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Education in Kuwait, Research Proposal Example
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The failure of Qatar students has gained much publicity. Many of the students who have come from independent school systems in Qatar have been able to maintain achievement in university settings. Nonetheless, this type of school based management can be effective when properly implemented. During the first years of the implementation of SBM in Qatar, there was no collaboration between testing boards and independent schools (Ali Dastmalchian, Mansour Javidan & Kamran Alam., 2001). As a result, schools were not able to prepare students for what examinations would cover. Proper coordination between schools and evaluation committees are imperative for proper preparedness of students in independent schools. School based management is an approach that will increase the authority and responsibility of individual school sites in Kuwait. By using this approach, officials are provided with mechanisms that will enhance educational outcomes within the school community. To ensure that the process is effective in Kuwait the systematic approach must be organized in such a way that change is feasible over time. The implementation must include each school’s ability to govern itself independently. The importance of the study is the fact that the experience of school autonomy is a recent experience in the Arab world. This fact makes the search for optimal system which is achieving the objectives of the educational process. By revealing the roles of some of those in charge of the implementation of these systems and programs, other schools will have a model to pattern their schools after. Focusing on the roles of principals in transition from central to decentralized management of schools in Kuwait will make the process easier to implement. Hence, the detection of imbalances and weaknesses that hinder the application process can be detected and remedied early. During this research process, we hope to propose mechanisms of development and modernization to be of help to the Ministry of Education in the implementation of this process in other schools. As well as, enrich the educational research literature in terms of shedding light on this experience.
Aims of Research
There are several aims of this research. I want to prove that schools in Kuwait would be more productive if they had autonomy in they way the school management system is designed. Also, I want to determine the kinds of responsibilities that one needs to change the center of the Central managed to decentralized schools in Kuwait. Next, I want to convey procedures school administrators can implement to make adaptation to this process easier. Finally, I want to analyze some of the challenges that school administrators will face when implementing decentralization within their systems.
Research Questions
- What is the need for schools in Kuwait to autonomy in school management system?
- What aspects of central management are needed to decentralized schools in Kuwait?
- What type of professional development is needed for school administrators to convert from central to decentralize systems?
- What are the challenges faced by school administrators in the management of the schools after the conversion from central to decentralized?
Research Objectives
Determine the perceptions of the initiative to develop education through school autonomy from the perspective of school administrators.
Identify the challenges and difficulties that may obstruct the march of independence of schools from the perspective of school administrators.
Theoretical Framework
The study will use a qualitative approach in collecting and analyzing information. To answer questions about the study, the researcher will follow a search method. Semi-open interviews and questionnaires will be used as tools to gather information. Currently, there is a great deal of international experience with education decentralization. Unfortunately, very few of these countries have completed an in depth evaluation of the before and after effects. Many systems have granted greater school autonomy as a result of low achievement within school systems.
Tanner and Stone (1998), conducted research on the role of the principal under SBM model. They used the Delphi technique to determine the opinions of employees working under this system. Eighty-six percent of the participants felt the SBM model was a better form of management than government leadership. Recent studies indicate that the impact of SBM on learning environments changed in a positive manner with the implementation of decentralization (Cranston, N. 2000). Principals who are now working in schools that are decentralized reported that they would not return to a system where decentralization had not occurred.
According to Ali Dastmalchian, Mansour Javidan & Kamran Alam. (2001), reform using the SBM is possible in Gulf States. The most important aspect of the school decentralization is the leadership. Leaders must possess a willing to change attitude. They must also be able to delegate decision making to all member of the team. More focus must be placed on teaching and learning in order to achieve academic success. They found that having decision making abilities made a positive correlation on teacher job satisfaction. Ikhlas, A. Abdalla & Moudi A. Al-Homond. (2001), also added that the independence of schools in other countries help to develop a social border and wealth relationships in the country. This process will also help to develop learning communities.
Cranston, N. (2000), reported that school improvement and teacher satisfaction improved under SBM models. Also, teachers who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to provide quality teaching. The idea of being independent, or being able to make choices that affect their work environment, seems to improve the morale on school campuses. When principals are satisfied with decisions, this tends to produce a friendly environment that both teacher and students are willing to commit to.
Daresh, J.C. (1998), found that decentralizing schools in the United States creating an environment where teaching and student achievement was main priority of all stakeholders. When teachers and administrators are provided with the necessary professional development, the outcome is favorable for all involved. It was also found that communities were more willing to provide financial support to schools that had autonomy. Statistics report that schools that were decentralized became vital schools because parents became more involved because they felt their impact was important. Parents revealed that they felt more valued in SBM schools Stake holders should have optimistic views of SBM schools. Positive results from SBM schools may not be seen for over five years after implementation. During this time both students and teachers are adapting to the changes that SBM will cause.
