer 151). Secondly, I would use the algorithm and my criteria to develop my best candidate for the position.

Similarly, as experts responded in the case study, Aliyah needed to clearly define her objective and intention for the marketing director position (Polzer 151). The algorithm alone could not identify such specific qualities. For instance, if she intended to have Molly as her choice, she could specify talent, speed, and readiness to work the qualities required for the position. The algorithm would not select the candidate based on the qualities because it has already been programmed for other requirements. Aliya could then have her choice and decision.

Works Cited

Polzer, Jeffrey T. “Case Study Trust the Algorithm or Your Gut? A VP Decides Which Candidate to Promote.” Harvard Business Review 96.3 (2018): 147-151.

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