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Action for Health in Diabetes, Research Proposal Example

Pages: 4

Words: 1178

Research Proposal


This research shall be based on the desire to prove that altering lifestyles to change the way they view their health and take on healthier turns to prolong their lifespan could still change the living culture of individuals with diabetes. Addressing such need for investigation and examination shall be based upon the involvement of at least 60 individuals ranging from ages 40 to 50 years old who have diabetes type two. Participants would be particularly female African American women from central Florida area. This concentration on women would make the presentation more focused on the attitude of female diabetes 2 patients. It is expected that such focused concentration would be able to create a more directive process by which the attitudes of the participants would be examined accordingly.


The concentration on women as the main participants for this research is driven by the idea that women are most likely to change for the sake of improving their health status compared to the attitude of men with regards the said matter. Relatively, the age choice is taken into account to be strongly related to the idea of making a definite turn especially when it comes to the realization of how much they want to prolong their lives amidst the possible failures they may be facing especially when it comes to dealing with life cultures they have been used to embracing in the past before they even incur their ailment.

Diabetes type 2 is considered to be practically managed through continuous medication. Nevertheless, it is believed that there are other aspects that could be developed to be able to help out in managing the situation besides simply taking medicines. In this research, the concentration on nutrition adjustment and dietary culture shall be given attention to. Practically, it is expected that adjusting the type of food intake that these individuals take into account would lessen down the increase and decrease rate of sugar in their body. Retaining the sugar rate in the patients’ blood is expected to make a distinct impact on the health situation of the patients.

Another aspect of change that is to be given attention to is the adjustment on the physical activities that the participants engage with regularly. With good dietary plan and culture, there is already a huge health adjustment that is expected to be seen. However, not only would the changes need to be on the diet of the patients. The participants to this research shall also undergo physical exercises that need to be considered in a daily rate. The regularity of the action is expected to be more effective in lessening the cause of sugar rate irregularities. The constancy of the practice over a long period of time is hoped to alter the healthcare situation of the participants, thus making it easier for them to combat the emergence of diabetes type2 symptoms in their bodies that could likely change their way of living at the same time.


The research methodology is obviously to be based on distinct observational process that would involve time and constant recording of changes and adjustments happening to the participants. Relatively, considering their age and gender, the participants are to be closely checked, with full concentration on their changing attitude and how such attitude towards their new ways of living alters their personal being and the way they handle their current ailment. LOOK AHEAD intervention is seen to provide a greater impact into this research. Practically, the said intensive intervention creates a definite infraction on how the women, the participants in this research, are to take on the chance to live better lives and become better individuals through embracing a stronger will to improve their current health status. The randomized control trial would be most applicable in this research especially that it involves the creation of research connection between the theories existing around patients with diabetes 2 ailment. The need to keep in mind the capacity of the trial to change the attitude and the thinking of the people to be included as participants to the research is the goal of the overall methodology. Practically, this approach is dedicated towards attaining the most complementary population that could provide the most commendable source of data for the study’s completion and application to actual situations and intervention programs dedicated to improving the health and lifestyle of the target population.

Data Analysis

The data to be collected from this research shall be considered based on the long term effects that the transformational procedures have on the participants. Understandably, this could be noticed and analyzed through the use of the Transtheoretical Model which shall surpass the emergence of analytical presentation and definition alongside the development of new behavioral patterns among the patients involved in the study. With the utilization of this model, seeing how effective the process is in mandating the consistent performance of the participants based on their attitude towards their health as well as with their willingness and desire to be better shall be better of noticed and acknowledged accordingly.

Interventions that are dedicated towards improving the lifestyle of particular individuals in the community are expected to create a definite twist on the manner by which people manage their healthcare issues for the sake of improving the span of lifetime that they hope to embrace (Cohen, 2011). This is where the value of this research comes in. The methodology taken into account for this study hopes to create a distinct adjustment on how aspects of nutrition and physical activities could directly alter the health situation of individuals with diabetes type2. Women, in particular, belonging to the African American descent are expected to have specific needs. Addressing their group in relation to this case is expected to mandate a better sense of what is considered as concentrated or focused research.


To note further, the calculation of the results taken into account from the methodology applied for this research shall be handled through qualitative analysis whereas mathematical variables are to be assigned to particular responses of the participants thus making it easier to statistically measure the changes that happened in the thinking and acting procedures of the participants based on the interventions applied (Soeters, et al, 2014). On the other hand, the behavioral presentations of transformation among the participants shall be handled through qualitative analysis (Freshwater, et al, 2006). This approach shall make it easier for the researchers to create connection between the numeric variables pertaining to the results garnered and the ways by which the participants actually respond to the process involved in the methodology that has been applied into the study.


Look Ahead Clinical Trials. (2012). Action for health in Diabetes.

Gorard, S. (2013) Research Design: Robust approaches for the social sciences, London:SAGE,

Freshwater, D., Sherwood, G. & Drury, V. (2006) International research collaboration. Issues, benefits and challenges of the global network. Journal of Research in Nursing, 11 (4), pp 9295–303.

Cohen, N. &Arieli, T. (2011) Field research in conflict environments: Methodological challenges and snowball sampling. Journal of Peace Research 48 (4), pp. 423–436.

Soeters, Joseph; Shields, Patricia and Rietjens, Sebastiaan. 2014. Handbook of Research Methods in Military Studies. New York: Routledge.

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