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Gender and Technology Analysis Paper, Application Essay Example
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Technology is a highly defining element in the modern society. It could be understood that somehow, its power over the situations that are operating in the community of modern human individuals actually make a specific impact on how relative conditions of developments are occurring accordingly. This is also the same condition that is happening in the field of education. Individuals hoping to finish a degree in technology are observed to have been constantly divided because of gender differences between the students. Through the years, this particular trend that connects the issue of gender differences and preferences with that of the advancement of technology and the education behind it has startled several experts in the field.
Why is it that the field of modern computer technology education is spherically dominated by the male population? Could it be that the interest of female individuals is directed towards other matters because of intimidation and discrimination or are there other reasons connected to the matter? This discussion hopes to provide a well-defined background regarding the issue being given attention to. Through the use of research and reference to materials that have been collected through time, the clarification of the reasons behind the domination of male individuals in the field of technology-related education shall be given particular attention to.
The Condition of Seeing Computer Technology between Genders
Men are known for their desire to follow according to constructed logic. It is most often than not considered that computer defined education is specifically assumed to be governed by logic and mathematical operations. Establishing programs and making specific data-configured operations that require concentration on mathematical equations. Often, it is the men who are able to focus so much in relation to such tasks. Women on the other hand, are not exempted from such interest. Nevertheless, only a few members of the said gender are actually interested on the matter. The intense need to concentrate is more often than not becoming a great source of problem for female individuals wanting to engage in the expansive manner of being educated under technology courses.
According to the study conducted by Acker and Oatley (1993), they mention that it is often a common matter that women are underrepresented in the fields of science, technology and mathematics. Interestingly, it could be understood that it is with this condition of thinking that women are less interested in expanding their knowledge on computer technology all the more embracing the possibility of obtaining a career in the said field. In this case, when it comes to the population of women in the field, there are only at least 23% of the overall members of the course who belong to the feminine group who are able to remain in the field and later on become professionals in the same aspect of expertise.
It has been realized that for women to enter the field and remain there, they have to know the purpose of what they are doing, while men simply need to sustain the level of challenge that they receive from the tasks they are expected to complete according to the course. IN this case, women who are able to retain their interest in the field of technology are the ones who are able to find real meaning into what they are doing. Most often than not the meaning that they are able to confer with is specifically related to personal concerns. Gaining such meaning provides them with a good purpose to become more involved in the process of learning that the course offers.
On the other end, men need to know that they are being challenged continuously. Observably, it is the satisfaction of the said desire that keeps men interested in remaining fully concentrated in the procedures of creating programs according to the technical operations imposed through the course. Knowing the norms and cultures that modern technology is established with, it could be realized that challenge is a common factor in the field. It is also considered as the fuel that continues to drive technology into a path of continuous development. Through the years, the changes that occur in the field of technology likely make it easier for men to remain interested in the perfection of procedures relating to creating technological projects.
Evaluating the situation and the position of women versus men in establishments dedicated to improving the course of information technology in the society, it is most often than not that women remain in office-based positions handling more office-related tasks. Whereas men are most often than not found to be occupying the actual programming positions where they are able to expand their capacities of realizing the worth of their skills in computing through creating games and other interactive programs that makes the computer technology industry flourish today. Meanwhile, most programs that women create are connected to establishing a purpose and function for computer users. May it be an office-based development or a web-defined improvement, these programs often serve a great use to a large number of computer users around the globe. This then intends to separate the men from the women and how they view their position in the field of computer technology as creators and developers of programs relating to the field.
Understanding the Differences Based on Psychology
The psychology of femininity dictates that women are more inclined to engaging in activities that involve abstract thinking. Being more emotionally inclined individuals, women are noted to have better command on tasks that involve relative reasoning. On the other end, the psychology of masculinity suggests that men are more interested in following specific rules and regulations so as to arrive on a particular goal. This means that the structure of operation are established properly that they do not need to specifically go against the rules just to give life to their mind’s creations.
Although both genders are noted to have a balanced condition of being creative, it is most often than not that they impose such talent on matters that interest them both. As mentioned earlier, women often involve themselves in developing programs that are more functional. In a way, this is the reason why most of the programs for offices and other establishments are designed according to the needs of the users. The feminine approach in completing a task involves a conviction over the fact that they are able to contend with a particular need of the community even while doing what they love to do. Fondness over problem-solving then often becomes the key towards defining the desire of specific women to enjoin themselves into the field of developing computer technology. Finding the reason why they are in the field and what they can do for the society is a primary condition that women look for in specifically engaging in courses relating to computer technology.
