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Case Management Plan, Essay Example

Pages: 2

Words: 648


Given the information collected on the client the following are the client’s needs:

  • Communication Skills
  • Low-self Esteem
  • Stress Management

According to my assessment, the client’s needs have to be prioritized in order to ensure the client’s success to the path of normalcy given his current situation. The following is a prioritized assessment of his needs;

  1. Stress Management; in order for the client to first come to terms with his situation and learn his limits, he has to first learn how best to manage stress. This is directly attributed to the headaches and stomach-aches he constantly experiences.
  2. Low-self Esteem: this is an important facet the client has to learn how to overcome. Low self-esteem is the reason behind his inability to express himself to his father, teachers and even age and school mates.
  3. Communication Skills: this is the final step to rebuild the client. This is crucial in helping him effectively pass on his ideas, thoughts, emotions and feelings freely and carefully.

Stress Management (Week 1 through Week 2: 5 Sessions)

Together with the client, we will go through the following stress management plan:

  • Identify the sources of stress in the client’s life
  • List and prioritize these sources of stress
  • Identify suitable stress management techniques(Parker, 2007)

It is crucial that at this stage the client is encouraged to go through the plan giving his own opinions and ideas.

Self-Esteem (Week 3 though Week 5: 11 Sessions)

Health and Nutrition: the client at this stage is to be given a task to find out what a healthy diet for a teenager is. In two sessions, the client is to identify the foods within the food pyramid that he considers he can eat. He is required to pick foods from all levels of the food pyramid and be encouraged to maintain the diet he has opted for. This may however be limited due to the financial constraints that exist with the family. It may however turnout to be a fun activity finding out foods within the family’s financial reach.(Lamovec, 1987)

Exercise and Fun Activities: over three sessions, the client is to sit down and identify physical activities, mainly sports, which he finds to be fascinating. The client is then encouraged to try out most if not all of the activities he listed down and report on which he found to be interesting. This would be his physical exercise and fun activity

Family Dynamics

For four sessions, the client and I will discuss how the dynamics of family affect his health. Here underlying issues to do with the client’s mother leaving and the failing health of his grandfather are bound to surface. It is crucial that these two issues be discussed. Here the involvement of the family is paramount to the success of this stage.

Body Image

For two sessions, the client will delve into the importance of body image and how outward appearances influenced perceptions of individuals outside himself.(Lamovec, 1987)

Communication Skills (Week 10 through Week 11: 6 Sessions)

Through this period, the client is expected to be able to respond easily to tasks and even find communication easy. However, it is crucial that they reflect these skills practically beyond the sessions. So the client will be expected to go through a series of communication skill building exercises in which they will learn the following skills:

  • Encourage the client to use more of words as opposed to gestures
  • Encourage the client to learn the art of listening before speaking
  • Encourage the client to build good language choice. This is the choice of words when responding to questions and comments that may not necessarily be appealing.
  • Encourage the client to find amicable and subtle ways of projecting their emotions using considerably mild words.
  • Encourage the client to use more of the etiquette words such as please, kindly, thank you, sorry, etc.(Puklek, 1986)


Lamovec, T. (1987, January 01). Factors of self esteem. Abstracts.

Parker, H. (2007). Stress management. Chandni Chowk: Global Media.

Puklek, L. M. (1986, January 01). A study of anxiety and self esteem in adolescence. Psychology in a Changing Europe, 305-307.

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