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Getting Things Done, Article Review Example

Pages: 1

Words: 292

Article Review
  1. Execution is not only a part of a tactic, but a system and discipline. Execution is a crucial part of the company’s culture and strategy. It is a way to act upon reality. It consists of three different processes: people, strategy and operations.
  2. The main reason why organizations fail to deliver its promises and goals is not because there is an error in the strategy, more importantly the fault of the execution. There is often a gap between the goals and the capabilities of the organization, resulting in poor execution and failure to deliver projects.
  3. All leaders need to practice execution on every level of the organization in order to produce results. It is often forgotten that leaders are responsible for getting things done, not only overseeing the processes. Business leaders need to engage in the business can fully understand the execution process and act upon challenges.
  4. The main building blocks of execution are: knowledge of the business and people, realism, setting clear goals and objectives, following through processes, rewarding doers, expanding on people’s capabilities and self-knowledge. Without knowing the processes, the business’ and people’s capabilities, the leader is unable to create a realistic plan.
  5. The operations process of the organization is nothing else but creating links between people, strategy and creating an execution plan. The operating plan is designed to create a framework for transition between strategy to operation. This includes setting goals, linking them to people and processes, gaining commitment and making judgments. Training and expanding the organization’s human capabilities to meet the requirements of the strategy is also important. The operations plan needs to be based on a previously created budget, translating the processes into executable actions.


Bossidy, L., Charan, R. (n.d.) Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done. Crown Business. Altfield Inc. Publication.

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