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Human Resource Management Performance Appraisal and Succession Design Systems, Essay Example

Pages: 4

Words: 1222



The importance of performance appraisal metrics and systems was explored in the research paper. The significance of succession planning for the leadership roles of an organization was reviewed. The thesis statement that was reviewed in the research paper is the importance of performance appraisal systems and succession planning on the profitability and competitive positions of organizations. The resources of    Clutterbuck (2012), Deb (2008), Debrincat (2014), Kressler (2003) and Mattone (2013) were accessed in the research.

Advantages of the Performance Appraisal Matrices

Human resources management is composed of a variety of essential components. One of the most essential components is the performance appraisal metric. The advantages of the performance appraisal systems incorporate the enhancement of communication within the personnel pool, in addition to the management pool. In addition, performance appraisal motivates group work and group think among organizational members. These dimensions are the ascertaining of the performance challenges, assessments of the work production and the administration of workforce production (Debrinat 15).

 Pre Appraisal Requisites

The pre- appraisal requisites are composed of a number of activities which include planning, evaluation of the work previously completed, work criteria, process documentation and systems communication. These activities are performed by organizations with the outcome of satisfying business goals. The post appraisal occupations incorporate the application of a design in order to enhance the process. The optimal outcomes of a suitable prepared and appropriately delivered performance appraisal systems have the capacity of being assessed on the specific dimensions. In the process of informally observing, the administrators have the capacities of examining the employees’ production. Another post appraisal occupation is the conducting of personal interviews between employees and supervisors regarding work production (Debrincat 42).

Appropriate Delivery of Feedback

In the delivery of feedback, the development of the employees must receive attention in addition to the employees’ performance. In the event that the feedback is ambiguous, the potential for miscommunication becomes greater. There are particular safeguards which can be implemented by supervisors for the effective application of the performance appraisal. One of the applications may include the formation of goals for sustaining the employees ‘performance. An additional application requires the supervisor to provide timely assessment and feedback. The next application is the effective review of the documents on an annual basis and conducting interviews with the employees (Deb 142).

Advantages for the Organization in Collaborating in Employee Professional Development

The advantages of an organization collaborating towards the employees’ professional development incorporates the alignment of the goals of the workforce with the comprehensive goals of the organization. The review of the department’s production is advantageous for sustaining the organization’s competitive advantage and enhancing the organization’s productivity. Regarding unit production and leadership, the individual and unit evaluations may result in promotions and bonuses. The employees who manifest successful performance appraisals have the capacity of supplying and producing values, principles and competencies which are requisites for organizational success (Deb 96).

 Unit Performance

The unit performance assists in starting the modifications which are requisites for the effective implementation of the organization procedures. The successful production of the unit acknowledges the challenges which correspond to organization effectiveness. in addition, the effective performance of the unit attempts to resolve these challenges. The units’ production can be measured by means of the application of dimensional tools. The optimization of the units’ performance can be obtained by means of encouraging team work and acknowledgement for the attainment of strategic goals. The assessment tools assist in communication, decision-making, production enhancement, unit cohesion and the production of successful strategies (Kressler 24).

Organizational Strategy

In order to sustain effective unit performance, the qualities which pertain to communication and collaboration with the units requires visualization as the significant elements of strategies regarding the evaluation of effective unit performance. In addition, the production of the individual employee is reviewed on a case by case basis. Furthermore, the distinctions between the unit and individual performance assessment are classified on the grounds of consistent feedback and the provision of positive reinforcement. The accountability of the units’ performance is reviewed by the administrators as well as stakeholders (Kressler 105). In the processes of democratic leadership in organizations, the positive working environment can be created by the units and the employees. It is more reliable to assess individual performance compared to the departments’ performance (Kressler 108).

Succession Planning

Succession planning infers the preparatory conditions for the supplanting of the organization leadership. Assessment, identification and development of leadership talent is required for maintaining the continuation of leadership regarding the attainment of the organizational goals. The formation of a robust leadership and transference of knowledge is perceived to be one of the most significant characteristics of succession planning. The enhancing of the competition between the employees for the leadership positions enables the improved retention of the employees, which has a positive outcome on the succession planning activity (Mattone 10).  Succession planning may be applied in order to educate the newly hired employees regarding the attainment of business goals (Mattone 25).

In succession planning, the employees who are trained and capable regarding the operational processes of the organization and the sustenance of the culture of the organization are cultivated for leadership. The organizations many apply succession planning for th4e creation of sustainable revenues and the preservation of organizational efficiency. An organization can apply succession planning by the implementation of a basic process. The processes involve connecting the strategic and planning decisions regarding the workforce. In addition, the organization’s human resource department may assess the gaps in the strategic and planning areas while acknowledging the talented employees and applying the recommended strategies. In addition, the developing of successful strategies regarding production are parts of the succession planning process (Mattone 37).

Supervisory and Stakeholder Activities

It is suggested that the stakeholders and the administrators of the organization periodically review the production of the employees while monitoring the efficiency of the management personnel. In addition, in order to facilitate performance appraisal and succession planning, it is recommended that the administrators direct the substance of effective relations with shareholder, community members and employees in the conducting of performance appraisals and succession planning activities (Clutterbuck 71).


The main points correlated with the research paper incorporated the valuation of the advantages which are delated to the organizations by the suitable and appropriate delivery of the performance appraisal systems. In addition, the stages required of supervisors in order to provide optimal effectiveness from the feedback delivered to the employees and the units had been reviewed. The important points of the research slosh incorporate the strategies applied by the human resource divisions of organizations for the evaluation of the individual performance, units’ performance and succession planning were examined.

Works Cited

Clutterbuck, David. The Talent Wave: Why Succession Planning Fails and What to Do about It. London, UK: Kogan Page, Ltd., 2012. Print.

Deb, Tapomoy. Performance Appraisal and Management. New Delhi, India: Excel Books, 2008. Print.

Debrincat, Grace. The Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal Systems: Employee Relations and Human Resources Management. Hamburg, Germany: Anchor Academic Publishing,     2014. Print.

Kressler, Herwig. Motivate and Reward: Performance Appraisal and Incentive Systems for Business Success. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Print.

Mattone, John. Powerful Succession Planning. New York, NY: AMACOM, 2013. Print.

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