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Business Camp, Business Proposal example

Pages: 2

Words: 620

Business Proposal

There are several camps that promote increasing viable and important business skills to the youth of America.  However, there are very few business camps that directly teach technological, economic, social, competitive and global skills.  High school students are a highly influential population base because they are mature enough to understand many of these skills and they are about to transition into a career or next stage in their lives after graduation.  Therefore, it is important in this economy to provide a business camp that enables high school juniors and seniors to attend that will create an environment where they will learn these necessary business skills.  Each student that is interested would submit an essay application stating why they want to enter business and how they think globalization has impacted their everyday lives.  The best 350 students would be invited to camp.  All camp attendees will have a business position in role playing such as accountants, city board members, company CEOs, CFOs, marketing department staff and much more.  The goal of role playing is to provide each student with an actual position to work for the three days to practice the previously-stated business skills.  This business camp would appropriately be named the Lee Iacocca Future Entrepreneurs (LIFE) after the former Chrysler CEO and business leader.

The financing for such an endeavor is critical.  The business camp must remain a non-profit business venture.  Small fees of only $50 per student should be collected upon the student’s arrival to ensure that meals are provided.  The business camp would be a three day event during the summer on June 11-13, 2010.  Students would stay on campus in a dormitory setting with one roommate.  This will require finding an appropriate college setting where the university will charge cheap prices or provide rooms free of charge.  The student fees will help provide meals for the students and staff working the camp.  The rest of the finances must come from fundraising efforts throughout the year and through donations and sponsorship of local companies.

There will require several different human resources personnel in order to effectively create and implement this business camp for high school juniors and seniors.  Most of the business camp workers will need to be volunteers.  Volunteers can come from local PTA groups, community organizations and educational institutions.  The business camp can entice volunteers for the camp to work by offering free housing and meals during the camp.  In the future, the camp should attempt to reimburse workers for gas mileage, but these costs will be too extensive in the immediate future as there is no current revenue source in addition to the fundraising and local donations.  Three full-time personnel must be hired for the business camp.  The first individual must be the director to oversee operations, marketing and other administrative duties.  The second individual should be the financing director and should also be a certified public accountant in order to properly publish the financial statements.  Finally, the third individual should be the marketing director in charge of advertising the camp, contacting local high schools, and working with the financing director for fundraising efforts and seeking donations.

The total expenses of the camp will include the cost of meals, camp materials, human resources costs for the full-time employees and marketing efforts.  These costs can vary, but the staff should attempt to find as many fixed costs for all of the resources as possible.  A yearly salary should be provided to the three directors and marketing efforts will accumulate the greatest sum of expenses.  These efforts would include the creation of a web site that the camp director would operate and marketing mailers, phone calls and in-person visits to market for camp applicants and fundraising donations to local businesses.

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