Men on the other hand are interested in giving what the users ‘want’ over what they ‘need’. In a way, men are more interested in utilizing the realm of computing technology through creating entertaining games that could provide satisfaction to the computer and internet users worldwide. Applying their creativity in relation to the said matter, they are able to create stories that are most often than not beyond compare. Some of the stories are out of this world and yet men make it work for gamers to understand and appreciate accordingly. This is perhaps the same reason why most computer gamers are men. Only a few women are interested in engaging in highly challenging games that involve strategies and character definitions that require extreme manipulation on the part of the players.
To note, the difference of interest between men and women in relation to how they view technology as a valuable element that could define their career is based upon the fact that women embrace function, while men often embrace the capacity of technology to provide entertainment. In relation to what sector of computer technology specifically flourishes at present, it could be understood that the field of gaming develops dramatically. To the creation of thousands, if not millions, of games over the internet and also those that are dedicated for personal use, there is no end. Over the years, thousands of games have been created for online gaming, others for use at home and some others are dedicated to being run in personalized communication gadgets such as iPads and celphones.
Functional programs are also being fully accepted by the society. Nevertheless, very specific users choose them over gaming consoles that aim to provide excitement and entertainment. Most often than not, the market served by functional program is limited. This is the reason why more men are enticed to remaining in the industry of developing computer technology compared to women remaining interested and tied to the said field of profession.
Reaction and Reflection on Issue
Basing from the discussion presented herein, it could be realized that men and women differ in interest and purpose in engaging with the assumptive condition of dealing with the advancements of modern computing technology. Assuming the conditions of psychological definitions of the issue, it is presented that men are more inclined to ‘enjoy’ the challenge presented through the developing procedures of learning more about computer programming to be able to create software programs dedicated to modern media development and gaming.
On the other end, women find their purpose in engaging in the field of computer technology in defining the manner by which they are able to provide functional programs to their target market. While men and women are equally creative, the way they use such talent and skill differ so much especially if the matter of interest is to be compared between the said genders. Knowing this, it is then clarified that it is not the discrimination of gender that makes the difference of number of men from women in the field of technology possible. Instead, it is the personal desire of the said individuals that serves as the driving force behind the fact that the field of computer technology is dominated by men. There are instances when women are stereotyped because of the assumption of men being more interested in the field than women. Nevertheless, women who are really interested in the matter are able to convince experts in computer technology that they do belong in the field and that they could provide good resources that could improve the field further.
Today and in the future, it is assumed that technology will continue to play a great role in identifying the cause of development and progress in the face of modern communities. Understandably, as based from the discussion presented herein, exploring what men and women can do for such advancement would best help the field of information technology to accomplish the progress it hopes to embrace. Although men are more desirably working for challenge and women for function, it is the utilization of both sources of inspiration that could set the path of advancement in computer technology. It is through this approach that the field of computer technology would be able to find, welcome and hone talents that are necessary for bringing the said field into the next level of excellence which the coming generations of human civilizations would be able to enjoy.
Relatively, accepting the difference on the sources of inspiration between men and women would allow the institutions offering education for computer technology the chance to explore possible ways to get the best out of what they have. This way, they would be able to create possible sources of inspiration that would entice both the men and women to being hooked in establishing excellence in computer technology for their personal gain as well as for the hope of imposing social worth for themselves. This way, not only will the institutions of technology provide knowledge to the people, it would also provide them the inspiration to engage in the field that produces such beneficial possibilities.
Lawley, E. (1993). Computers and the communication of gender. Internet Training and Consulting Services. Retrieved from http://www.itcs.com/elawley/gender.html . (Retrieved on April 18, 2013)
Margolis, J., Fisher, A., & Miller, F. (1999). Caring about connection: Gender and computing. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 18(4), 13-20. Retrieved from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/gendergap/www/papers/IEEE99.html. (Retrieved on April 18, 2013)
Acker, S and Oakley, K. (1993). Gender issues in Education for Science and Technology: Current Situation and Prospects for Change. http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/1495386?uid=3738824&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&sid=21101920518543. (Retrieved on April 18, 2013)
Proctor, K. Scott (2011), Optimizing and Assessing Information Technology: Improving Business Project Execution, John Wiley & Sons.
Reynolds, George (2009), Ethics in Information Technology, Cengage Learning.
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