SBM models have been successfully implemented around the world. This type of reform for various reasons, with the most important reason being to improve student improvement. After review of the literature, it is obvious that the principal plays the most important role in the implementation of SBM. The decentralization of a school impacts the principals foremost because his duties change drastically. The principal has more complex duties in addition to becoming a partner in the instructional leadership of the school. Many principals feel that there is a conflict created between their management tasks and their leadership tasks. With the implementation of SBM, 63 percent agree that the conflict is eliminated (Beck, 1999). Consequently, principals report that they would not work in another system that does not have a SBM model in place.
Annotated Bibliography
Ali Dastmalchian, Mansour Javidan & Kamran Alam. (2001). Effective leadership and culture in Iran: An empirical study. Applied Psychology: An International Review. 50 (4) 532. This paper analyzes the characteristics of effective leadership in Iran, and then considers possible links between the leadership profile and cultural dimensions of the country. From the data provided by 300 managers from over 60 organizations within three industrial sectors, we start by using the dimensions of project GLOBE to assess the Iranian culture whose scores compare with those of other countries.
Beck, L., Murphy, J. (1998). Site-based management and School success: untangling the variables. School Effectiveness and School Improvement. 9(4) 358-385. The author discusses student achievement becomes the responsibility of the school when SBM is used. He believes that giving schools autonomy of their schools is change that will be in the best interest of the students.
Brown, D. J. (1990). Decentralization and school-based management. London: Falmer Press. Study was conducted in Prince William County School District to determine if SBM would improve student achievement. This process was used to implement school improvement plans when principals expressed their feelings that students would do better if teachers had more control over their classrooms.
Chion-Kenney, L. (1994). Site-based management & decision making: problems and solutions. Virginia: American Association of School Administrators. There are many types of SBM models used to decentralize school systems. Effective decentralization requires the implementation of basic components: delegation of authority, decision making, and leadership
Cranston, N. (2000). The impact of school-based management on primary school principals: An Australian perspective. Journal of School Leadership, 10, 214-232. These type schools usually use decision making committees that include stakeholders. Teachers, parents, and administrators usually are involved in the decision making ate primary schools.
Daresh, J.C. (1998). Professional development for school leadership: The impact of U.S. educational reform. International Journal of Educational Research, 29 (4), 323-333 Nearly one third of schools in the United States implemented a form of SBM between the years of 1986-1990. All of these schools reported that decision making was granted to sites. This choice produced many advantages.
Gall, J., Gall, M.D., & Borg, W. (1999). Applying educational research: a practical guide. New York: Addison Wesley Longman. SBM is the most significant reform that schools have implemented in over a decade. This process empowers educators and the surrounding communities. Teachers are more committed because they have a vested interest and are active participants.
Ikhlas, A. Abdalla & Moudi A. Al-Homond. (2001). Exploring the implicit leadership theory in the Arabian Gulf states. Applied Psychology: An international review. 50 (4). 506. Using data from Project GLOBE questionnaires administered to middle managers of Qatar (N = 101) and Kuwait (N = 78) and in-depth interviews with eleven middle managers from Qatar and ten from Kuwait, this study analyzes the characteristics of effective leadership in the Gulf States.
Murphy, J. & Beck, L.G. (1995). School-based management as school reform: Taking stock. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc. SBM has the most effect on the role of the leader-principal. The principal has the most challenging and changing role under SBM leadership.
Portin, B.S. (1998). Compounding roles: A study of Washington’s principals. International Journal of Educational Research, 29 (4), 335-346. The role of a principal has become more demanding. By using SBM, the principal has a leadership team, so all decision making does not fall upon the principal.
Rodriguez, T. & Slate, J. (2005). Site-based management: A review of the Literature Part II: Past and present status. Essays in Education. Teachers often feel that their expectations of the system are left unmet. Teachers’ personal satisfaction level significantly increased under SBM models.
Tanner, C.K. & Stone, C.D. (1998). School improvement policy: Have administrative Functions of principals changed in schools where site-based management is practiced?
Education Policy Analysis Archives, 6 (6), 1-23. Principals reported that their workloads increased under SBM, but they were not as stressed. The teachers’ perspective of principals changed during this model from the principal being a boss to becoming a co-worker.
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