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Implementing Flextime Culture at Work, Essay Example

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As you requested on February 10, this report outlines the result of my research and decision on whether our company should operate using flextime scheduling.

Working for a particular organization is one of the most common sources of life support for most individuals around the globe. The different ways by which work corresponds to the needs of the public is what makes such condition of development more insistent in the way it generally affects worker attitude, behavior and point of satisfaction (Schultz, et al, 2010). Through the years, human resource managers from different parts of the world are continuously being challenged to take on different points of strategies that give them a better sense of what they are supposed to do in order to increase worker satisfaction, thus lessening the rate of employee turnover from one point of operation towards another (Latham, et al, 2007). Among the realities that improve such concept of thinking is that of the ideal process by which time and effort are properly arranged hence making a more definite valuation of the elements of work that the employees are putting forward to complete the tasks that are assigned for them to accomplish. The flextime culture is one among the most basic points of changes and transformations that are being implemented in most modern organizations at present (Kornhauser, 1999). How this particular worker-strategy work relies on the concept of implementing the matter fully especially in making a definite impact on the vision and perception that the employees have toward their work and the worth that they play for the organization that they are engaged with (Uhrbrock,, 1999). In the presentation that follows, the implementation of this culture in determining the human resource management applied for InfoTech Inc. would fully benefit the business and its employees as well.

Company Background

InfoTech Inc. is a medium-scale IT Company that is situated in Florida. Its operation is handled by 200 employees operating in two specific branches of the business. The organization is basically mandated to engage in operations that are dedicated to assisting computer owners in maintaining their units and also getting necessary upgrades depending on the ways by which they use their computers. For quite some time in the business, InfoTech found it necessary for them to take on the chance to branch out in order to separate their point of support operation to target users; the branching out is dependent on how the organization is able to refocus its attention on the two basic forms of service it provides which includes an online and a non-internet point of support. Each branch operates under a 100 count of workers.

What is Flextime?

As mentioned, InfoTech tries to operate under a considerable set or flow of workers scheduled under their personal duties. It has been found however that in the process, these employees have been asking for several points of leaves within a month, making it harder for the organization to meet up with particular developments and quotas of service record that the business embraces accordingly. To face the situation, InfoTech aims to add up the Flextime culture into their system of daily operation. This kind of culture does impose on the manner by which the administrators adjust the time of work for each employee based on his or her actual availabilities, taking into account the employee’s background and personal responsibilities.

Main Point of Report

Only a few organizations are actually embracing such possibilities of operation because of the fear of giving too much consideration for the workers and not fully giving attention to what the organization actually needs from the workers (Staw, et al, 1996) . Some other administrators become rather concerned on how to deal with the separation of payments that are needed by each employee if the schedules of duties are to be adjusted and are rather lessened in nature to be able to allow for more flexible work dates (Hoppock, 1995). Nevertheless, it could not be denied that the real success behind the application or implementation of this particular rule depends on the manner by which the administrators learn through the concept of convenience and comfort that the employees primarily require especially for the sake of determining the real value of work that the employees apply for the sake of assisting in the process of making a difference on how the organization reaches its goals.

Pros and Cons of the Flextime Culture


  • Adapting to flextime schedule might mean that employees would be paid less than those who are to work in a completely defined full-time schedule that requires daily attendance to their duties.


  • What makes flextime effective is that the employees are allowed to breath and are not pressured to remain in a schedule that is basically inconvenient for them based on the situation that they have to deal with in a personal state. Giving them more time to breath allows them to become more productive (Staw, et al, 2005).
  • It has been observed that this approach has lessened the instances by which individual workers ask for sick leave or other vacation leave schedules (Arvey, et al, 1999) . Practically, these leave-requests have been causing a commotion on the schedule being reached by the organization; however, with the use of flextime culture, employees are given a better sense of arranging their own schedule (Judge, et al, 1997).
  • Somehow, this point of arrangement allows them to make adjustments on their personal activities to make sure that their work fit their given duties properly.
  • it does present a rather supportive concept of improvement on how work and recreation as well as rest are balanced accordingly (Huseman. et al, 1997).
  • Making a definite impact on how they view their work, employees are allowed to make a distinct understanding on how they are able to manage their resources [including their time and effort] that they are using as an investment in completing their tasks, hence reducing instances by which they jeopardize the set schedule of the organization in reaching particular goals or quotas through putting their personal concerns first in line (Adams, 1995).


Allowing the employees to decide on whether they are to take the flextime schedule or the regular schedule would best work especially for those who may be concerned on how they are to be paid according to the point of work that they are providing the organization (Walster, et al, 1993). Relatively, the capacity of the employees to pick from some options does create a more responsive work on how each worker is able to make a definite decision that would allow him or her to accept the consequences of such choice of work-schedule.


Following the demands of the employees may seem a lame choice for some administrators. Somehow, it is this point of choice that makes an organization’s operation more effective and efficient in serving the needs of the target clients. It is believed that with the satisfaction that the workers feel, they would be able to perform better especially for the sake of reaching the goals that have been set for them to accomplish in consideration with the role that they take into account. With the implementation of flextime culture in the organization, it is believed that the business would take a more definite course of advancement that is expected to empower the organization as a whole.


Latham, G. P., & Budworth, M. H. (2007). The study of work motivation in the 20th century. In L. L. Koppes (Ed.) Historical perspectives in industrial and organizational psychology (pp. 353-381). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Kornhauser, A. W. (1999). “Industrial psychology in England, Germany and the United States”. Personnel Journal 8: 421–434.

Uhrbrock, R. S. (1999). “Attitudes of 4430 employees”. The Journal of Social Psychology 5: 365–377.

Hoppock, R. (1995). Job satisfaction. Oxford, England: Harper.

Staw, B. M.; Bell, N. E.; Clausen, J. A. (1996). “The dispositional approach to job attitudes: A lifetime longitudinal test”.Administrative Science Quarterly 31 (1): 56–77.

Staw, B. M.; Cohen-Charash, Y. (2005). “The dispositional approach to job satisfaction: More than a mirage, but not yet an oasis: Comment”. Journal of Organizational Behavior 26 (1): 59–78.

Arvey, R. D.; Bouchard, T. J.; Segal, N. L.; Abraham, L. M. (1999). “Job satisfaction: Environmental and genetic components”. Journal of Applied Psychology 74: 187–192. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.74.2.187.

Judge, T. A.; Locke, E. A.; Durham, C. C. (1997). “The dispositional causes of job satisfaction: A core evaluations approach“. Research in Organizational Behavior 19: 151–188.

Adams, J. S. (1995). Inequity in social exchange. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (pp. 276-299). New York: Academic Press.

Walster, E. E. Berscheid and G. W. Walster. (1993). “New Directions in Equity Research.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. pp. 151-176.

Huseman, R.; Hatfield, J.; Miles, E. (1997). “A New Perspective on Equity Theory: The Equity Sensitivity Construct”. Academy of Management Review 12 (2): 232–234.

Schultz, Duane P. Schultz, Sydney Ellen (2010). Psychology and work today : an introduction to industrial and organizational psychology (10th ed. ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. p. 71.

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