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Meditation: Too Busy, Intimidated or Scattered to Meditate? Article Review Example

Pages: 1

Words: 290

Article Review

This particular engaging article not only provided a fundamental guide of mediation practice for beginners but also described meaningful points. The article describes in the beginning the benefits of mediation process for any individual especially if they don’t know how to do it or how to go about doing it.

This article identified five different kinds of mediation so individuals can easily pick any process that best fits him or her. I really enjoyed this guide as it was significantly tailored to those who do not know anything about this practice. Mediation is the process that can help anyone in their stress and exhaustion in their lives. It has a lot of health and mental benefits.

This article mentioned that mediation can be a lot of help for individuals who are struggling with medical problems, for instance, hypertension, and poor circulation and ease mental problems.

Since I have evaluated all the different mediation processes that were provided in the article but I was interested in “listening mediation”. The good thing about that practice was that all examples provided were self explanatory and take only few minutes each. This mediation practice best fit my busy schedule.

Listening medication is a perfect process for me because it can be managed anywhere. “Listening mediation can be practiced in crowded, noisy situations, on a bus, at the office, that would hinder other styles. It is portable and adaptable” (Lefkowitz, 2010).

This quote will motivate anyone to just try mediation practice even if they don’t feel it is right for them. This article is well written but I had only trouble with one section. In my opinion the walking mediation described in the article is very complicated.


Lefkowitz, F. (2010) Meditation made easy: too busy, intimidated or scattered to meditate.;col1.

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