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Childhood Obesity, Outline Example

Pages: 2

Words: 446



The worsening epidemic of obesity amongst American children is rooted in a culture that promotes fast food and a sedentary lifestyle over healthy eating and activity.  This trend has long-lasting implications for the psychological, physical, and social well-being of children, given that obesity in childhood and adolescence is linked to obesity in adulthood.

Paragraph One:  Causes of obesity in children

  • Lifestyle:  The rise in technology (television, computers, etc.) and the fast-paced nature of modern North American culture play a pivotal role in determining the amount of physical activity children receive.
  • The role of parents:  Parents have the opportunity to model both positive and negative behaviors surrounding food choices.  This includes cooking with children, avoiding fast food, and modelling good eating habits.
  • Physical fitness at home and at school:  Shifts in school curriculum has resulted in physical education receiving less attention in school than in previous decades.  As well, the rise in suburban culture means that children must be driven more places, resulting in a lack of exercise.

Paragraph Two:  The effects of obesity in children

  • Health concerns:  Obesity in children has been linked to an increase in Type 2 Diabetes, high cholesterol, and other health problems.  This places a strain on the health care system and creates health issues that will extend into adulthood.
  • Psychological/social effects:  Obesity can cause children to be ostracized by their peers, resulting in anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.  This can effect both their academic performance and their overall sense of well-being.

Paragraph Three:  Tackling the problem of obesity in children

  • Education:  Both parents and children must be made aware of the dangers of obesity and the steps that can be taken to prevent this problem.
  • Physical fitness and healthy eating:  Encouraging families to engage in physical activity, make smart food choices, and limit their sedentary behaviors can create a positive and healthy environment that encourages physical fitness.
  • Avoiding diet traps:  The behaviors that children engage in will carry over into adulthood.  Thus, parents should ensure that they avoid placing their children on ‘fad’ diets that encourage ‘yo-yo’ weight loss and can result in further self esteem issues.


The current problem of obesity in children does not have a quick fix.  Instead, programs must be thoughtfully implemented in both homes and schools that encourage and empower children to take control of their physical fitness and caloric intake.  Such steps will ensure that America’s children are healthy, happy, and strong, and will result in better academic performance, social bonding, and overall well-being.


American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry. (May 2008). Obesity in children and teens. Facts for Families, 79. Retrieved from

Han, J. C., Lawlor, D.A., & Kimm, S.Y.S. (May 2010). Childhood obesity 2010: Progress and    challenges. Lancet, 375(9727): 1737-1748. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60171-7

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