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Commission on Environment and Energy, Essay Example

Pages: 1

Words: 336


According to the International Chamber of Commerce website, there are currently many issues regarding, trademarks, patents, and copyrights. Of particular interest is the involvement of the Commission on Environment and Energy in this process (ICC, n.d.). There is currently a lot of legal conflict between large corporations and individuals that promote environmental welfare. Ultimately, many of the products that large companies are producing compromises environmental safety due to the byproducts of the manufacturing process in addition to the use of the items that are manufactured. In addition, there is a lot of concern over whether parts of the natural environment, such as plants, can be patented by such industries. A prime example of this is the legal struggle that Monsanto faces with many small farmers. Since the company cannot fully control the life forms it produces, many claim that it is not ethical for them to take legal action against those that encounter their products as a consequence of environmental factors.

It is important to consider that many of the things that companies wish to patent are simply not realistic. For example, business plans that are universally executed should not be able to be patented because this does not constitute an original or new idea. Furthermore, life forms cannot be controlled by the company and can therefore not be technically owned. It is likely for living things to adapt to new environments and changes in a manner that is not predictable by the company that produced it. Therefore, in a legal context, it is also challenging to write out a patent for these products in a manner that allows them to be descriptive. While many individuals question the ownership of intellectual and physical property, it is apparent that many are taking claim for things that they did not create nor have responsibility to control. It is important for us to consider whether continuing this trend is beneficial or practical in any sense before we continue to allow it.


ICC. (n.d.). Commission on Environment and Energy. Retrieved from

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